Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 438 You said His Royal Highness has been creating opportunities to meet you by chance?

Chapter 438 You said His Royal Highness has been creating opportunities to meet you by chance?

Crown Prince Mo Han shook his head. "Nothing! You can continue to eat!"

Chen Yuyue looked up at Prince Mohan.He guessed in his heart whether the sudden change in Prince Mohan's face was due to the next door Baozhu County Lord.Although Chen Yuyue had a smile on her face, she hated Princess Baozhu very much in her heart. Why did she, County Princess Baozhu, draw so much attention from His Royal Highness without doing anything.Obviously she didn't give the prince a good face, but the prince has always treated her so well.Thinking of this, Chen Yuyue's face couldn't help turning ugly.

"Miss Chen, but the food is not to your liking?" Miss Su saw Chen Yuyue biting her lip, her face was a little ugly.Immediately said with a smile.

"No! The food tastes very good!" Chen Yuyue immediately came back to her senses, looked at everyone's eyes and looked at herself, and immediately said with a smile.

Crown Prince Mo Han also took a few more glances at Chen Yuyue.

Chen Yuyue felt Prince Mohan's eyes, and immediately lowered her head and ate the food in small bites.I was still a little happy that His Highness the Crown Prince looked at him so tenderly.

After Bai Ruo returned to the mansion, she told Yun Nuan about the matter.

"You said His Royal Highness has been creating opportunities to meet you by chance?" Yun Nuan raised her heart again when she heard the few things said by her youngest daughter.It seems that Empress Su and the prince have never given up.I have to let my daughter be the princess.Yun Nuan was very upset, she decided to have a good talk with Bai Li after Bai Li came back.Let him make it clear with Emperor Tianqi.Her daughter will never enter the palace, and she doesn't want her daughter to go to the cannibal palace.

"Then don't go out during these times, or it will be bad if you meet Miss Chen again." Yun Nuan recovered a little, and said gently.

Jing Zhaoyin investigated the matter of Chen Yuyue startling the horse, and it turned out to be an accident.It's not artificial!
Although Master Chen and Mrs. Chen Li had doubts in their hearts, they also accepted the result.

But Bai Li and Yun Nuan didn't believe that it was an accident.How could it be such a coincidence.

"I listen to mother!" Bai Ruo didn't want his family to worry about him, even though his martial arts were pretty good now.But there are too many unexpected things in the world.If one is not careful, maybe something big will happen.

Bai Li and the cabinet ministers are very busy now.The transition season between spring and summer is the season of flooding.From time to time, there will be official documents reported that a certain place has been affected again, how many houses have collapsed in a certain place, how many people have been injured, and how many people have become refugees!

And that Mr. Su was also found.Died in a broken house that had been vacant for a long time.Emperor Tianqi became furious and reprimanded a group of ministers.They are limited to find out the matter within one month.Otherwise, those responsible will be punished.

But Concubine Liu's faction was triumphant.With Mr. Su dead, it is even more difficult to find out.This pot, the Su family will bear it!If the truth cannot be found out within a month.Then Su Guogong must be blamed.And the person who takes the blame cannot be a small person.At that time, several people from Su's faction can be acquired.

"Li'er, you stay quietly these days and don't do anything. Otherwise, your father might get angry with you." Concubine Liu Gui urged the second prince, Mo Li.Emperor Apocalypse's heart has completely turned to that bitch Su and her son.If I hadn't been in business for so many years, with a solid foundation, I might have been relegated to the cold palace long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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