Chapter 44
Bai Ruo and Bei Mingyue started in the morning and made more than ten altars of peach blossom wine in the afternoon.

Not long after it was finished, a court lady asked to see her.

"Xiaoxian has seen the princess!"

"What's the matter?" Bai Ruo asked.

"The emperor invites you to the main hall. The prince of the heavenly clan is here."

Bai Ruo was a little stunned.How could he come after him so quickly.

Bai Ruo felt a little uncomfortable.But no matter what, you have to face it.

"Let's go!" Bai Ruo raised her foot and walked towards the main hall.When Bei Mingyue heard that the prince of the Tian clan was coming, she was very angry. She wanted to see what the person who bullied Sister Bai Ruo looked like.To be so blind, don't want such a good person, what kind of junior sister do you like.He also slapped sister Bai Ruo in the face in public.

When Bai Ruo walked into the hall, he saw Emperor Mohan in white clothes.It seems that he is dressed in black except for white clothes.

Ji Wuya is also in the hall.Mrs. Bai is not here, probably because Ji Wuya is afraid that his second sister will lose her temper.That's why she wasn't allowed to come.

"Little sister, the prince of the Tianzu came to talk to you about something." Ji Wuya said to Bai Ruo with some embarrassment.

Bai Ruo took a deep breath and spoke. "what on earth do you want?"

"Don't you always know my request?" Di Mohan said. "As long as you go to my father to withdraw the engagement, I will agree to whatever you ask!"

Bai Ruo sneered after hearing this. "You made me lose all face in the world, and I still want to help you get rid of the engagement? You hit me on the left cheek, and I want to give the right cheek?"

"I won't marry you, what's the point of you guarding this false name?" Di Mohan froze for a moment, and said.

"I still say the same thing. If you discuss with me in advance, I will agree. Now that you slap me in the face like this, I will not agree to your request. You can ask Tianjun to withdraw the engagement yourself. I would love to have it back! But I won't speak."

"You..." Di Mohan didn't expect Bai Ruo to be so unreasonable.

"I admit that it was my fault for renouncing the engagement in public. I apologize to you. You can tell me what you want." Di Mohan said. "But our marriage itself was a mistake. I don't love you, and you don't like me. In that case, why don't we each be safe?"

"No matter how much you say, it's meaningless! I won't change my mind. My Yao Chi and your Heavenly Court are on equal footing. This time I didn't ask Tianjun to kill Yue Linglong. It's already very good. If you keep getting entangled, Don't blame me for being cruel!" Bai Ruo said angrily.All the fairy families I met along the way were discussing their rejection of marriage in public.There are all kinds of versions, and I originally planned to return it.But after hearing so many gossip.She suddenly didn't want to divorce.Why should I suffer from gossip?What did I do wrong?
"So you are the prince of the Heavenly Clan! You look good, but why is your character so bad? Are you blind? My sister Bai Ruo is so beautiful and powerful. How dare you bully people like this? You even chased me all the way to bully you!" Her?" Bei Mingyue was very angry when she heard Di Mohan's words.Jumped out and reprimanded Di Mohan.

"Who are you?" Di Mohan didn't expect that the matter would not be settled, but a little girl would scold him instead.

"I'm Princess Beiming. Are you a heavenly clan prince? My elder sister Bairuo is so beautiful, so many people pursue her."

(End of this chapter)

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