Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 457 Say 1 Set Do 1 Set

Chapter 457 Say one thing and do another

After Prince Mohan found out the truth of the matter.I froze for a while.Isn't the Bai family unwilling to marry the Lord Baozhu?How could this matter be spread out?Could it be that he found out about Miss Chen saving himself?Knowing that in the end, she couldn't avoid marrying into the royal family.So he kicked out Miss Chen who saved her first?

The Crown Prince Mo Han was instantly furious.This is the Bai family?They say one thing and do another?On the surface, she was so wronged that she didn't want to become the crown princess, and didn't want to participate in the battle between herself and the second prince Moli.But he released such news in private.If it wasn't for the news leak, how could Miss Chen be married to the second prince?Crown Prince Mo Han remembered the news from the secret guard, Miss Chen fell into a coma with grief when she received the order.

"Okay! Very good! If this is the case, don't blame me for being cruel!" Prince Mohan said ruthlessly after reading all the information.

Empress Su was also stunned for a while when she heard the prince's report. "Is there any misunderstanding?" Bai Li and Yun Nuan said from the very beginning that they did not want the Lord Baozhu to enter the palace.It will not intervene in the battle for the throne.How could such news be released?
"What's the misunderstanding?" Prince Mo Leng smiled. "Who in the world doesn't love power? Bai Shoufu and his father grew up together. They are like brothers. Knowing people and faces but not their hearts, who knows if they have other thoughts in their hearts? If they really don't want to enter the palace, they don't want to participate in the battle for the throne. Why did you release such news suddenly? Isn't it because you are afraid that Miss Chen will marry into the palace, which will affect the status of Baozhu County Lord?"

Queen Su said this when she saw the prince.He was also a little angry at the Bai family's move.If Miss Chen didn't save Han'er.Han'er will definitely die, so what's next?If Han'er died, then she would be finished.There are hundreds of people in the Su family, and it is definitely impossible to keep a single one alive.I and the prince have always treated the Bai family with courtesy, and I have always wanted the princess of Baozhu County to be the princess.As a result, they said one thing and did another.On the surface, she said that she didn't want to be the princess, but in private she framed her benefactor.Doesn't this eliminate differences?
After discussing with the prince, Empress Su went to find Emperor Tianqi.

Empress Su told Emperor Tianqi about Prince Mo Han's analysis, and Emperor Tianqi felt a little guilty about the prince.Hearing what Empress Su said, she also felt that it was right.

"Your Majesty, the concubine feels that this matter cannot be dragged on any longer. Since the Bai family did this, it means that they care about the position of the crown princess. You can just make an order. The concubine thinks that you give them a chance to consider. But they don't cherish it." Opportunity. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have done such a thing. The concubine planned to give Miss Chen to Han’er as a side concubine years ago, and was thinking of asking you to make an order when the crown princess is appointed,” Queen Su said. Just a little sad. "Han'er is also very sad these days. Han'er has a heart for this Miss Chen. Now it's like this...the concubine is really sad...and Concubine Liu Gui and the others know that Miss Chen saved Han'er At this time, please make an order. Do you think that they are attacking Chen Qie and Han'er for revenge on Miss Chen? If so, Miss Chen will have a hard life in this life!" Queen Su is very smart, she said God does not blame Emperor Tianqi.Only push all the matters to Concubine Liu Gui and the second prince Mo Li. "The concubine is very grateful to Miss Chen, but now...the concubine really doesn't know what to do."

 Today is May 5th, and I have known him for ten years.very sad!Never feel sad again, do your best!All I miss is the man who was kind to me back then. . .

(End of this chapter)

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