Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 465 You and Miss Su will be a family from now on

Chapter 465 You and Miss Su will be a family from now on

"Miss, please don't embarrass me!" The waiter knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

A guard dragged the shop waiter away, this movement attracted many people's silent attention.

"What's going on?" Bai Ruo asked.

When Miss Su saw Bai Ruo, she immediately stepped forward with a smile. "I have met the Lord of Baozhu County!"

"I have met the Lord of Baozhu County!"

'I have seen the Lord of Baozhu County! "When the ladies saw Bai Ruo, they immediately stepped forward to greet her.

Although Chen Yuyue was very unconvinced.But he didn't dare not salute Bai Ruo in front of everyone.

When the waiter saw Bai Ruo coming, it was as if he saw a savior.

"Little one, I have seen the Lord of Baozhu County!"

"Get up! Tell me what's going on?" Bai Ruo actually heard something.But she still let the waiter speak for herself.

"Going back to the county lord, it's the ladies who want to eat in your wing, and the younger ones won't let you!" The waiter in the shop said the matter directly and clearly.

"County lord, you will be Miss Su's concubine's cousin from now on. We thought you wouldn't come over today. I thought the view from the side room over there would be much better. That's why I thought about having dinner there. You don't mind, do you?" "

"That's right! County lord, you and Miss Su will be a family in the future. You shouldn't be so stingy, right?"

"The county lord has always been very considerate and will definitely not refuse!"

Miss Su also said to Bai Ruo with a smile all over her face. "Master Baozhu County, it's a rare meeting today. I'll treat you to this meal! Let's have dinner together!"

All the ladies praised Bai Ruo one after another, making Bai Ruo agree with both inside and outside the words.If you disagree, you are stingy and incomprehensible.In their view, His Royal Highness does not have a biological sister.Miss Su has always been loved by Empress Su.Not much different from my own daughter.The same is true for the sister-in-law who has no direct relatives.If the Lord Baozhu is smart.He should be ingratiating himself to Miss Su.Maybe in the future Miss Su will be able to speak well for the Lord Baozhu.

"I don't mind! I always like to be quiet! The ladies' rooms are next door. Please go back. Please don't disturb the meal with Ms. Xu Er!" Bai Ruo sneered in her heart when she heard what they said.


The ladies did not expect that the head of Baozhu County would refuse.And speak so directly.

"Master Baozhu County, although you have been given a marriage to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. You are the future Crown Princess! But Miss Su is the Prince's cousin. The empress treats Miss Su as if she is her own. Are you going too far?" "

"That's right! Although you are honorable, Lord Baozhu, you shouldn't be so arrogant!"

"That's right! Miss Su is also kind. You actually refused like this..."

Chen Yuyue heard that the head of Baozhu County actually rejected Miss Su's invitation.I was overjoyed.She also didn't expect that the owner of Baozhu County would reject Miss Su in front of all the ladies.Such a slap in the face is too cruel.If I am sure I am very happy to agree.After all, it is very important to have a good relationship with Miss Su.If in the future she would say nice things to the empress more and more.The empress would definitely treat Princess Baozhu better.

Miss Su was suddenly a little annoyed.She didn't expect the Lord Baozhu to be so ignorant.It's all said here, but he still refuses himself.If it gets out, where will I put my face?

 I am very happy today~ Work hard to save the manuscript!Fight for the fire in July!
(End of this chapter)

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