Liaozhai Great Sage

Chapter 297 Chess Skills

Chapter 297 Chess Skills
The quality of poetry and prose varies from person to person. Everyone has different tastes and preferences, and there will be biases.

Therefore, in the imperial examination field, many candidates will inquire about the preferences of the chief examiners who review the test papers, so as to cater to the preferences of the examiners, so that it is easier for them to obtain fame.

Right now, there is no examiner or judge in the poetry competition. The quality of a poem depends entirely on two mouths. Naturally, no one will admit that their poems are worse than others. Therefore, in order to show fairness, they have to invite the gods in the sky to judge. up.

Li Xiuyuan burned incense and enshrined it in front of Wenquxing's altar, and then prayed, hoping that this incense could connect with the heaven and the earth, and invite the gods in the sky to judge.

Although they made a bet with the gods of Tiangong at the beginning, they removed all the ghosts and gods in Yangzhou, but the matter of inviting the gods was not within the scope of the bet.

The three sticks of incense burned quietly, turned into a stream of incense and flew out of the hall, then went straight to the clouds, and finally disappeared in the nine heavens.

This incense is not an ordinary incense, it is specially made by Li Xiuyuan.

It was originally reserved for Xiaomei to enjoy, to increase her Taoism, so that she could get rid of her identity as a female ghost as soon as possible, but now Xiaomei stayed in Guo Beicheng and practiced the immortal family method with the blind Taoist, and this incense would not be needed for a while.

"Can he really invite the gods from the sky?" Hu Hei was hesitant when he saw Li Xiuyuan's move, but he was also particularly concerned.

If he can invite the natural Wenquxing, then he can also invite other gods in the sky.

In this way, the threat of this person is self-evident.

Even a mere mortal is an existence that cannot be underestimated, not to mention that this person has unpredictable supernatural abilities.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to avenge the destruction of my son's body." Hu Hei couldn't help thinking with such regret in his heart.

But he didn't think about how many descendants of Hu Han's fox clan died in this catastrophe. If revenge was mentioned, Hu Han's hatred would be enough to kill the Hu Hei clan before he could stop.

"It's been a while, where is the Wenquxing you invited?" At this moment, Li Liangjin became impatient: "If you don't have the ability to invite gods, don't shame yourself here and show off some of your supernatural tricks. "

"My prayers go up to the sky with the incense. If the gods in the sky receive them, it will take a while. If you get impatient, we can start the second round of the competition. At that time, it will not be judged until the stars in the sky come down to earth." Late." Li Xiuyuan said calmly.

Please God is not so fast, always on call.

It will take some time to deliver the news, and the gods will have to be free before they manifest themselves.

Li Liangjin said: "Don't say that I won't give you a chance. Since you want to delay the first competition, then I will follow you. But after the second competition, if there is no god, then you can wait for this young master." Come on, I will not spare you lightly."

"It seems as if you will definitely win, the second game is up to me, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry and poetry, we compete in chess."

"A game of chess can be scored without judgment. This is the fairest literary competition." Li Xiuyuan said.

"Okay, I'll play a game of chess with you." Li Liangjin immediately agreed, looking very confident.

In his spare time, he participated in various literary meetings in Jinling City, and played chess often when he went to various elegant places. Although his chess skills are not superb, not as good as many chess masters in Jinling City, he thinks his chess skills are also good. Absolutely not bad, at least it's no problem to beat this warrior, he doesn't believe that this warrior still has such a leisurely way to go on.

Moreover, he also agrees with one sentence, chess skills cannot be cheated, it is clear at a glance who wins and who loses, there is no room for sophistry.

"Bring the chessboard." Li Liangjin said to a fox girl next to him.

The fox girl responded, and retreated gracefully, and quickly brought out a chessboard from a side room, arranged cushions beside it, and waited for the two to take their seats.

"Please." Li Liangjin waved his sleeves, walked up, and sat down directly.

Li Xiuyuan smiled and sat down immediately.

He was not proficient in chess before, but now... not necessarily.

Back then, in order to save his father Li Dafu, he played chess with the thousand-year-old Polygonum multiflorum essence on Wangchuan Mountain for three full days. He has already engraved that kind of ghost-like chess game in his heart. He also learned five or six points of his level, and finally won him a son when his words shook his mind.

And how high is the chess skill of the Millennium Polygonum multiflorum?
It is simply unimaginable.

This old man was waiting to become a fairy on the mountain, and when he was bored, he played chess with himself for decades, and his chess skills are probably invincible in the world.

With his level of five or six points, Li Xiuyuan feels that he can sweep most chess players in the world.

"I'm black, so I'll go first." Li Liangjin said flatly, and he won't go to guess odds and evens with Li Xiuyuan.

At this time, winning or losing is very important, not only a matter of face, but also many entanglements, so you can only win but not lose.

Even if he won the last round, he must win this round.

Li Xiuyuan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, if you play first, I will let you play first."

Whoever plays Go first wins first, but Li Liangjin is the first, so he probably has his own way of thinking about how to play Go.

It's so good, today I will be a Polygonum multiflorum essence, and let him experience how breathtaking the chess skills of this thousand-year-old monster are.

"Crack~!" Without thinking, Li Xiuyuan made a blow.

Li Liangjin's expression remained the same, and he also turned back.

Without even thinking about it, Li Xiuyuan made another move, as if he already had a chess game in his mind, and he just needed to follow the chess game, and he didn't need to think much at all.

"How does this Li Xiuyuan play chess? He rushes every step of the way. It's just a mess."

"This guy likes to use the aggressive method most, which is probably one of his methods. He uses fast chess to put pressure on Brother Li and make him confused. Chess skills are the same. Although the competition in the chess game is important, but the game outside the chess game is very important. You can't ignore the competition, because when you play chess, you may lose your mind for a while because of a sentence, and you will make a wrong move. As a result, you will make mistakes every step of the way, and you will lose the whole game."

After the previous poetry competition, the two scholars did not dare to underestimate Li Xiuyuan, a martial artist.

Although they despised Li Xiuyuan, a reckless man with all martial arts skills, they also felt from his poems that his talent was no less than that of Li Liangjin.

People with such talents have other attainments that are not low.


After Li Xiuyuan waited for him to make a move, he quickly took a move, the difference between each other was less than half a breath.

Li Liangjin's face turned cold, and he looked at Li Xiuyuan: "Do you think you can win if you play chess quickly?"

"Playing fast may not necessarily win, but your piece of chess is already dead. Sometimes you will make more mistakes if you think too much. It is useless to hesitate." Li Xiuyuan smiled and directly picked up a small piece of his chess piece. .

Li Liangjin glanced at the chessboard and felt aggrieved.

Where did this Li Xiuyuan learn his chess skills? Before, his chess pieces were so fast that it looked like an antelope hanging horns. In fact, when he came back to his senses, his own chess pieces were strangled. If this continues, the situation may not be good. up.

What he didn't know was that Li Xiuyuan was dizzy at the beginning when he was beaten by Polygonum multiflorum.

I lost before I understood what was going on.

Time gradually passed.

Li Liangjin's falling speed is getting slower and slower, but Li Xiuyuan's falling speed is still so fierce and swift. His one fell hesitantly, Li Xiuyuan immediately followed, and then looked again, only to find that his own son was strangled again took a slice.

"Young people should be patient when playing chess, don't worry, play after thinking about it." Li Xiuyuan smiled slightly, looking at Li Liangjin who was hesitant and frowning in deep thought.

Li Liangjin was aggrieved when he heard this, and he was even more angry, with the urge to blow the chessboard away.

Li Xiuyuan can understand his feelings, because he has also experienced the frustration of playing chess with He Shou Wu Jing.

It is indeed uncomfortable to be crushed ruthlessly, especially when your victory or defeat is very important to you, it is even more uncomfortable in your heart.

"Do you still want to think about it? You've been thinking about it for a long time, maybe you want to delay the time." Li Xiuyuan said.

Looking at the chessboard again, Li Liangjin's black pieces are not much left, but anyone who can play chess knows that there is no way to recover, unless Li Xiuyuan suddenly becomes a chess idiot, then there is a possibility of winning.

"You have won this game, you can't play anymore." Li Liangjin waved his hand angrily, dropped the chess piece in his hand, and then stood up: "But don't be complacent, we haven't won yet, and there is still a third There is no comparison."

"Maybe there is no need to compete in the third game, don't you smell something?" Li Xiuyuan smiled.

Li Liangjin's nose moved, but he smelled a strong scent of incense that filled the entire hall with the smell of books and ink.

This fragrance cannot be achieved by the previous three-pillar incense.

Suddenly, Li Liangjin saw an elegant middle-aged man who did not know when was sitting behind the main seat and the god seat. The style of the god's clothes, looking at his appearance, made him suddenly turn pale with shock.

It turned out to be the appearance of the champion of the last subject.

"Here, are you a human or a ghost?" Li Liangjin suddenly became surprised.

You must know that the number one scholar in the last subject was dispatched to a remote county town as a county magistrate because he offended a villain at the court, but he died of illness halfway.

But when he heard the news, he still sighed because of this, thinking that the number one scholar had visited Jinling City before he won the first prize, and he had seen him before, but now only a few years later, a generation of number one scholar has buried his bones in a foreign land.

Li Xiuyuan's expression remained normal, and he saluted and said, "Is this the Wenqu Monarch in the sky?"

He respected the gods, but he was not humble.

(End of this chapter)

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