Chapter 90

Xia Xiangxi's heart sank, feeling a little bad.

Grandpa said that the more shallow the zombie, the greater the smell of feces.A deep zombie can hide its own smell.Compared with zombies, ghosts do not have such a strong smell, and on the contrary to zombies, the more skilled ghosts, the heavier the yin energy on their body, and those ghosts with no moral skills will not have a strong yin energy.

Xia Xiangxi held her breath and let herself hold her breath for a while. This was to temporarily isolate the smell of the air. When she could hardly hold her breath, she took a long breath, trying to smell the smell of the two policemen. Son.

The result made Xia Xiangxi very worried. She didn't smell anything, and deliberately approached the policeman driving in the front seat. She couldn't even smell the shampoo on his hair, or the most basic smell of sweat.This is even more evidence for Xia Xiangxi to confirm that he got in a ghost car.It is summer now, and for ordinary people, it is impossible to have no smell in the hair.If there is no shampoo smell, then there should also be the oily smell of the scalp after sweating.This policeman is too clean, as clean as a ghost!
Xia Xiangxi clenched her hand involuntarily.She felt that she really met her opponent this time.These two must be very skilled zombies.Xia Xiangxi wanted to remind Zola beside her to pay attention, but what was even more strange was that Zola leaned on the car seat with her neck crooked, as if she had fallen asleep.Xia Xiangxi touched her hand, it was icy cold!

Xia Xiangxi's heart thumped, as if sinking to the bottom of the lake.Unwillingly shake Zola once again, after touching Zola's hand, the sound transmitted is like touching a piece of paper.Xia Xiangxi tried hard to take a closer look, this is not Zola, it is just a paper man, wearing Zola's clothes is true, the person has already shown his true form.

Xia Xiangxi looked forward again, and the sky was already slightly pale.Now I understand, no wonder this paper man will reveal his true form, the sky is about to dawn.Xia Xiangxi took a closer look at the two policemen and knew that he had guessed completely wrong.These are not zombies or ordinary ghosts, but two ghosts!Bull head and horse noodles!
The most ridiculous thing is that they have shown a bull's head and a horse's face, but the people are still wearing police clothes.

"You two bad guys, stop pretending, you're showing off!" Xia Xiangxi wasn't afraid at all, she felt that something was wrong with Zola earlier this night, but she finally got tricked.

Hearing what Xia Xiangxi said, Niutou Mamian shook his body, revealing his official uniform.He smiled ferociously at Xia Xiangxi and said, "Yaowa, we brothers have captured you for so long, and finally we caught you!"

Xia Xiangxi was taken aback, they didn't call her name.She felt that they must have caught the wrong person, so she hurriedly defended herself.

The bull head said: "Stop talking nonsense, if it weren't for Huanhuan, we still wouldn't be able to catch you!"

Xia Xiangxi immediately felt that the words were wrong, how could it be Huanhuan?Isn't it Zola?

But the horse face said: "It's Huanhuan! That Zola, she's already a walking dead! Now her ghost is still being held by the underworld. You two should go to hell together!"

Xia Xiangxi was covered in cold sweat, she didn't know that Zola was already dead when he met her, or just died during the meeting?The bull-headed horse-face naturally refused to tell her.Xia Xiangxi could only sort it out by herself, remembering that when she first met Zola, she had a cold demeanor, which was really different from the savage and ghostly Zola when she got along these days.If there is a mistake, it will come out in the basement of Master Hong's house.At that time, Zola was in a daze. At that time, she thought that Zola couldn't bear the blow and was stimulated...

And Zola's words that didn't convey what he meant, while saying that he couldn't reveal his identity because of his errands, at the same time told her that she should have noticed something wrong at that time.The general idea is that she didn't expect that Huanhuan would follow her and Minghao to Hangzhou at the beginning.

The surrounding sky became slightly brighter, but it was not the color of dawn, but entered the underworld.The thick mist like rice soup is slowly separating the world from the underworld.

"It's already like this, so can the two poor brothers tell me? Where is my body now?" Xia Xiangxi was not nervous, and she had never been to the underworld?

Niutou said: "Do you mean the previous life or your future life?"

Xia Xiangxi was stunned at first, but then she realized that people have past lives and future lives. Since she doesn't remember who she was in her previous life, it's useless to ask, so she replied, "I mean mine now!"

Niutou said: "I'm still arresting you in the cemetery before you came!"

Xia Xiangxi smiled slightly and said, "That's easy!"

Ma Mian noticed it immediately, and shouted in a cold voice: "Don't think about making any foolish plans, you won't be able to get off this car!" Instead of a police car, he sat in a prison car that was often seen in ancient TV dramas.

Niutou said: "That's right! You were insidious and cunning in your previous life. You played tricks with us and escaped from the underworld, which caused our brothers to be punished by Lord Hades. If it wasn't for Huanhuan who made a deal with us Transaction, how did our two brothers know that you secretly edited the reincarnation account book and reincarnated into a mortal body?"

Xia Xiangxi couldn't help laughing, "So I was so good in my previous life?" She was not interested in knowing who she was in her previous life just now, but now she is, so she asked the bull-headed horse-faced question.

"Didn't I just say that? You are Yaowa, and your previous life was..." Niutou still talked a lot, but the prison car stopped before it could finish.

Xia Xiangxi felt strange, looked forward, and saw a tall man standing there with his back, blocking the way of the prison car.

Ma Mian immediately yelled: "Where is the wild ghost? Dare to block the way of the ghost messenger? If you know how to measure, you should dodge quickly, or..." Before Ma Mian finished speaking, there was a long tongue-like The thing was drawn from the man's side, and hit the horse's face at once, the ghost shape of the horse's face was immediately split into two halves.Xia Xiangxi thought that Ma Mian's soul was gone, but how could he know that Ma Mian's separated ghost body rejoined in an instant.Fly up with the bull's head, face the man with the back, and slash at the man with the ghost knife!
At first Xia Xiangxi thought it was Ming Hao who had come to save her, but after a closer look, that figure didn't look like that at all.In addition, she really felt that this figure from the back looked familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

"It's you!" Niutou first recognized the man from behind.When its words fell to the ground, its body was caught by the long tongue and hung in the air, instantly torn in half.After the soul body was scattered, it immediately merged into one body and returned to the original shape of the bull's head.

"You bastard! You have repeatedly ruined our good deeds for hundreds of years, and today you add Yaowa, the debts of the two of you, we brothers will settle together!" Ma Mian roared, calling for Niutou to come up together.

The man with the back still turned his back to Xia Xiangxi's side, his body stood still like a tree, with his long tongue entangled with the bull's head and horse's face.The tongue was more like an excellent weapon, wriggling up and down like a snake.

When the bull-headed horse was focused on dealing with the man from behind, the long tongue came towards the prison car in the gap, Xia Xiangxi was so frightened that he squatted down in the prison car, only to hear a loud noise, the prison car had been split open in response.

When Xia Xiangxi felt that the danger was over and slowly raised her head, her body seemed to be trapped in a whirlpool, being irresistibly drawn towards...

(End of this chapter)

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