The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 205 Anyone who hurt her will go to hell

Chapter 205 Anyone who hurt her will go to hell
He took out the mobile phone in his pocket and called the person over there, "All the evidence in hand is handed over to the police station."

"Master, those evidences are not enough to convict him of death. With the power of the Chen family, it is very easy to clean up, and he still has a chance to come out." Leng Feibai paused, "Master, we can wait."

"Can't wait." Ji Shizhou expressionless, "Since he went in, I never thought of giving him a chance to come out."

After a pause, he said, "No one can escape the punishment of the law."

Those who try to hurt her will go to hell sooner or later.

Leng Feibai: "..." These words sound weird.

Ji Shizhou hung up the phone, wiped the moss on his sleeves, and walked out from the dark alley. The neon lights shone on his face, which was particularly creepy.


Rental cabin, someone knocks on the door.

Su Jian was taking a shower, when she heard the knock on the door, she put on a nightgown, went to the kitchen and got a kitchen knife before opening the door.

The kitchen knife was hidden behind her, and her fingers were pressed against the cold handle. Seeing the person standing outside the door, she rubbed the handle of the knife and hid it. "Don't you have the key?"

Knock on what door!
I almost killed someone!
"I forgot to bring it." The boy standing at the door lowered his head, his hat was pulled down, and his voice was slightly hoarse.

"Oh." Su Jian touched the handle of the knife, "Did you come back just now?"

Calling and urging her to come back because she didn't have a key?

"Yeah." Ji Shizhou nodded, "You're not here."


Su Jian stretched out a hand and dragged him in, "I went to watch the game with Cen Xixi, and I came back late, I reminded you to bring the key."

The blade refracted a cold light and shadow, and the light and shadow flashed past his eyes.

Su Jian noticed his eyes, pulled out the kitchen knife hidden behind her back, and held it up: "I thought it was a thief, defend yourself."

Ji Shizhou's eyes paused slightly, and fell on her hand holding the knife, "It will hit my hand."

"Impossible." Su Jian swung the sword and kicked the door shut, "Where did you go just now?"

"I forgot to bring the keys, walk around and wait for you to come back." Ji Shizhou took off his coat and hung it on the hanger.

Su Jian wore a headband, her hair was coiled casually, and the tips of her hair were still dripping, and the water dripping from her neck kept dripping into the loose nightdress.

Ji Shizhou looked away after taking a look, took out the hair dryer, and connected it, "You... blow dry your hair."

Su Jian took the hair dryer in his hand, pulled the hair band and headband, the ink hair scattered, fell on the shoulders, and a few strands fell into the neckline of the nightdress.

The hair dryer was whistling, she was flicking her hair, Ji Shizhou was sitting on the sofa, the water from the sharp hair splashed on his face and the back of his hands.

He felt the coolness on the back of his hand, looked down, saw the water droplets on the back of his hand slipping from the back of his hand, and slowly withdrew his hand.

Su Jian dried her hair, it was soft and black, and her hair was knotted, "Su Huai, find me a pair of scissors."

Ji Shizhou opened the drawer of the coffee table, took out a pair of scissors, and handed them to her.

Su Jian took the scissors and started cutting the knotted hair. Before the mouth of the scissors was pressed down, Ji Shizhou grabbed her hand, "What are you doing?"

"The hair is knotted and I can't pull it off." Su Jian was helpless.

Ji Shizhou took the scissors away from her hand, and ran along the knotted lock of hair, one by one, and quickly tore it apart.

Su Jian patted him on the shoulder, "It's very virtuous, the future sister-in-law will be blessed."

With a "bang", Ji Shizhou dropped the scissors on the coffee table.

(End of this chapter)

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