The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 208 Vulnerable, Embrace

Chapter 208 Vulnerable, Embrace

The bluetooth headset is still connected.

The young man squatted down, facing the Bluetooth headset, and said in a low voice: "No one can touch her, no one is allowed. If you touch her, the Chen family will not only be extinct, but will disappear."

He paused for a while and spoke slowly: "Mr. Chen, I will send you to accompany your son soon. You will not be lonely when you are together."

Half of his face was hidden in the black hoodie, his voice was not loud, deep and cold, like a call from a demon from hell, it was frightening.

On the other side, the blood in Father Chen's body froze.

In a panic, he disconnected the line.

There was no more sound from the Bluetooth headset. The boy threw the Bluetooth headset on the ground, slowly straightened up, looked at the man who passed out, "Send him back, and treat him as a gift from me."

"The Chen family's black material is almost ready. If we do it now, he can only go in and not come out."

The "driver" Leng Feibai repacked the man and stuffed him into the car, "By the way, Miss Su must have been frightened."

"Yeah." Half of the young man's face was exposed, his outline was clear and clear, and his lips were pursed lightly, "The person behind the Chen family, Qin Er, let him stop for a while, it's annoying."

"Okay." Leng Feibai nodded.

The teenager left and got the bag out of the car.

He took off his gloomy black clothes, put on a snow-white short T, and put on a beige coat again.

After changing, he frowned and found that the short white T was stained with blood.He raised his hand and found that there was blood on his hand, which was rubbed off when he took off the earphones just now.

Clothes, dirty.

He poked his hand angrily, causing his skin to turn red.

The boy went to the clothes store, changed into new clothes, and then went home.

When he got to the door, he took out the key to open the door. Just as the key was inserted into the lock, the door had already been opened from the inside.

"You're back!" She was a little excited, and he was almost dragged into it.

Ji Shizhou knew what happened to her today, she was being followed, and she must be very scared.

He was also afraid, more afraid than she was.

Su Jian's wrist hurt slightly, the young man pulled her to the front with all his strength, and suddenly stretched out his hand to hug her, she could only reach his heart and hear his somewhat disordered heartbeat.

"You..." Su Jian didn't respond, "What's wrong?"

The boy hugged her and exerted a little force, but he didn't say anything.

Su Jian felt his body trembling, and the hands holding her were like irons, holding her tightly in his arms.

"You..." She pondered, "What happened?"

Ji Shizhou said slowly, "It's okay."

As long as she's okay, that's fine.

Saying that it's okay means that something is wrong, Su Jian slowly raised her hanging hand, landed on his back, and patted him lightly, "It's fine as long as it's okay."

It's okay, why are you shaking!
Could it be... cold?
"You don't wear much clothes. I checked today and there is no cotton-padded clothes for you in the closet. I'll buy two next day." Su Jian tried to warm the cold heart of the boss, but she had to ask humbly online: "Do you think it's okay?" ?”

Ji Shizhou's heavy breath passed over the back of her neck, his eyes dimmed, "Su Jian, if you have something to do, just tell me, I'm not a child anymore, I can protect you."

Su Jian was slightly stunned, then nodded, "Well, I'll tell you everything, and no one else except you."

You are light, you are electricity, you are the only myth!
She raised her eyes and looked at him firmly, expressing her determination.

The moment he raised his eyes, he just lowered his head. The distance between the two can be described in two words.


(End of this chapter)

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