The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 211 New Year's Eve, Blind Date

Chapter 211 New Year's Eve, Blind Date
"Color?" Shu Jin froze for a moment.

"En." An Sheng nodded, "No way?"

Cang Haixiaoxiao has no subjects that he does not know how to write about, only subjects that he does not want to write about.

"I can." Shujin said eagerly: "When will the manuscript be delivered?"

"Is one month enough?" An Sheng asked her.

"Well, enough!" Shu Jin nodded.

"Okay, I'll wait for you." An Sheng nodded at her, and left through the back door. This month, Cang Haixiaoxiao can write a poem about color at the same time, so why is Shujin's lyrics so good and bad? I can figure it out.

Shujin clenched her palms tightly, she will definitely!Will definitely write words that satisfy him!


The Golden Autumn Lyricist Contest has finally come to an end.

"Waiting for You", Lyricist: Wenmo Jinxiu.

That is Shujin.

Su Jian turned off the TV, leaned against the sofa, her expression was very calm, some people, such a thing would not happen to her if she knew her mistakes and could correct them.

She wrote the manuscript and handed it over to Jiucheng Magazine. She ignored Shujin and wrote about Cen Xiyan. The editor-in-chief rejected her manuscript and asked her to write about Shujin.

Su Jian's reply was only one sentence: Plagiarism dog, don't write.

The editor-in-chief asked her why, but Su Jian only said plagiarism. The editor-in-chief asked her to produce evidence, but Su Jian didn't reply.

Trumpet has new mail.

From Ansheng, the emails in it are all emails about lyrics.

An Sheng gave her a theme and color, but did not specify any color, and asked her to submit the manuscript within one month.

"Okay." Su Jian replied a word, got up and went to the room to pack clothes, ready to go home for the New Year.

Ji Shizhou put the suitcase beside the bed, put the password on it, and glanced at Su Jian, "Don't touch it."

"Don't touch it." Su Jian vowed never to touch it, "If I touch your lockbox, I'll chop my hands."

Ji Shizhou: "Yes."

Su Jian: "..." Chopping hands, that's impossible.


A week later, the company was on holiday, and Su Jian and Ji Shizhou returned home.

It was not easy for the two of them to come back together. This year, the family finally got together, and Su Weiwei called his brother and sister very sweetly when they met.

Ms. Zeng gave Su Jian a big hug, and the aunt and uncle also came back. The two families discussed that they should spend the Chinese New Year together this year.

Su Jian thought beautifully, this year she can receive red envelopes again.

Uncle and Aunt are extremely enthusiastic towards Su Huai, the enthusiasm is too much, as if they want to give him all the care they have for him.

As an older young woman, Su Jian fell into the pain of being urged to fall in love.

Ms. Zeng gave her a photo, "Your aunt helped you find it. You go and see her tomorrow. Don't refute your aunt's face."

"Okay." Su Jian took the photo and glanced at it. He was quite handsome and graduated from a prestigious school. It sounded like that.

The next day, Su Jian wrapped herself in a cotton coat, brushed her hair casually, and went out.

Ji Shizhou saw her, "Where are you going?"

"Blind date." Su Jian brushed her bangs and straightened her clothes, "Is it decent?"

"Ugly." Ji Shizhou walked past her.

Su Jian didn't care, and went to meet her blind date calmly. He was very nice, good-looking, well-spoken, Su Jian directly explained the purpose of her visit, and came here for the sake of her parents.

The other party also came over for the sake of their parents. The two reached a consensus, had a happy meal, and then broke up.

When she went back, she saw Ji Shizhou on the aisle, their eyes collided, he raised his eyes, there was coldness in his eyes, colder than the winter wind.

(End of this chapter)

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