Chapter 220

"I'll go get the package." Su Jian opened the door, and the courier was standing at the door.

She walked over and reported the tail number and name.

The courier delivered the package to her, and Su Jian asked, "Who delivered it?"

"I don't know." The courier tore up the slip and left.

Su Jian went back with the package in her arms, unpacked it, and repacked it again. The box was very delicate, and there was a note on it.

Happy 22nd birthday
Signed: Sheng Xun.

She once thought Cen Xixi sent it to her, but when she saw the signature, she froze for a moment. Sheng Xun knew that her birthday was normal, and it was clearly written in the employee information. She never thought that he would send her a birthday Gift.

Su Jian didn't take it apart, she called Sheng Xun, and Sheng Xun was in a good mood when he received her call.

She got straight to the point: "Boss, I don't accept expensive things."

"It's not expensive, it's more practical." Sheng Xun didn't say what it was, "Happy birthday, although it's a bit late."

"Oh, thank you." Su Jian hung up the phone.

Sheng Xun who was hung up on the phone: "..."

Su Jian opened the box and saw the contents, her heart was slightly suffocated, and those fragments that she had forgotten in the corner flashed.

The dark alley, the deep rainy night, the man who appeared out of nowhere, the recording pen that someone forcibly stuffed into her hand.

Fragments gathered, and the string in her heart was plucked.

Recording pen.

Exactly the same as the one in the previous life.

Is it a coincidence?

She covered the box with trembling hands, and wanted to go back, but after a second thought, she kept it again, her gaze became colder.

Sheng Xun, Sheng Xun...

The name kept popping up in my mind, and those images that were hidden deep in my mind flashed through my mind like a marquee.

Ji Shizhou saw that her expression was different from before. He took the gift box and opened it to see that it was a recording pen.

"I lost it." He got up and threw it away.

"Leave it." Su Jian put the gift box away, and the night became a fragment that kept repeating in her mind. She pondered, and there were words about colors.


She took the box, went home, put the things aside, turned on the computer, and directly filled in the title "Jian Ye".

All the words are completed in one go, she doesn't need to look up the rhyme book, modify the places that don't rhyme, she doesn't need to think about it at all, all the rhymes are formed naturally.

After finishing writing, she went through it several times and revised a few places. The poem was finished and she clicked send.

Tip: The email was sent successfully.


When An Sheng received Cang Haixiaoxiao's words, his expression was excited that didn't fit his temperament, but there was also an unspeakable sadness.

In the poem, the night is coming, the fate of the characters is unpredictable, and there is also a kind of helplessness and irresistible pessimism fettered by fate, but there is still a glimmer of hope, and the author struggles with this glimmer of hope.

An Sheng has already formed a tune for this word in his mind, and he seems to have a feeling of what style this word should be made into.

When his fingers were pressing on the piano keys, he suddenly realized that he dared not compose this word, and at present, he did not dare.

He is waiting, waiting for another word to be sent and compared, he will be able to find out the clues.

At present, Shujin has not given him a work, but he already has some guesses in his heart.

There are two possibilities: First, Shu Jin is smiling from the sea.

Two: Shujin met Cang Haixiaoxiao, plagiarized her work and used it for the competition.

This already constitutes plagiarism, and the consequences are serious.

An Sheng emailed Cang Haixiaoxiao: My song must be worthy of your lyrics.

There are not many jokes in Gao Leng's Cang Haixiao, just one: um.

(End of this chapter)

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