The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 330 The Man With Compassion in His Eyes

Chapter 330 The Man With Compassion in His Eyes


In the spacious and bright bedroom, floor-to-ceiling curtains are all smoky blue, and a bed curtain is slightly opened to let the light in.

A single sofa was placed in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the man was lying on the sofa in ice silk pajamas, with the neckline slightly open, revealing his sexy collarbone.

He closed his eyes and meditated, the goblet in his hand shook slightly, he passed the glass to his lips, and took a sip, "It's over?"

The voice is low, slow, with demagogic power.

The woman sitting in front of the computer took off her headphones and threw them on the table.

She stood up from the chair, walked in front of the man, and faced him, "She broke through, and I didn't guard against it."

"Still so immature." The man leaned against the sofa, holding the wine glass in his right hand, and tapped regularly with his left hand on the side of the sofa, "No wonder I was suppressed by others for so long."

"Sorry, I didn't touch computers very much before, and I'm not very good at it." Shujin bowed with a respectful attitude, "Mr. Yu, please give me another chance."

Shujin knew very little about this man, she only knew that they called him Mr. Yu, and she didn't know anything else about this man.

Even this surname may be false, even so, she still trusts him and relies on him.

She had respect and admiration for the man sitting on the sofa, but at the same time she was also somewhat afraid, "Give me another chance, and I will definitely do better."

"It's okay." Mr. Yu's voice was like in the dead of night, when there was a sudden voice that made one's hairs stand on end.

Opening his eyes, his eyes were mysterious and bewildering. Looking at them again, those eyes had returned to calm, like a calm bystander, watching the world struggling with compassion and indifference.

"I can learn, and I will definitely do better next time! Sir, you believe in me!" Shujin couldn't help but took a step forward, approached him, and took a small step back.

Mr. Yu looked at her and motioned her to come forward, "Come here."

"Yes." Shujin stepped forward tremblingly, fearful and expectant.

He stretched out the wine glass in his hand, "Stretch out your hand."

Shujin froze for a moment, then stretched out his hand in a numb manner, "Mr. Yu?"

The wine glass in the man's hand was tipped, and the liquid poured out of the wine glass, dripped on the palm of her hand, overflowed from the palm of her hand, flowed onto the back of her hand, and then splashed on the ground.

"Sir?" She didn't understand why, but she didn't dare to withdraw her hand.

"Taste it." He motioned for her to withdraw her hand.

Shujin raised her hand as if flattered, and tasted the unspilled red wine.

Mr. Yu asked, "How does it taste?"

"Very good," she said.

She will say yes to everything he gives, even if it is not good, she will say yes.

There was a trace of pity between his brows, "What a poor man, it's easy to be satisfied this way, what an unmotivated child."

Shujin woke up suddenly with a glow on his back, "I'm sorry, I...I..."

Being criticized by him made her feel more uncomfortable than being severely punished by her. In fact, this man would never punish her, nor would he say anything serious to her. His light words would make her feel sad for a long time.

Just now when he said that she was not motivated, she seemed to be beaten on the head with an iron rod so hard that she was in a daze, lost the ability to think, and couldn't even speak clearly.

"Let's go, someone will come to live here soon." Mr. Yu walked to the bed, went to get the clothes placed on the bedside, took off his pajamas, and changed his clothes as if no one was there.

When Shujin saw him take off his pajamas, he immediately turned his back, not daring to open his eyes, so nervous that his mouth was parched.

After changing his clothes, he said to her, "Before you leave, finish what you want to do."

(End of this chapter)

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