The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 403 Su Huai, You Scared Me

Chapter 403 Su Huai, You Scared Me

The man held a handkerchief in his hand, and he wanted to cover Su Jian's mouth and nose.

Before Su Jian's legs could be raised, the man was strangled by someone from behind and dragged back for a long distance.

"Ah!" It was the man's scream.

A black shadow turned its back to Su Jian, bowed its body, and its fists kept falling on the man's body.

She could see the figure with his back to her constantly raising his fist, then dropping it, raising it again, and dropping it again, repeating it mechanically without any emotion.

The sky was very dark, leaving only a dark shadow for Su Jian.

She approached quietly, and called out with some uncertainty: "Su Huai?"

Hearing her voice, the man raised his hand and froze in the air, casting a black shadow on the wall.

From his figure, Su Jian preliminarily judged that it was Ji Shizhou. He took two steps forward, walked behind him, and said softly, "Su Huai, turn around."

The man's raised fist slowly lowered, and he looked at Su Jian. With the faint light, he saw her outline.

His expression darkened, his eyes suddenly turned dark, he turned his back, and his fists began to land on the face of the fainted person.

One of his hands tightly strangled the man's neck, his eyes were dark, and the man's complexion was somewhat sick.

"Su Huai, don't do anything."

His raised hand was held by a cold hand, and her voice came from behind: "It will dirty your hands."

Ji Shizhou was awakened, panicked, looked at the fainted person, and let go in vain.

Su Jian pulled him up and held his hand tightly, "Don't do it, it's not worth it."

Following her strength, Ji Shizhou slowly stood up and moved his lips, "I..."

"I know, you are protecting me." Su Jian shook his hand, and passed the warmth in his hand to him, "I'm fine."

Ji Shizhou nodded as if bewitched, the temperature on his hands made him gradually regain his senses, "He wants to hurt you."

"I know." Su Jian let go of his hand, turned on the phone to illuminate the fainted person, and told Ji Shizhou, "Call the police first."

"Okay." Ji Shizhou called the police, pulled Su Jian behind him, his eyes fell on the man, and he clenched his fists unconsciously to restrain the manic emotions in his body.

Because of restraint, his body trembled slightly.

Su Jian felt his trembling body and looked at him worriedly, "Are you okay?"

Because of the bad light, she couldn't see his expression clearly, and could only see a rough outline.

"I'm fine." Ji Shizhou clenched his hands a little more, his nails sank into his palm, and he looked at the person lying on the ground, his nails sank deeper and deeper.

When he couldn't restrain himself, he grabbed Su Jian's wrist, touched her wrist, felt the temperature and beating pulse of her hand, and he was able to calm down.

The police rushed over and saw the people lying on the ground, Su Jian and Ji Shizhou were taken away together.

The police made a statement that the two belonged to self-defense, and the handkerchief in the other party's hand contained drugs.

The police said they would investigate. Su Jian and Ji Shizhou came out of the police station. Ji Shizhou's expression was not very good, and he kept silent.

The other party was caught in, but he didn't relax because of it. His whole mood was extremely wrong, as if the sea was about to break a bank.

Su Jian took the initiative to take his hand, "Su Huai, it's okay, just relax."

Her body was suddenly pulled into his arms by Ji Shizhou, and his hands were firmly clasped behind her, his whole body was shaking, "Are you scared just now?"

"No." Su Jian gently stroked her back, "It was you who scared me."

(End of this chapter)

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