The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 406 Su Jian shares troubles with others and is unhappy

Chapter 406 Su Jian is unhappy with others

Sheng Xun raised his eyes, and a man leaned against the car and smiled at him.

"President Sheng, I've been waiting for you for a long time." Leng Feibai got up and walked towards Sheng Xun.It would have been nice to pick him up earlier, but Ji Shizhou insisted on making him wait, his psychology was really perverted.

Sheng Xun felt that the man looked familiar, but he really didn't know him. He probably just met him at a certain party. "Hello, what's up?"

"Of course there is something." Leng Feibai took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and handed it to Sheng Xun, "I'll give you a big gift."

Sheng Xun didn't accept the USB flash drive he handed over, feeling puzzled.

"President Sheng, can I still harm you?" Leng Feibai took a step forward and stuffed something into Sheng Xun's pocket, "This is the evidence of Xu Jiu's crime. Our young master asked me to hand it over to you."

Sheng Xun took out the things in his pocket and fiddled with them, "Who is your young master?"

Leng Feibai pursed his lips, "You don't need to know who our young master is. Of course, if you are really interested, you can check it out."

After he finished speaking, he got in the car, locked the door, and drove away.

Sheng Xun touched the USB flash drive and stared at the people driving away.


Su Jian went back with Ji Shizhou, Su Jian changed her clothes, took a shower, it was bad luck, especially since she received the news.

All the way till now, Ji Shizhou didn't take the initiative to speak a word to her.

When Su Jian came out of the shower, he sat on the sofa, glanced at her and then looked away.

Su Jian sat beside him and asked him, "Su Huai, what's wrong with you?"

Her hair was still dripping. Sitting by his side, the water dripped on the back of his hand. He retracted his hand, as if being shocked by electricity.

A faint fragrance invaded his nose, his body froze for a moment, his face slowly turned to her, and all the words he wanted to say were stuck in his throat.

"Speak up if you have something to say." She pinched her dripping hair, bit the rope and coiled it into a ball, and didn't bother to dry it.

"No." Ji Shizhou got up to fetch a dry towel and a hair dryer, loosened her coiled hair, wrapped her hair with a towel, and wiped it gently, "It will cause a headache."

"Oh." Su Jian took the towel, messed with it casually, and threw it aside, "Didn't you already go back? Why did you come back again?"

Ji Shizhou glanced at the towel she threw on the sofa, feeling a little helpless, connected the power, and gave her the blower, "Dry your hair."

Su Jian took the hair dryer, "I didn't see you talking along the way, work is not going well?"

Ji Shizhou: "..."

When there was no response, Su Jian asked again: "Why don't you talk, are you feeling unwell?"

Ji Shizhou: "..."

Su Jian: "..." Hehe!
Dog thing, if you can make her, who just came out of the bureau, happy, I will add trouble to her.

"You are with him." When Sheng Xun was mentioned, Ji Shizhou frowned, clearly displeased.

With him again, unhappy.

Su Jian immediately disregarded the relationship, "It's just work, and I don't have any personal contacts."

"You get into the game together." Ji Shizhou looked in other directions, but didn't look at her, "I can do it too."

Su Jian: "..." What are you thinking!

Still scrambling to get into the game, right?
"Su Huai, this is work, and it's unlucky to get into a game, so you can do whatever you want?" I've never met anyone who even got into a game.

"Su Jian..." Ji Shizhou paused, "Don't do this job, okay?"

Su Jian froze for a moment, this was the first time Ji Shizhou asked her to give up this job, maybe it was related to her accidents these few times, and he didn't want him to take any more risks.

(End of this chapter)

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