The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 408 He Just Missed His Wife

Chapter 408 He Just Missed His Wife

Ji Shizhou was in a hurry to get into the car, because he was afraid that some secrets would be embarrassing for her to know. Sitting in the car, he tried his best to breathe calmly, and raised his eyes to look in the direction of the floor where she lived.

The window of the floor where she lived opened, and he saw Su Jian's head sticking out and waving at her. The distance was a little far away, and her facial features were a little blurred.

Ji Shizhou didn't know what would happen if she knew about his embarrassment just now.

Thinking of his embarrassment, he quickly looked away, lowered the car window, and blocked her facial features from the car window, for fear that she would see through some improper thoughts.

"Boss, wait for me!" Dr. Fang rushed after him as soon as he got out of the elevator.

Dr. Fang got into the car and looked worriedly at the boss sitting in the back seat, "Boss, you left in such a hurry all of a sudden, what happened to the company? Those old guys are messing around again?"

Without a response from the boss, Dr. Fang became even more worried. He looked at Ji Shizhou and saw an unusual color on his face, "Boss, are you okay?"

"Drive." Ji Shizhou's throat was tight, and his voice was a little abnormal.He bowed his head, his breathing was heavy, he had thought just now.

Dr. Fang was suspicious, turned his head to follow the boss's gaze, and then quickly turned his head, "Boss, I didn't see anything."

Tsk!Dr. Fang said solemnly: "Boss, how about I buy a bottle of ice water for you?"

He changed his mind, it's winter now, and the commissary should not sell ice water. Dr. Fang said again, "Or I'll stop the car and you can solve it?"

Ji Shizhou pulled a blanket to cover his legs, his voice tightened, "It's troublesome."

Assistant Fang laughed, and suddenly he hummed, "Where is the spring, where is the spring..."

Ji Shizhou pulled the blanket and covered it tightly, looked out the window, breathing calmly, "Get out of the car."

Assistant Fang couldn't laugh anymore, and the song was out of tune, humming, and the singing stopped, "Bo, I just miss my wife, and I can't help it when I think about going back, please bear with me, I'm newly married after all. "

Dr. Fang just got married, there is a beautiful woman waiting at home, and he is still in a state of inseparability, so the credibility of these words is still very high.

His back was getting chills. If his wages were deducted and his wife checked the accounts at home and found that the wages were wrong, it would be very cruel to make him sleep on a cold bed.

The people in the back seat of the car were silent, and Dr. Fang's happy little eyes disappeared instantly.

Dr. Fang tried his best to save the salary that was about to be deducted: "Boss, I can see that Miss Su cares about you."

There seemed to be warmth in Ji Shizhou's eyes, and he gave a faint "hmm" before saying nothing.

It is a little pleasant to feel the emotions contained in this "hmm".

Ji Shizhou, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, suddenly asked him, "How do you know?"

Dr. Fang who was asked suddenly: "..."

This torture from the soul made Dr. Fang panic. He pretended to be calm: "The eyes are the windows to the soul, and you can't deceive anyone. What I see in Miss Su's eyes is you."

Sorry, he lied.

Have it?

Ji Shizhou looked out of the window. The building was receding, far away from the community. He opened the car window and looked in that direction. The buildings in the community had shrunk, and she could not be seen at all.

"Boss, Mr. Leng has handed over Xu Jiu's criminal evidence to Sheng Xun. Those evidences are enough for him to stay inside for a lifetime. Qin Yue has also withdrawn from this matter. Xu Jiu can't get out of trouble anymore."

"However..." Dr. Fang's eyes darkened, "Qin Yue used Miss Su to divert our attention, and he has already dealt with those witnesses secretly."


  Give me a monthly ticket to go to the fire.

(End of this chapter)

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