The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 415 Because of Jealousy, I Want to Frame Her

Chapter 415 Because of Jealousy, I Want to Frame Her
Chen Ting was surprised, "Boss, I've been in the company for so long, don't you know what kind of person I am?"

She is an old employee of the company and has done a lot for the company. The other employees were shocked and did not believe that she would betray the company.

"Boss, is there some misunderstanding in this?"

"Sister Chen has been in the company for so long, and she has always been serious about her work. No matter how hard or tired she is, she never complained. How could it be her?"

The other employees are interceding for Chen Ting, unwilling to believe that she will betray the company.

"It's because I know who you are that I gave you a chance." Sheng Xun looked at those who interceded for Chen Ting, "Can you vouch for her?"

Of course the answer is no, no one is willing to vouch for Chen Ting, and talking about intercession is not enough to gamble with himself
Sheng Xun is not someone who listens to slander casually, he speaks with certainty, if there is no evidence, how could he say so with certainty.

Chen Ting followed Sheng Xun to the office with an extremely calm expression.

Sheng Xun called out the surveillance, "Chen Ting, come and take a look."

In the surveillance video, there was a picture of her sneaking up at the office door.

Seeing the surveillance video, Chen Ting did not show any panic, "I showed up at the door of the office, but that doesn't mean it was me. I just wanted to come to you that day, and I hope you will take me with you."

"On January 1th, you had a phone call with Xu Jiu. Of course, it might not be Xu Jiu, but someone from the Qin family." Sheng Xun leaned back in his chair, "Am I right?"

Chen Ting panicked. She always thought that Sheng Xun deliberately set up a trick to deceive her yesterday. Who would have thought that he knew all along.He always knew, why didn't he expose it?
"Since Su Jian was framed and arrested, I began to suspect, and then asked people to install micro-surveillance in places where there was no monitoring in the company before, and let people monitor your every move. The second mission failed, and I was sure it was you. The third mission is just a set-up, I already knew that you would definitely tell the plan."

It was Su Jian who first discovered that something was wrong with Chen Ting and asked him to pay attention to Chen Ting. Sheng Xun paid attention to it. This time the action was just a deliberate trick to let Chen Ting disclose the information. She and Su Jian had already discussed other countermeasures. Chen Ting was found out.

Chen Ting was completely panicked. She always felt that Sheng Xun was cheating on her, that's why she acted so calmly, but Sheng Xun had already obtained enough evidence, and it was useless for her to deny it.

"Chen Ting, I have never treated you badly." Sheng Xun was very disappointed when the old employee did such a thing.

Chen Ting sneered, "You haven't treated me badly. You just gave Su Jian all the benefits. I'm no worse than Su Jian. How can she get to where she is today?"

Sheng Xun said indifferently, "She worked hard enough."

"It's not that she worked hard enough, but because you like her and favor her." Chen Ting's smile was gradually replaced by sarcasm, "Am I right?"

Being questioned by a subordinate, Sheng Xun's expression was cold and calm, "What do you think?"

"You know in your heart, there is no need to ask me. I will leave the company." Chen Ting paused, "I don't care what you want to do to me."

"Even if I favor Su Jian, you will only feel jealous and will not betray the company." Sheng Xun paused: "Who is the person behind you?"

Chen Ting's heart beat hard like a drum, and the sound of her heart beat almost overwhelmed her reason, "I'm just jealous of Su Jian, jealous of you favoring her and loving her! I don't want her to complete the task, I even wanted to blame her for the leak."

"Lie." Sheng Xun said flatly: "You want to protect the people behind you, but they won't protect you."

(End of this chapter)

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