The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 417 Give Big Brother a Surprise

Chapter 417 Surprise the boss

After Xu Jiu's matter was resolved, Su Jian thought that there was nothing wrong with the company anyway, so she planned to leave one day early.

Sheng Xun asked, "Is there something urgent?"

Su Jian nodded solemnly: "Well, it's very urgent."

Find her life, of course urgent, nothing is more important than life.

Su Jian's expression was too serious, so Sheng Xun naturally believed her words and agreed to her request for a day off earlier.

"Xu Jiu's matter is resolved, and the company has nothing to do." Sheng Xun smiled, "I also planned to take the annual leave one day earlier, so that everyone can go home early."

"The boss is wise." Su Jian admired the boss for being so considerate and caring for the employees.

Su Jian happily left the office, ready to go home and pack her luggage.

Looking at the woman who left, Sheng Xun had a very faint smile on his face. He asked his assistant to come in, "Tell everyone that tomorrow is the annual holiday, and the prepared gifts will be given out in advance."

"Okay, I'll do it right away." The assistant remembered that Miss Su had just left, and made a bold guess, "Boss, you didn't take the annual leave early for Miss Su, did you?"

Sheng Xun smiled without saying a word, and the assistant understood that this was the same as wanting to hug a person, crying and hugging the whole class.

When the news of the early holiday was released, everyone was very excited, and they also received gifts from the company. The boss Sheng Xun won the hearts of the people.

It's a holiday, Xu Mochao is reluctant to part with his senior sister, "Master, we will see you again next year."

Su Jian nodded, "Well, see you next year."

"Master, I have a gift for you." Xu Mo borrowed flowers to offer Buddha, and handed the gift from the boss to Su Jian.

Xu Mo's eyes gradually darkened.

The senior sister holds my gift, and she can think of me during the Chinese New Year. I am everywhere.

I am good and bad.

"How can the boss give it to me?" Su Jian didn't answer, "I'm going home, see you in the next year."

Xu Mo's bad intentions didn't succeed, and he felt a little regretful, why is it so difficult to be a bad person, "Sister, see you in a year."


Back, Su Jian put away her clothes and called Ji Shizhou.

The phone rang for a long time before answering, Su Jian asked him: "Are you busy?"

The person who answered the phone was surprised, "Su Jian?"

Su Jian: "Myself."

"Yes." Ji Shizhou answered her, "I'm not busy."

"Okay." Su Jian closed the line.

Ji Shizhou: "..."

The dialogue between the two was less than a few sentences, and each sentence was too concise.


Ji Shizhou, who was holding the phone on the other end, was staring at the call page in a daze, and after a while, his fingers flicked back and forth on the string of numbers.

"Boss?" Assistant Fang didn't even respond to shouting a few times, and his voice became louder, "Boss."

Ji Shizhou put the phone on the table, and the assistant said a word: "Say."

Assistant Fang saw the boss come back to his senses, and continued the topic just now: "Boss, the police have started to investigate Qin Er, and all the evidence points to Qin Er, and Mr. Leng's people also mixed in, pretending to be Qin Yue's people, and asked Xu Jiu to identify him. Qin Er."

Leng Feibai asked someone to sneak in, pretending to be Qin Yue's person, and asked Xu Jiu to blame Qin Er. As long as Qin Er was investigated, Qin Er would suspect Qin Yue, thinking that Qin Yue wanted him to take the blame.

As soon as this scene came out, it might be impossible for Qin Yue to win over Qin Er. Qin San realized that Qin Yue just wanted to be a support, so he would not trust Qin Yue.

At that time, the boat of Qin Yue's friendship with Qin Er and Qin San will capsize.

"Hmm." Ji Shizhou's eyes fell on the phone screen, he didn't care when he heard such news, his mind was on the darkened screen.

"Boss." Dr. Fang held back his words for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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