The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 421 At this moment, only each other is in my eyes

Chapter 421 At this moment, only each other is in my eyes
Coming out of the conference room, Ji Shizhou paused, almost tripping over his feet, with restrained emotions in his eyes, "Where are you?"

His tone was uneven, even though he was trying to calm himself down.

"Downstairs hall, with your roommate, going to..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Ji Shizhou had already hung up the phone, he walked in a hurry, and took another step before the soles of his feet could be settled.

The staff walking towards him greeted him, "Mr. Ji..."

Ji Shizhou walked over directly, with an anxious and happy expression, not like the one you would see on this deep man, and there was a bit of agitation when he was about to meet the girl he liked when he was a teenager, and he couldn't control himself.

Su Jian who was hung up looked at Chen Tao, "Is he still busy?"

"I don't know, let's wait for him in the lounge." Chen Tao twisted the suitcase, thought for a while, and should let her know his name, "Sister, my name is Chen Tao."

Out of respect for Chen Tao, Su Jian repeated: "Chen Tao."

That is to tell him that she remembered it, and let herself remember it silently in her heart to deepen the impression.

"Yes." Chen Tao nodded, and finally had a name in front of the senior sister. It was no longer Su Huai's roommate, but Chen Tao.

The lady at the counter is a smart person. Seeing Chen Tao's attitude towards Su Jian, she realized her negligence just now, and said calmly: "Mr. Ji will be down in a while, don't worry."

Su Jian said, "I'm not in a hurry."

Although the counter lady didn't let her in, she didn't look down on Su Jian. She didn't think about embarrassing her, so she talked to the counter lady seriously so that she wouldn't have to panic.

When the elevator reached the first floor, the elevator door opened, and the people inside stood behind one after another, waiting for Ji Shizhou to come out first.

When he stepped out of the elevator, the employees greeted him one after another.

"Hello, Mr. Ji!"

"Hello, Mr. Ji!"

The gloomy and deep man showed a rare brilliance, and there was light in his eyes, which was less of the usual lifelessness and more of the vitality of a normal person, letting people know that he also had joys, sorrows and sorrows.

The man who has always been forbearing and calm looks a little agitated, and his steps are not at the usual frequency. He seems to be in a hurry, very urgent.

Seeing Mr. Ji like this, the employees were a little astonished. It turned out that Mr. Ji was also anxious and flustered sometimes.

"Hello, Mr. Ji!"

"Hello, Mr. Ji!"

Hearing everyone shouting "President Ji", Su Jian who was walking towards the lounge stopped, turned around, and saw Ji Shizhou walking towards her.

Chen Tao smiled when he saw Ji Shizhou, "Yo, here it is, pretty fast."

The lady at the counter kept a professional smile. Ji Shizhou was still far away. She had already opened for business. She leaned slightly, which is the etiquette that a subordinate should have for a boss.

Seeing her turn around, Ji Shizhou unconsciously called out, "Jian Jian."

The man's eyebrows are less sinister, and he is not as dead as usual. In fact, he is only under 21 years old. After all, he is still a big boy. What he showed before made people ignore his age. He has a sense of vicissitudes beyond his age.

This kind of vicissitudes beyond age makes him extraordinarily mature, as if he was fixed on the painting by the painter, and stipulated in a frame, and he will always be just that way.

When his eyes touched her, he suddenly changed into a different person, no longer a static portrait, but a person who was given life.

Su Jian looked at him, her emotions fluctuated, she smiled lightly, and called softly: "Su Huai."

Even if she smiled, her expression was still so calm, just like the smile of the counter lady when she was on duty.

She is such a cool and calm person, her emotions will never fluctuate too much.

(End of this chapter)

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