The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 443 No one wants it, he is in charge

Chapter 443 No one wants it, he is in charge

"You see, children know the truth, but you worry too much." Su Baichuan saw that it was not easy for her to raise two children for so many years, and also wanted her to find someone to be a companion.

"Let's talk about it." Zeng Mengyi didn't think about it, he just wanted to live a good life with his two children, "I have no such plan at the moment."

The aunt is also persuading her, "If you meet a man who treats you well, don't worry if you like it."

Everyone supported Ms. Zeng's search for a second spring. The man died for so many years and became a widow at a young age. It was not easy.

Su Jian, who hadn't spoken all this time, nodded, "Mom, uncle is right, don't worry so much, if there is a suitable man, please let him in, we all support you."

"Don't talk about me." Ms. Zeng looked at Su Jian and turned the flames of war on her, "It's you, after your birthday, you will be 25 years old, and you still don't plan to find a boyfriend?"

In the past, Ms. Zeng felt that her daughter was excellent, so she was not in a hurry. Year after year, Su Jian never brought her boyfriend back. Ms. Zeng began to feel uneasy.

Su Jian calmly said to Ms. Zeng: "25 years old, it's still early, don't worry."

"Jian Jian, don't say you're not in a hurry, 25 years old, you're not young." My aunt's matchmaker spirit was ignited, "Your uncle knows a lot of young talents, I'll let your uncle introduce you later."

"..." Su Jian chose to gnaw on the pig's trotters in silence, ignoring the mundane affairs.

The younger uncle also joined the ranks of urging the marriage: "Jian Jian, you go to the uncle's company and take you to meet those young men another day."

Ji Shizhou brought Su Jian her favorite dish, and said calmly, "Jian Jian is not in a hurry."

The whole family looked at Ji Shizhou with the same expression: "..."

Su Erwei was as calm as a wooden stake, "Of course you are not in a hurry, and it's not that you can't get married. When my sister is young and beautiful, no one will want her. Are you responsible?"

Su Jian threw the pig's trotters into Su Weiwei's bowl, and the white rice splashed on the table. Su Weiwei calmly picked up the rice grains on the table, "It's shameful to waste."

Su Jian looked at her coldly, "Su Wei Er, eat your meal."

"En." Ji Shizhou responded inexplicably, and lowered his head to eat.

What do you mean?
The family looked at Ji Shizhou with puzzled expressions.Li Zhen'er suddenly had some thoughts in her heart, but she couldn't say it clearly. Just thinking about it like this made her feel a little excited.

Su Baichuan looked at Ji Shizhou and smiled, "You're not in a hurry, wait for Jian Jian to get older and see if you are in a hurry?"

"25 years old, just right." Ji Shizhou got up and took Su Jian's bowl, "I'll help you fill up the meal."

"I won't add more rice." The other party's eyes were wrong, okay, "just add a small spoon for me."

The boss helps to add food, even crying to eat.

Tut tut!Su Weiwei sighed countless times in her heart, and the wolf's tail was exposed. She lowered her head and picked up the rice in the bowl, and said inarticulately: "Then, I agree."

The others didn't hear clearly, but Ji Shizhou heard clearly, he nodded and went to add more food.

Su Baichuan looked at Ji Shizhou, he saw something in his eyes, and gradually understood in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud.

He seemed to find it unbelievable, some couldn't understand, but after thinking about it, some things became clear immediately.Having been together day and night for so many years, it is inevitable to have feelings, but he never thought of such feelings.

Ji Shizhou put down her rice bowl and added half a bowl.

"Eat more." Su Jian couldn't finish eating, so she put half of the rice into his bowl, and looked at him with concern.

(End of this chapter)

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