The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 446 Jealousy Makes People Unrecognizable, He Doesn't Want To Make Himself So Scary

Chapter 446 Jealousy Makes People Unrecognizable, He Doesn't Want To Make Himself So Scary

He sat on the edge of the bed, brushed his hand across her bed sheet, landed on the pile of magazines next to her pillow, took out one, turned to the page with Sheng Xun's name, crumpled the paper into a Group, tear off.

I took another copy and tore it up.

By the time he realized it, he had torn several copies.

Seeing the paper he tore off, he stood up suddenly and put the magazine back, the paper in his hand was a little hot.

He flattened the paper, put it back in the magazine, suppressed his emotions, hugged the blanket she put on the bed, and left the room.

He covered her with a blanket, "Su Jian, go to sleep."

"We still have to watch the new year, wait a little longer." Su Jian yawned, and lifted a corner of the blanket, "Come up and cover it too, so it's warmer."

Ji Shizhou went up and hugged a blanket with her.

Ms. Zeng didn't think there was anything wrong, after all, this child was only close to Su Jian before, and it is the same now.

With the sound of fireworks, the New Year's Eve is over.

Su Jian had already fallen asleep, Ji Shizhou went out with Su Baichuan and returned home.

Li Zhen'er gave Su Baichuan a look, "I'll take Su Zhi'an to bed, and you guys go to bed early too."

Su Zhi'an nodded obediently, followed Li Zhen'er into the room, and Li Zhen'er spread the quilt, "Go to bed soon."

Su Zhi'an took off her shoes, she was really sleepy, and she didn't wash up, so she climbed into bed and fell asleep.

Li Zhen'er went out and closed the door, glanced at the father and son in the living room, went to the bathroom to wash, and then went to the bedroom to sleep.

In the living room, Su Baichuan turned on the air-conditioning room and asked Ji Shizhou to sit down, "Let's chat."

Ji Shizhou nodded, probably knowing what he wanted to ask.

"These three years, have you been in the Qin family?" Su Baichuan is also a member of the upper class, and he knows a lot about Ji Shizhou.

"I need to get back what my mother left in the Qin's house, and there are still some things that haven't been dealt with properly." Ji Shizhou didn't hide it, he knew that Su Baichuan would know some gossip.

"Then what about Ji's family? When will you go back?" The Qin family's family are all cannibals, living in such a place, how does this 21-year-old survive?
When he came to Su's house, he kept silent and never wanted to mention the past. His family members thought he had lost his memory. Until he became better and better, Su Baichuan knew that the Su family couldn't keep him.

"There's no rush for now." Ji Shizhou looked at Su Baichuan, "I won't implicate you, I'll leave after the Chinese New Year."

"What do you think I care about?" Su Baichuan frowned, looking displeased, "Family, what are you implicating? Have you ever seen a father afraid of being implicated by his son?"

Ji Shizhou was grateful. Although this man didn't take care of him much, he also gave him father-like care. Because he was grateful, he didn't want them to get into his predicament.

"I know, although your name is on my household registration, you are my son, Su Baichuan, and Zhen'er and I haven't been with you for long, and we haven't taken care of you enough. You grew up eating the meals of Jian Jian's family. , you get closer to Jane."

Su Baichuan's expression was a bit complicated, "But, I regard you as my child from the bottom of my heart."

"I know, so I'll call you Dad." Although Ji Shizhou's expression was indifferent, his heart was not that cold, but he had learned to hide his emotions too early and kept his face.

Su Baichuan sighed, not to blame for his withdrawn personality, children who grow up in such an environment are destined to have no sunshine.

He no longer discussed this topic, Su Baichuan was more concerned about another matter, which was what he wanted to talk to him about today.

"Xiao Huai, you like Jian Jian, don't you?"

 Duplicate chapters have been suggested for editorial deletion.

(End of this chapter)

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