The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 456 Her life is important to him

Chapter 456 Her life is important to him

Leng Feibai deliberately repeated: "Of course, on the premise that there are no accidents."

You can't pin your hopes on a healthy person, let alone let that heart become dirty, if she knows, she will be angry.

He told Leng Feibai: "Find it again."

"Okay, but there is one strange thing." Leng Feibai hesitated to speak.


"I don't know if it's my illusion, someone is also looking for Miss Su's heart." Leng Feibai said directly: "In addition to Sheng Xun and Patriarch Qin, there are others looking for it."

Who is it?

The woman standing at the door held a fresh soup in her hand. She stood at the door for a long time, mustered up her courage, and knocked on the door, "Mr. Yu."

The man's thick and slightly pitiful voice: "Come in."

Shujin went in with his things, and seeing the man's back, he felt inexplicable palpitations, "I made a little something, you can eat something before you work."

"Leave it alone." The man didn't look at her, and continued to work with his head down.

Putting down the things, Shujin looked at the man's back and said in a low voice: "Mr. Yu, Miss Jin won't come back, she asked you to pick her up, if you don't go, she won't come back."

Mr. Yu's hand correcting the document didn't stop at all, "What a troublesome kid, call me."

Shujin dialed Jin Yan's phone number, and the person over there connected, with a very angry temper, "Let him pick me up! Otherwise, I will never go back!"

This temper is the same as that of the spoiled principal Jin Yan a few years ago. She always feels that everyone should obey her.

Shujin frowned, and especially disliked the pampered Jin Yan, "Miss Jin, Mr. will provide you with education, so that you can live comfortably and have a home. I hope you will be grateful and don't push yourself too far."

"What are you! You are just a dog beside him, why educate me!" Jin Yan didn't pay attention to Shujin at all, and his words were sarcasm.

"Miss Jin, be careful with what you say." Shu Jin disdainfully thought of herself as a rich lady!His father went to jail, and now he is just a pitiful person living under the fence. Where did the capital come from?

The working man straightened up, turned the direction of the chair, "Call me."

Shujin called Mr. Yu, "He has a bad temper."

"You don't have to mind if the child loses his temper." Mr. Yu answered the phone and signaled her to go out, "Why, you still refuse to come back?"

"I want you to pick me up, or I'll hang out with men!" Jin Yan threatened him.

"The past few years haven't softened your temper?" Mr. Yu's expression was indifferent, but his tone was very gentle, "Your father is still in prison. If you can still have fun, I won't stop you."

"Uncle, do you really ignore me?" Jin Yan's domineering arrogance suddenly disappeared, and suddenly softened, "I just want you to come and pick me up."

"Children who demand too much are not likable." Mr. Yu's eyes were cold and compassionate, "If you go out to play, bring bodyguards, don't risk your life."

"My father said that he was kind to you and let you take care of me. Is this how you treat the daughter of a savior?" The girl on the phone was particularly aggrieved.

Mr. Yu smiled, the savior's daughter, "Don't listen to your father, he owes me a lot and hasn't paid it back."

Jin Yan was stunned and didn't speak for a long time, "Then you don't plan to take care of me anymore?"

"Your life is very important to me." If you want to die, it's not now, the man said calmly: "Come back now, be good."

The tone was not coaxing, more like a threat.

(End of this chapter)

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