The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 464 The official match was demolished, Ji Shizhou is the real one

Chapter 464 The official match was demolished, Ji Shizhou is the real one

"Boss, that guy just now seems to be Su Jian's younger brother?" Sheng Xun's assistant added, "Long time no see."

Sheng Xun didn't speak, and strode forward, leaving his assistant behind. There were many people in the elevator, and it was almost time to go to work, and everyone was in a hurry.

He pressed the boss's special elevator, the elevator door opened, and Su Jian was still in line, he pressed the elevator button, and said to the assistant: "Some people come in."

The assistant understood, poked his head out, counted, and pointed to the fourth woman in front of Su Jian, "From you to the sixth woman behind, get in the elevator."

"Are we?" The woman with the employee badge pointed at herself in disbelief, and took the special elevator with the boss. This benefit is too much to bear.

"Yes, hurry up, the boss is waiting." The assistant pressed the button of the elevator, waiting for someone to come in.

Su Jian was naturally among them. After entering the elevator, everyone was quiet. In front of the boss, no one dared to act presumptuously. They were very obedient.

The people in the elevator had almost gone out, and there was a colleague from the same department as Su Jian.

Su Jian got out of the elevator with people from the same department, and the question that the colleague suppressed for a long time finally came out: "Su Jian, who is that little man at the door just now?"

That luxurious man cannot be described with the word "rich".

Su Jian said lightly: "My life."

Life?so important?

The colleague looked at Su Jian, hesitated to speak, the man was not very old, but his calmness and composure made people ignore his age.

If it wasn't for that luxury car, colleagues would have thought it was Su Jian's pet, but the temperament of her body didn't look like a rich woman's pet. Whoever could afford it would be quite rich.

Obviously, Su Jian doesn't have this ability, she is not a rich woman, and she is not worthy to support such a rich little fresh meat.

There are many new employees in the company, as well as old employees. Seeing Su Jian come in, the soul of gossip is burning.

The colleague sitting next to him slid his chair over and approached Su Jian, "Who was that at the door just now?"

"My life." Su Jian copied the answer exactly.

Considering it so important, wouldn't you be foolish enough to pay by mistake?That man looked so young, he didn't seem like a law-abiding master.

Colleagues sincerely suggested: "Be careful, the current rich second generation enjoys playing with women's feelings, so don't go into it."

The colleague was kind, Su Jian didn't mind, and said seriously: "No."

The colleague slid the chair back, and the person next to her quietly approached, "What's the matter?"

The colleague shrugged, "I don't know."

"Her brother." Ms. Zhang is an old employee, and she felt familiar when she saw Ji Shizhou at the door in the morning. Only now did she remember that Su Jian was hacked for a while because of this so-called "brother".

"Brother?" The colleague was stunned, "Why didn't I know that Su Jian had such an outstanding younger brother?"

Miss Zhang thought for a while, then whispered: "A brother who is not related by blood, the kind of brother who can fall in love, understand?"

The colleague suddenly realized that it turned out to be this younger brother!
The "brother" of "sibling love".

The more I talked, the more curious my colleague became, "But, isn't she married to our boss? Why did a younger brother suddenly appear?"

Su Jian was reading the manuscript with her head down, ignoring their gossip. Miss Zhang glanced at Su Jian and said in a low voice, "Official partner, who said that? She didn't admit it either. As for the boss..."

Miss Zhang winked, and they knew each other tacitly.

The rumors of the official match have been broken, and the real boyfriend is online.

(End of this chapter)

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