The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 475 The red-eyed Ji Shizhou

Chapter 475 The red-eyed Ji Shizhou

The person who came was not Xu Mo, but Ji Shizhou.

Su Jian never thought that he would come, because no one informed him that something happened to her.

"Su Huai..." Her voice was so soft that it seemed to be blown away by the wind.

The person who pushed the door and came in had red eyes. Compared with his usual gloomy look, Ji Shizhou like this made people feel chills in his heart.

He walked over step by step, each step was extremely slow, as if there were heavy sandbags tied to his feet, and each step was strenuous.

Compared to the withdrawn and indifferent Su Huai, Su Jian was even more unaccustomed to Ji Shizhou like this, so she called out again: "Su Huai..."

His face was pale, his eyes were red, he looked at her as if he was looking at some kind of smoke that would dissipate, and he was afraid that she would disappear in a blink of an eye.

Walking to her bedside, Ji Shizhou didn't even dare to hug her, he clenched his fingers tightly, "You..."

Su Jian reached out to take his hand, and shook it slightly, "Sit down."

Ji Shizhou stood by the bed, and was grabbed by her. He let go of his clenched fingers, sat on the edge of the bed, clenched the bed sheet tightly, and shouted again: "Jian Jian..."

"How do you know I'm here?" Su Jian stretched out her hand and put it on the back of his clenched hand, "Don't be nervous, I didn't suffer any serious injuries."

Ji Shizhou looked at the wound on her face and the gauze on her forehead, and his face became even paler. His fingers landed on the gauze on her forehead, and gently stroked her wound through the gauze.

He saw faint blood stains on the gauze, imprinted in his pupils, and his pupils also turned red.

He suddenly withdrew his hand and walked outside.

Seeing the man leaving suddenly, Su Jian was puzzled and called him, "Su Huai, where are you going?"

Ji Shizhou walked out of the ward without looking back, his expression changed suddenly, his fingers stuck to the wall, and he scratched hard, grabbing a bloodstain.

Xu Mo went to the next door to borrow his cell phone and came back. He was surprised when he saw Ji Shizhou, but thinking that Su Jian was here, it was not surprising that he appeared here.

Xu Mo wanted to go up to say hello, but after seeing Ji Shizhou's actions, he froze his legs.

Su Huai, who had always been indifferent, withdrawn and gloomy, was a little manic at this moment, his hands kept scratching the wall, as if he was sick.

There were bloodstains one after another on the porcelain white wall. Xu Mo, who was standing a few meters away, was terrified and dragged his heavy legs over.

He didn't dare to make too much noise, and called out cautiously: "Su Huai."

Hearing the sound, Ji Shizhou turned his head and looked at Xu Mo.

Those eyes were bloodshot, a pair of eyes were red, as if they were soaked in blood, they had a terrifying and somewhat cruel beauty.

At this time, Su Huai was more terrifying than ever. He had never seen Su Huai like this before. The phone in Xu Mo's hand almost fell to the ground.

"Su...Su Huai..." He stammered a little, " are not...all right?"

Ji Shizhou's hand slid down from the porcelain white wall, leaving a mark again, and he said, "It's okay."

Oh, it seems to be back to normal, Xu Mo's heart relaxes, "How do you know we're here?"

The appearance just now was so terrifying that Xu Mo felt like he was breaking out in a cold sweat just thinking about it.

Ji Shizhou looked at his hands, and Xu Mo took the initiative to explain: "Senior sister asked me to borrow my mobile phone to call her."

He took the mobile phone in Xu Mo's hand, but Xu Mo didn't dare to say anything, "Do you... want to go in and have a look?"

Ji Shizhou nodded, pushed the door open again and went in, sat down by the bed, "I'll dial the number for you if you want to call someone."

Because of being overly depressed, his voice sounded a bit abnormal, with a restrained trill.

(End of this chapter)

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