Chapter 484
"No." Su Jianxiao looked a little innocent, she didn't know anything, and she didn't know why Sheng Xun came.

"I don't know." To be honest, Ji Shizhou's current appearance is scary, with no warmth in his eyes, he is the big boss she knows, not the usual big boss.

Ji Shizhou looked at Su Jian with frosty eyes, her face was in his eyes, and gradually solidified, and the frost covered her face in his eyes, forming a little bit of thin ice.

"Su Huai..." Su Jian reached out to touch his hand, intending to smooth his hair, "Say something, it's weird when you don't speak..."

Ji Shizhou's hand was pulled by her, but he was motionless, his eyes were frighteningly gloomy.

Su Jian said seriously, "You're so handsome."

He was silent, Su Jian's heartstrings were touched, he was not sure, and stretched out his hand to hold his hand, which was also a little tempered, "Su Huai, just say what you have, don't hold back everything, you hold it like this, I will I don't know what's wrong with you."

Even if it is to cure a disease, it is necessary to prescribe the right medicine.

Well, the other party didn't respond at all, just looked at her with an expression she couldn't understand, Su Jian let go of his hand.

"Whatever you want." I stopped coaxing!There are many things!
Su Jian turned sideways and walked towards the direction of the sofa. Someone pinched her wrist with some ruthlessness.

"I also have..." temper...

Ji Shizhou, who was pinching her wrist, suddenly pulled her over with force, and pushed her onto the counter where the green plants were placed.

Su Jian's body suddenly pressed against the cabinet and made a sound. Even though the cabinet was leaning against the wall, when she bumped it suddenly, the cabinet vibrated, and the green plants on the cabinet were still placed firmly after shaking for a while.

The cabinet has a frame, and her back hurt a little, "Su Huai..."

Ji Shizhou leaned over suddenly, he went over, one hand clenched her wrist tightly, and the other hand supported her back, he leaned over and kissed her.

He is very irritable, and his emotions are also very irritable. The suppressed emotions in his body are like being pulled out bit by bit by a hooked thread.

Su Jian looked at him in astonishment, his mood became more and more manic, and Ji Shizhou's grip on her hand became more and more ruthless, for fear that she would break free.

Ji Shizhou backed away a little, her eyes filled with astonishment and bewilderment, his heart was hammered hard, and he felt a dull pain.

Su Jian's heart was also hammered by his eyes, a little hurt, "Su Huai, you..."

"Don't think of me as your younger brother, I never thought of being your younger brother!" Ji Shizhou's voice was extremely cold, "Is there any blood relationship? We have nothing to do with each other! Will my brother do such a thing to you? My brother won't ..."

"I will, because I love you..."

Of course, her younger brother would not do such a thing to her. Su Jian wanted to free up a hand, but he clenched it tightly as soon as she moved.

Su Jian's calmness and composure seemed like a basin of cold water was being poured down. The agitation just now cooled down, and there was cautiousness and anxiety in her eyes, "Don't like him, is that okay?"

Su Jian was not angry when someone kissed him suddenly, she didn't hate it at all, and said calmly: "I don't like him."

Ji Shizhou didn't seem to have heard her promise, he raised his hand and landed on the scab on her face, his eyes were like a thread wrapped around her heart, if she tightened it a little, her heart would shrink .

"It's normal for the boss to visit the injured employee at home. I can't turn people away." What's more, she didn't know that Ji Shizhou suddenly killed a carbine, which caught her off guard.

Ji Shizhou was not moved by her explanation, and stroked her scabbed wound over and over again.

He said paranoidly and desperately: "Su Jian, I love you, as long as you want, I can give you anything."

(End of this chapter)

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