The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 490 A Virtuous Little Man

Chapter 490 A Virtuous Little Man
Su Jian came in and asked him, "Where do I sleep?"

"You sleep in my bedroom." Ji Shizhou looked at her, afraid that she would think too much, "I'll sleep in the study."

She recognized the bed, and it was the first time she could not sleep in another bed. She had slept in the bed in his bedroom before, so it would not be too serious.

"I'm going to sleep in the study." Why sleep in the study, sleep in the bedroom for me!How can the boss sleep in the study!

Of course, it's impossible to sleep with the boss, after all, the boss has already made love in his dream, so it's impossible for her to be so big.

If the boss strongly demands, she will not agree!
"You recognize the bed, you have slept in this bed before, it will be better." Ji Shizhou put the pillow on and pulled off the quilt.

The sheets and quilt covers were all in the style and color she liked, and they looked very friendly. Ji Shizhou turned up the temperature of the air conditioner, but it was still a bit cold.

He reached out and touched the quilt. The new quilt was a bit cold, "The quilt is a bit cold, I'll send someone to bring a blanket over."

"It's hot when I cover it. I want to take a bath." Su Jian hasn't taken a bath for a week, because she has a wound on her body and dare not touch the water. After she was discharged from the hospital, she took a bath. She hasn't washed it until now, and her whole body is itchy. uncomfortable.

"Touch less water, it will leave scars." Ji Shizhou refused to let her take a bath.

"Anyway, the scars are on the body, and no one else can see them." Su Jian touched her face, "Just protect this face."

Her eyes fell on Ji Shizhou's face, and she narrowed her eyes dangerously, "Why, do you care about the scars on my body?"

When asked suddenly, Ji Shizhou was slightly stunned, "I don't care, I'm afraid you care."

Su Jian smiled, sensible.She went to get the lockbox and brought everything, except her pajamas. Su Jian asked Ji Shizhou, "Do you have any pajamas? Give me the whole set."

Ji Shizhou went to the cabinet and got a set of his own pajamas for her, "Don't wash it for too long."

Su Jian nodded, took her pajamas and went to the bathroom.

After she left the bedroom, Ji Shizhou touched the quilt again and still felt a little cold, so Leng Feibai sent a text message asking him to send a heating blanket.

When Leng Feibai saw the beating message on his phone, he thought that Ji Shizhou was about to come back, but when he saw the content of the text message, hehe.

It was impossible for him to deliver the blanket himself, and finally let someone else deliver it.

"Master, Mr. Leng asked me to bring you a blanket."

Ji Shizhou took it, and the blanket deliverer looked into the room.

"Su Huai, the bathroom drain seems to be blocked."

The person who delivered the blanket looked at him for a moment, and a woman came out wearing the young master's pajamas. The pajamas were very long, and her feet were stepped on, and her hands were tucked into the sleeves.

The person who delivered the blanket stared wide-eyed, woman, the woman in the young master's house!He wanted to wait for someone to come closer and take a closer look, but before anyone approached, the door closed with a "bang", and the person who delivered the blanket was shut out.

Ji Shizhou gave her the heating blanket, "Take it and fold it up, and take it away when the blanket is hot. I'll see if the bathroom drain is blocked."

"Oh, good." Su Jian went to the bedroom to change the blanket, turned on the electricity, warmed up the bed, and then lay down on the bed. She slept warmly and was comfortable, but her skin was prone to lack of water and became dry.

Seeing that she was already lying on the bed, Ji Shizhou frowned, and went to unplug the power, "It's not good to just sleep on the blanket, you get up."

Su Jian was wrapped in a quilt and rolled to the side.

Ji Shizhou took the heating blanket away, and said to her, "I haven't applied the medicine yet, go to bed after applying the medicine."

He went to the suitcase and took out the prepared medicine and cotton swabs, "Take off your clothes."

(End of this chapter)

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