The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 504 Mr. Ji's dream lover? ? ?

Chapter 504 Mr. Ji's dream lover? ? ?

"There are three or four minutes for the afternoon shift, but it will be a little later today." The counter lady thought for a while, "I will call Assistant Fang and ask him to ask."

"Don't ask, I'll just wait for him in the office." It's not easy for the boss to make money, so don't delay him.

"Okay." The lady at the counter brought Su Jian to the office, and pointed, "Miss Su, I can only take you here. You can go in."

"Thank you." Su Jian thanked her.

"Come on." The counter lady cheered her on.

It wasn't the first time Su Jian entered the office, she turned on the air conditioner with ease, and was a little lonely blowing the air conditioner by herself.

After 3 minutes, Ji Shizhou did not come back, and after 4 minutes, Ji Shizhou still did not come back.Su Jian left the office and wandered around.

After wandering around, they arrived at the door of the conference room. The door of the conference room was not closed. Su Jian stood by the door and saw Ji Shizhou through the crack of the door, and he was talking coldly.

He didn't talk much, and occasionally nodded to indicate that it was feasible.

"Come here today." Ji Shizhou said, "The meeting is over."

Hearing that the meeting was over, no one dared to move, and they were all waiting for Ji Shizhou to leave first. Assistant Fang opened the door and came out. Seeing Su Jian, he was surprised, "Miss Su!"

Su Jian nodded, "When will your boss Ji come out?"

"Immediately." Assistant Fang turned back, reached the door, poked his head in, "Boss, Miss Su is outside."

Everyone in the conference room: "..." Which Miss Su?

Ji Shizhou was stunned. He had received half of the computer and put it on the table. He walked in a hurry and tripped over the computer cable and it broke. He ignored it.

Assistant Fang entered the office and silently cleaned up the mess, "It's all over, the boss must be in a good mood today, everyone let go."

When he came out of the office and saw Su Jian standing at the door, Ji Shizhou was shocked, "Jian Jian."

Su Jian nodded, "It's me." I am me.

"Why are you here?" Ji Shizhou didn't expect her to appear here suddenly, and his movements were slow.

"Can't you come?" Su Jian asked coldly.

Ji Shizhou shook his head slightly and remained silent.

The other people who came out of the office didn't dare to look at anything, squeezed out from the door, and walked to the other side, not daring to disturb.

It was only after walking far away that I dared to look back at that Miss Su, the legendary Miss Su finally saw her beauty.

"That's Miss Su who came to the company years ago? Boss Ji's dream lover?"

"That's not true." Years ago, Su Jian came here once. Some people saw Su Jian and were deeply impressed, so they naturally remembered, "The last time I saw Miss Su was a beauty, she was a bit disfigured today. Miss Su was beaten ?"

"It's a bit like being beaten. You won't be beaten by Mr. Ji's family, right?" Mr. Ji is usually gloomy. No one in the company has ever seen him laugh. Such a person is the scariest.

"Don't talk nonsense! I saw her once a year ago. Mr. Ji wanted to take his heart out of his heart for her. It is impossible for him to domestically abuse her."

"That's right, have you ever seen Mr. Ji kneel on one knee to warm someone's legs? I've seen it before. Years ago, Mr. Ji knelt on one knee and warmed her legs with his hands for that Miss Su. That kneeling, My girlish heart has come out."

"Sister Zhao, you are 40 years old."


The people who came out of the office walked away and secretly poked at their President Ji and Miss Su.

Seeing Ji Shizhou pulling her towards the direction of the office, the others wondered, Ms. Su was not really domestically abused, was she?
Mr. Ji's expression is very strange, a bit fierce...

Assistant Fang came out, hugged the computer, and said fiercely: "Don't look at it, go to eat quickly."


"Bang!" Su Jian was pressed against the door by Ji Shi.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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