The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 522 Fang · God Assist · Doctor and Love Rival

Chapter 522 Fang · God Assist · Doctor and Love Rival
"The employees in your company are very polite." Su Jian said.

Assistant Fang led Su Jian up, and when he heard what she said, his mouth watered: "Boss..." Mother...

He quickly stopped, "They are naturally polite to Miss Su."

At the door of the office, Assistant Fang let her in, "I'll go tell the boss that you're here."

"Thank you."

"No thanks, the salary increase." All "thank you" are not as sincere as the salary increase. He is not a vulgar person, and vulgarity is not a human being.

Ji Shizhou returned to the office and saw Su Jian, "Why are you here again?"

"Don't come?" Su Jian tapped the insulated box on the table, "What if you're afraid of being seen?"

"No." Ji Shizhou walked over, hugged her from behind, and pressed his chin against the top of her head, "Every time I come here, I make you wait."

"I'm happy." Being hugged from behind was really uncomfortable, "Let's eat first."


Assistant Fang waited for the two of them to finish warming up before knocking on the door. He poked his head in and said, "Boss, I have something nice for you."

When Ji Shizhou looked over, Assistant Fang squeezed his big shiny eyes, and squinted at Su Jian, "Boss, it's really a good thing."

Ji Shizhou put down his chopsticks, walked over, and looked at Assistant Fang. Assistant Fang withdrew his head from the door, and Ji Shizhou closed the door when he went out.

Dr. Fang took out something casually, and he didn't know what he took out. He looked at it and quickly stuffed it back. After digging in his pocket for a long time, he took out two movie tickets.

"This is the latest movie released. My friend gave me two tickets. My wife has been ill recently and doesn't go out. I'm giving these two movie tickets to you and Ms. Su." Dr. Fang handed over the movie tickets, "Ren Whether she is a straight daughter of steel or a diamond mother, their heart is still a woman's heart, and they all yearn for romance."

No matter how young Miss Su is, she is still a woman. Miss Su still likes watching movies, something that young couples would do.

Ji Shizhou took the movie ticket, looked at the name of the movie, and put it away, "I will transfer the money to you."

Assistant Fang was a little flattered that the boss loved his subordinates so much, and immediately poured out his money: "Buy some popcorn while watching a movie, and send some flowers on the way."

Fang Boxue taught his boss all he had learned all his life, and remembered his business, "Oh, by the way, the quality of the interviewees today is pretty good."

Ji Shizhou nodded lightly, "Well, pick three top-notch ones and keep them."


Back in the house, Su Jian's first sentence was to ask him: "What kind of mess did Assistant Fang give you again?"

Ji Shizhou: "..."

Su Jian put the insulation box on, twisted the bag on the sofa, "I'm going back."

"I'll have someone take you back." Ji Shizhou worried that she was alone, so he called Assistant Fang.

"I'll take you down." Ji Shizhou took the bag containing the insulated box from her hand and sent her down.

Zeng Ling, who had just visited the company, came down and saw Su Jian walking with Ji Shizhou, with an excited expression on his face, "Su..."

The person next to him hurriedly pulled Zeng Ling, "Miss Zeng, the company prohibits making noise."

"I know Su Huai..." Zeng Ling shook off the person holding her, and quickly said, "It's your boss Ji. I used to be classmates with him, so I just went up to say hello."

Su Huai... This name is often called by the proprietress.They were afraid that Ms. Zeng really knew Mr. Ji, and it would be difficult to stop them, "Ms. Zeng..."

"Su Huai!" Zeng Ling had already strode over, her eyes were filled with excitement, and she shouted again: "Su Huai!"

(End of this chapter)

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