The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 524 Miss Su lives with the boss

Chapter 524 Miss Su lives with the boss

Ji Shizhou subconsciously waved away the person who grabbed his sleeve, with some ruthlessness, Zeng Ling was swung away by him, and bumped into the closed elevator behind him.

The elevator made a "bang!" sound, Zeng Ling's back was pressed against the elevator, and she staggered for a while before she stood still.

"Su Huai..." She called him in a low voice, a little aggrieved.

Ji Shizhou looked at the sleeve that she had touched, and frowned. All he cared about was his clothes. He didn't care who the person who appeared here was, what his name was, or what he looked like.

His indifference is chilling.

"Hi Miss Su!"

"Hi Miss Su!"

Hearing the sound, the indifferent man finally raised his eyes and looked at the people who entered the lobby. The people in the company were already familiar with Su Jian. At noon, the proprietress would come to deliver meals, and they were used to it.

Ji Shizhou walked fast. Seeing the boss coming down, the employees of the company bowed and shouted in unison: "Mr. Ji!"

As for Zeng Ling, she never caught Ji Shizhou's eyes the whole time, he never looked at her, not even a glance, Ji Shizhou didn't even know who touched his clothes just now.

When the man who didn't put anyone in his eyes saw the woman who came in with the insulated box, his eyes softened and became focused.

When he heard those people calling Su Jian, Zeng Ling also looked at the woman twisting the insulated box. The 25-year-old woman was more mature and intellectual.

"It's just a coincidence." Su Jian saw Ji Shizhou coming, and said calmly, "I thought you had another meeting to delay the afternoon shift."

"There's no meeting today." Ji Shizhou saw the insulated box in her hand and reached out to take it. Instead of going to the office, he went outside the company.

Su Jian was puzzled: "Don't you eat?"

"Go to the park to eat."

The sun is very warm recently, Su Jianchun thought that he just wanted to bask in the sun.

Zeng Ling walked a few steps, but did not catch up, with a gloomy expression on his face.

Assistant Fang saw Zeng Ling, "New here, why don't you go to eat?"

"I just met your President Ji and said hello to him." Zeng Ling pretended to shrug his shoulders relaxedly, "It's okay, I'll go eat in a while, Assistant Fang, are you going to eat too?"

"I'm going." The boss is not in the company today, so no one will order him.

Zeng Ling paused, and asked, "Where is Mr. Ji planning to go?"

Assistant Fang glanced at Zeng Ling, "Where the boss goes has nothing to do with us."

Zeng Ling smiled, and shouted kindly: "I just saw that senior sister came to the company. Isn't senior sister working in Jiucheng?"

Dr. Fang thought about the title: "Senior sister?"

"It's Miss Su who is with the boss. We used to be in the same school. Mr. Ji and I are classmates. We have a good relationship. Senior sister often comes to see Su...Mr. Ji, so I also know senior sister."

Dr. Fang has seen the world and is very shrewd, with a normal expression on his face: "Oh, you know each other."

Assistant Fang thought for a while, and then said: "Miss Su lives with the boss now, it's normal for Miss Su to come to the company to deliver meals to the boss."

In short, Su Jian and Ji Shizhou lived together, and often went to the company to deliver meals to the boss, securing her position as the boss's wife.

"Assistant Fang, I'm not very familiar with the company, and I don't know where the canteen is. Can you take me there?"

A young and pretty girl, polite and likable, it is not a problem to have a good relationship with colleagues.

Dr. Fang's family has a lovely wife, so of course they don't like these little girls, so they called Xiao Xu over, "Xiao Xu, take the new Ms. Zeng to the cafeteria."

Serving such a beautiful girl, Xu Ke, who has been single for 25 years, is happy, "Okay!"

Zeng Ling thanked Dr. Fang and went to the cafeteria with Xiao Xu.

(End of this chapter)

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