The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 550 Today Is A Day That I Can Talk About Love

Chapter 550 Today Is a Day of Talking About Love

Su Jian had already fallen asleep, Ji Shizhou opened the curtain and came in, "Su Jian."

She asked, "Why aren't you asleep?"

Ji Shizhou walked to the bed, lifted a corner of the quilt, put the hot water bottle on her abdomen, and then tucked the quilt back.

He said, "Good night."

Su Jian watched him go out, her eyes were soft, her lower abdomen was very hot, and the pain was much less. Su Jian touched the hot water bottle on her abdomen and smiled.

The next day, when Su Jian woke up, Ji Shizhou had already woken up and made a light breakfast.

Su Jian didn't have much appetite, so she ate a little casually, and when Ji Shizhou left, Su Jian followed, "I'll see you off."

Ji Shizhou was slightly taken aback, "I thought you didn't care."

"I said I got it."

"No need to send it away." Ji Shizhou's pent-up energy from yesterday dissipated early, "You don't feel well, rest at home."

Su Jian stood by the door and didn't move, "That's good." The boss is very understanding.

Ji Shizhou: "..."

She was really not feeling well. Ji Shizhou glanced at her twice and left. Su Jian followed and called him, "Su Huai."

Ji Shizhou stopped and turned to look at her.

"I will miss you." Su Jian pointed to her heart, "My heart is with you." The lyrics I just heard yesterday, I can't remember which song it is.

She said, Su Huai, I will miss you.

Ji Shizhou was stunned. The woman standing at the door smiled very lightly, which imprinted in his eyes, and his eyes also had a little smile, "Well, I see."

"Let's go." Su Jian waved her hand, indicating that he could go.

Ji Shizhou nodded, and went down the stairs. When he reached the corner, he turned around, and she had already entered the house, only to see the closed door.

He withdrew his gaze, went downstairs, and it was Leng Feibai who came to pick him up.

"Master, the old man of the Ji family wants to see you."

Ji Shizhou didn't speak. Looking at the open window, he saw her lying on the balcony and waved at him.

The windows were up and the car drove away.


The members of Ji's family knew that Ji Shizhou was back, but they just never went back to Ji's house and were always active in Qin's house.

The head of the Ji family is still the old man of the Ji family, the grandfather of Ji Shizhou.

Ji Shizhou's grandfather didn't like Ji Shizhou, just like Ji Shizhou's grandfather didn't like his mother, so his return was no surprise to Ji's old man.

"Master, the old man is waiting for you inside." Leng Feibai did not follow.

Someone came to lead Ji Shizhou to meet the old man. When he opened the door, Ji Shizhou saw that the old man of the Ji family was still the same as before, with a stern and majestic expression, and he would not allow others to disobey him.

Seeing Ji Shizhou, he raised his eyes slightly, "Sit down."

Ji Shizhou stood still and looked at the old man, "What's the matter?"

"Being back for so long, don't you know how to go home?" The old man was very indifferent. Seeing his grandson seemed to be seeing a stranger, "I don't know if someone in the family is thinking about it. Just like your father, I only know about the Qin family. I don't know who else is there." A season family."

"I know." Ji Shizhou replied indifferently.

"I know I'm only coming back now!" The old man was furious. He heard that Ji Shizhou had returned to the Qin's house, but he never thought about going back to the Ji's house. He felt angry, "The Qin's is your home, but isn't the Ji's?"

Ji Shizhou said lightly, "Neither of them."

"You bastard! Just like your father, eat the inside out!" The old man threw the spinning beads in his hand at him.

Ji Shizhou tilted his body, the ball brushed against his sleeve, and hit the vase on the counter. The vase was knocked over and fell to the ground, breaking it.

(End of this chapter)

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