Chapter 552
Ji Yunzhan, the son of Mr. Ji's third wife, is also the youngest of the Ji family, not a few years older than Ji Shizhou.

"Well, I'm back." The man nodded, and he looked at Ji Shizhou, "Brother's child?"

"This is Ah Shi, your elder brother's child." Zhao Shu'er quickly introduced to Ji Yunzhan, and after the introduction, she introduced Ji Yunzhan to Ji Shizhou, "Ah Shi, this is your uncle. He took you to play with him when he was young."

Even though they had played together, Ji Shizhou didn't have any impression. He only knew that there was a younger uncle who was a few years older than him. When we met again, his appearance changed a bit, and Ji Shizhou didn't recognize him.

The man looked at Ji Shizhou, looking at him with the eyes of a child, "Brother and sister-in-law will be very pleased to see that you are so promising."

Ji Shizhou didn't respond in particular, but he responded with a cold voice, out of tune with this family.

In terms of certain characteristics, Ji Yunzhan is somewhat similar to Ji Shizhou. He looked at the old man sitting on the sofa, "Ah Shi is back, as an elder, you put on such a mouth, which is too chilling. No wonder Ah Shi doesn't get close to you."

In Ji's house, Ji Yunzhan is the only person who can talk to the old man like this. Others get scared when they see the old man, let alone teach him a lesson.

Ji Yunzhan is an exception, the youngest of the Ji family, who was raised with admiration, is not arrogant, but a little indifferent, and will say a few words when he can't stand some of the actions of the master of the Ji family.

Mr. Ji was taught a lesson, but he was not angry, "I haven't seen you in the company recently, where have you been?"

"I have my own things to do, so it's not enough to just idle around." Ji Yunzhan didn't communicate too much with Mr. Ji, and looked at Ji Shizhou, "Ah Shi, do you want to move back?"

Although it was a question, it also asked him to live back.

"No, I have a home." Ji Shizhou was unmoved, looked at the time, and got up, "I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

"Sit down!" The old man's voice was a little louder, "Is there any education! What have you learned outside these years!"

This sentence stepped on Ji Shizhou's nerves. He slowly turned around and looked at the old man sitting on the sofa, "After my parents died, the Ji family did not teach me the tutoring I should have. The ability to recognize things is indeed not taught by Ji's family."

His words, deeds, and actions are in great contrast to his age, mature, stable, and as cold as ice.

In front of the daunting old man, don't mention respect, he has never called the elders what a junior should have, and he has never called the old man "Grandpa" since he entered the door.

"Little beast!" The old man was repeatedly contradicted by a grandson, and his temper became even worse. "Who taught you to talk to elders like this! After a few years outside, you won't know who is who when you go home?"

The old man is used to being respected by others, and anyone who sees him should respect him. The majesty of the Patriarch of the Ji family will not allow others to disobey him, except for being more tolerant of Ji Yunzhan, who looks like a father, and anyone in his hands is a tool.

The old man didn't like Ji Shizhou's mother, and he didn't even like Ji Shizhou's eldest grandson. After seeing him for so many years, he didn't show the kindness he should have.

The majesty of the old man was touched, and he became angry, and he didn't feel guilty about this grandson who had been missing for many years and came back.

It's more dissatisfaction and blame, otherwise he wouldn't have scolded such words as "little beast".

"What good things can an old beast produce?" The broken hair on his forehead fell down, casting shadows in his eyes, "However, I didn't grow up in Ji's family."

(End of this chapter)

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