The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 567 Why is Miss Su so serious?

Chapter 567 Why is Miss Su so serious?
Sheng Xun's assistant: "..." Ms. Su has always been wild, which is similar to asking people what color underwear they wear during truth or dare.

Ji Shizhou's eyes flickered for a moment, and he looked away.

This question is the one with the most comments from female netizens on Jiucheng's official website. Su Jian reserved the questions that were screened by the website.

As soon as the words of tiger and wolf came out, Sheng Xun was also stunned for a moment.

A non-still picture, but at the moment it produces the effect of a still picture.

Sheng Xun stepped forward to resolve the embarrassing situation, "Mr. Ji can not answer this question."

Ji Shizhou's ears turned red, and he turned his gaze back to meet Su Jian. He paused and said, " know."

"I don't know." The air, which was still hot and dry, cooled down after a while.

All right, Su Jian nodded, "I know."

Ji Shizhou also specially answered her: "Yes."

"Then what kind of girl does Mr. Ji like?" Ms. Su stepped on the brakes and started to work seriously, "Big girl, or little sheep?"

Sheng Xun: "..."

Assistant Sheng Xun: "..." Is the interview question really set like this?
The assistant was deeply skeptical.

Ji Shizhou's indifferent eyes were a little dazed, he glanced at Sheng Xun, then at Su Jian, and quickly moved away, "You, you are like this."

Su Jian glanced down and silently wrote down the answer.

Well, big one.

"My interview is over, thank you Mr. Ji for your cooperation." Su Jian put away the recording pen and saved the video, "I wish Mr. Ji all wishes come true."

Noticing Su Jian's side, the reporter immediately smelled the gossip and rushed over, Ji Shizhou was surrounded.

"Mr. Ji, there are rumors that you are going back to the Ji family this time to take over the position of the Ji family's ruler. Is this true?"

"Mr. Ji, it is rumored that you have annexed the companies of all the heirs of the Qin family except Qin Chubai. Is this true?"

"There are also rumors that Qin's eldest son was imprisoned by you. How do you explain it?"

"Are you going to use the methods you used against the eldest son of Qin on the sons of the Ji family again?"


The reporters asked very sharp questions, all aimed at Ji Shizhou. It was not difficult to see that someone was fanning the flames. These questions were premeditated.

Su Jian was pushed to the side, Sheng Xun reached out to support her, "Be careful."

When she stood still, the man's hand on her waist was withdrawn.

"It's okay." Su Jian waved her hand.

Ji Shizhou looked at the reporters who came up to surround him, the warmth in his eyes disappeared, "Get lost."

A group of men in uniform entered and separated the reporters.

Ji Shizhou's clothes were scratched, and he rubbed the touched place in disgust.

"Master, are you okay?" Leng Feibai was a little anxious, "These reporters are probably found by the Ji family."

"Remember someone." Ji Shizhou was anxious to see Su Jian. There were so many people, he was afraid that she would be squeezed, "Jian Jian."

"I'm fine." Su Jian kept a distance from him, not wanting to be paid too much attention.

Ji Shizhou saw her intention, but did not let go, "Su Jian."

"Master." Leng Feibai separated the two of them from the middle, and pulled Ji Shizhou's hand back, "There are too many people, so don't cause trouble for Miss Su."

Ji Shizhou paused and withdrew his hand.

The reporters had already been thrown out by the security guards. After being kicked out, they made noise outside. It didn't take long for them to receive the news that their magazines were closed, and they felt like a thunderbolt.

Who can continue to make trouble in such a situation, the job is not guaranteed, and they are too busy to take care of themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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