The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 599 Angry, I want to coax

Chapter 599 Angry, I want to coax
The person beside him didn't speak, and Su Jian didn't ask any more questions, and threw half of the quilt to him, "Cover it, don't catch a cold."

Ji Shizhou was facing her, Su Jian turned over, changed the direction to sleep, and moved a little inside, "Go to sleep, we will talk about it tomorrow if we have anything to do."

The middle was empty, and Ji Shizhou didn't move in.

Su Jian was about to go to sleep, but remembered what he said just now, and turned over, "What do you mean by what you just said? I brought Sheng Xun into the house."

Ji Shizhou put his arms around her, "I'm not happy."

"You're not happy to discuss it later. How do you know that Sheng Xun has been here?" This is the point. Didn't he come back in the middle of the night?
"Someone took a video." When Ji Shizhou mentioned this, his attitude changed and he was very upset, "You are very close, and he even kissed you."

No wonder Su Huai wanted to make trouble with her as soon as he came back. It turned out that someone secretly took pictures to sow discord.

The misunderstanding is big, and she has to explain clearly: "I don't know who took the sneak shot, and I don't know what the sneak shot wants to do, but there is nothing between me and him, and it is impossible for him to kiss me. You know, misaligned angles are the most likely to cause misunderstandings.”

Ji Shizhou's hand fell on her face, caressing her gently, "You never let a man get close, and he has come close to you."

"Nonsense!" Su Jian is a dedicated person, and said truthfully, "Aren't you a man?"

Being so close to me every day, and saying not to let men come near, whose face are you hitting?

"You didn't let me approach you before." Ji Shizhou thought of what happened a long time ago.

"He's been drinking, so he's not sober. I'm just doing my duty." Su Jian paused, and said, "He has a very long scar on his back, which was when he was crushed by cement blocks to save me in Mingzhou." The rebar was punctured and a lot of stitches were needed."

Su Jian took away his hand that was touching his face, "He is drunk and lying in front of the house, can I stay in the house with peace of mind?"

"I don't like him." Su Jian expressed her heart, "If I liked him, I wouldn't have mixed up with you."

Ji Shizhou: "..."


The next day Dr. Fang called tremblingly, and it was Su Jian who answered the call.

Dr. Fang doesn't care about work, but only cares about the boss's private life, "Boss, how are you and Ms. Su?"

"Very good." Su Jian glanced at the man sleeping beside her.

"Su, Miss Su!" Dr. Fang was shocked, "Why is the boss's phone in your hand?"

"He's still sleeping. I picked it up. If you want to talk to him, I'll wake him up."

"No, please don't!" Dr. Fang cautiously tested, "The boss isn't particularly angry, is he?"

"No, I slept soundly."

"That's good." Dr. Fang hung up the phone with confidence. Sure enough, the husband and wife quarreled and slept for a while. If it's not enough, sleep twice. After sleeping, there is no energy to be angry.

When Ji Shizhou woke up, Su Jian gave him the phone and forwarded Dr. Fang's words, "Fang Boxue's phone call, asking if you are still angry."

"Angry." Ji Shizhou got off the bed, "He wants to kiss you."

"It's his business that he wants to kiss me." Su Jian wrapped his arms around his neck from behind and locked his throat, "I didn't let him kiss."

Ji Shizhou's feet had already got off the bed, and she hugged her from behind. He retracted his feet and turned around. She was still hugging her neck.

He leaned over, "I want it."

"What do you want?" Su Jian let go of the hand hanging around his neck, and was about to get off the bed, but he snatched it back.

"Early in the morning, it's suitable for washing your face, brushing your teeth, and eating breakfast, not for exercising." Su Jian patted his shoulder and said earnestly: "Young man, don't be greedy."

Ji Shizhou: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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