The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 903 Youth Should Be Like This

Chapter 903 Youth Should Be Like This (Part [-])
C City Hotel——

As soon as Su Weiwei lay down, Liang Sheng came over.

Su Weiwei immediately woke up when he heard the voice, "Liang Sheng."

Liang Sheng told Su Weiwei the latest news he had found, to reassure her, "Weiwei, your sister and Ji Shizhou are back."

Su Weiwei got up from the bed, got out of bed without putting on his shoes, and ran to Liang Sheng, "Are they injured?"

Liang Sheng thought for a while, "It's not a serious injury, don't worry, they've returned to City B now."

"Going back?" Su Weiwei finally let go of her long-hanging heart. She grabbed Liang Sheng's hand, "Accompany me to City C to find my sister and brother, okay?"

"Okay, I'll go with you." Liang Sheng let go of his hanging heart, "Have you taken the medicine I gave you before?"

"I haven't eaten, and I don't feel any pain." Su Weiwei was a little uncomfortable before, but she got better soon, especially now, she is very energetic.

"If it doesn't hurt, then I won't eat. I'll collect my things and I'll come find you later." Liang Sheng told her specifically: "Remember to bring all the ID cards you brought over, don't leave them behind."

"Don't worry, I won't forget." Su Erwei urged him to pack up quickly, she couldn't wait to go to City B to find Su Jian.

Su Erwei was also worried that Liang Sheng was slow, so he ran over to help Liang Sheng tidy up. Liang Sheng brought some change of underwear, which Su Erwei happened to see when he was helping him tidy up.

Liang Sheng turned his face away, "Weiwei, those are my underwear, don't touch them, I will clean them myself."

Su Weiwei saw that he was embarrassed to stuff him in casually and sealed the box, "Let's go."

"Wait a minute." Liang Sheng pulled Su Weiwei back, checked her satchel, and made sure that all the things she brought were packed.

After leaving the hotel with Liang Sheng, Su Weiwei thought of Dr. Qin and asked Liang Sheng, "Should we talk to Dr. Qin?"

Liang Sheng didn't object, "Well, just say what you want to say."

Su Weiwei asked curiously, "Aren't you jealous?"

Liang Sheng shook his head, "As long as I want to do something, I will not stop it."

From high school to university, he gradually grew from a boy to a man, and he felt that the quarrel caused by jealousy should not have taken up his time with her, which was too precious.

"Shouldn't you be jealous if you like someone?" Su Weiwei didn't quite understand, "If I see you getting close to any woman, I will get angry and have a bad temper."

Compared with this, isn't she too stingy?

"Really?" Liang Sheng looked at her in astonishment, his eyes sparkled like moonlight shining into the lake.

"Isn't this a normal thing?" Su Weiwei became clearer when he heard that Su Jian was fine, and he talked a lot, and he returned to his previous lively appearance.

Liang Sheng put down the suitcase, looked around, and then asked Su Weiwei cautiously, "Can I kiss you?"

"Kiss here?" Su Weiwei nodded his cheeks, then his lips, "Or here?"

Liang Sheng blushed, and pressed his fingers on his lips, "Here."

"Liang Sheng, you've learned badly." Su Weiwei dragged him to a place where no one was around, and looked at Liang Sheng forcefully.

At this time, Su Weiwei was actually a paper tiger, his heart was pounding, and he was so nervous that he was about to sweat.She and Liang Sheng had been together for so long, at most they would kiss on the face, kiss on the hand, even if they kissed lightly, they would leave.

She doesn't know how to kiss, and she doesn't know whether to close her eyes or stretch out when kissing...

Because she was so nervous, her palms were sweaty.

"If it's not possible, tell me." Liang Sheng had already pressed close to him, she was pushed against the nearby landscape tree, Liang Sheng's hand passed through her waist and put it on her back.

In public, Liang Sheng kissed her.

After the end, Su Weiwei's face seemed to be cooked, and so did Liang Sheng, but Liang Sheng was better. After the end, he asked Su Weiwei specifically: "Will it be difficult to breathe?"

" won't..." Su Weiwei didn't dare to look directly at Liang Sheng, and covered his face, "I can take a breath!"

Liang Sheng paused for a moment, understood what she meant, and smiled unconsciously.

Su Weiwei felt that he was being ridiculed, and it was most likely because of her poor technique. Although it was indeed bad, it was really good to laugh out loud in front of her?

"Okay, I get it." Liang Sheng took her hand covering her face, "I don't know how to breathe, and I'm also shy, so don't hold back."

Hearing what Liang Sheng said, Su Erwei was so tired that he was so relieved, "I'm not shy, I can take a breath!"

"Okay, I won't, I'm shy." Liang Sheng admitted with a smile, holding her hand and taking her back against the tree away, "Let's go, someone seems to have seen it just now."

"Ah!" Su Erwei hid in Liang Sheng's arms in fright, covering his entire face tightly, "Let's go, let's go, it's too embarrassing."

Su Erwei hid in Liang Sheng's arms, buried his face in his heart, and Liang Sheng put his arms around her, covering her tightly.

A car was parked far away from the scenic tree. After the two walked away, the window of the car was rolled down, revealing Doctor Qin's face.

The driver next to him didn't dare to say a word, and silently accompanied Qin Chubai as he watched the young couple leave.

If the enemy does not move, I will not move, Doctor Qin does not speak, and the driver does not dare to speak.

Qin Chubai raised the car window, "Let's go."

"Okay." The driver stepped on the accelerator and fled the place of right and wrong.

Su Weiwei and Liang Sheng went to City B by plane.

On the plane, Liang Sheng felt a little airsick, and Su Weiwei poured him a glass of water, "My sister also got airsick, but luckily my brother is by her side. I didn't expect you to get airsick too, but it's okay, I'll be by your side."

Liang Sheng's heart was like honey, very sweet, the mineral water in his hand had a sweet taste.

He really likes her, and the girl beside him. If possible, he wants to be by her side for the rest of his life.

He has always got a lot of things, so he never complains, "Weiwei, thank you."

"You're welcome." Su Weiwei took the cup in his hand and put it away, automatically brought Su Huai's role, and patted his chest, "It's no surprise that I'm here."

Liang Sheng laughed like a peach blossom in full bloom.

His hand touched the box in his pocket and he clenched it tightly.

It was a short flight from city C to city B. The two got off the plane and came out from the exit. Liang Shengliang handed the suitcase to Su Weiwei, "You keep the suitcase, I'll go buy some water."

Su Erwei nodded, sat on the suitcase, and waited leisurely for Liang Sheng to come back.

Liang Sheng went away for a while, so long that Su Erwei was about to fall asleep, and she was about to call to remind Liang Sheng, when someone came over.

It was a little girl with a red rose in her hand, and the little girl handed the rose to her, "Sister, this is for you."

Su Weiwei hurriedly said, "Thank you."

Then, a few little girls came from behind and gave her the roses in their hands, "Sister, this is for you."

(End of this chapter)

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