Chapter 905
Liang Sheng's eyes sparkled, "Really?"

With trembling hands, he opened the ring box and took out the ring inside. Because of his excessive excitement, his hands shook badly. The size of the ring was very suitable, but he also spent a lot of energy putting the ring on her.

Putting on the ring, Liang Sheng kissed her finger, "After graduation, find a time, I will go to meet your parents, I will come to propose marriage, and then we can hold an engagement ceremony first, and then invite all your family members over .”

"Okay, Liang Sheng, I promise you." What Su Weiwei wanted all her life was stability. Now that she has someone she likes, she can trust this person for the rest of her life. This is something she never thought about.

Marriage is something she has never considered, and now there is someone who makes her dream come true little by little, and she feels very good.

She has been very lucky since she was born. She has a sister who loves her, a family, and a person who loves her when she grows up. She is so happy.

"Kiss one! Kiss one! Kiss one!"

"Stop talking! Kiss me!"

"Kiss one!"

The crowd started booing again, and Su Weiwei was a little overwhelmed. She would feel embarrassed if so many people watched.

But if Liang Sheng strongly asked for a kiss, she could.

Su Weiwei pulled him up from the ground and thought for a while, "Liang Sheng, you can kiss me."

Liang Sheng leaned over to kiss her, just on the cheek, except for the cheek, there was no excessive move.

This kiss was too pure and beautiful to be broken.

I don't know who shouted, "It can be sent to the bridal chamber."

Liang Sheng pulled the suitcase over and said, "Weiwei, sit on it and rest for a while, the car will be here soon."

Liang Sheng called a car to pick him up and Su Weiwei.

When the car came over, Liang Sheng and Su Weiwei cleaned up the scene without leaving any traces. When cleaning up the scene, Su Weiwei suddenly felt a little regretful, "The next proposal should be in a place where there are few people, preferably at home. Otherwise, we still have to clean up the scene like now, so tiring."

Liang Sheng asked her to get in the car, but refused to clean it up. The person who called over helped Liang Sheng clean it up, and it was cleaned up quickly.

In the car, Liang Sheng kept looking at her ring-wearing hand, never leaving his eyes for a moment.

Seeing him staring at his hand, Su Weiwei asked him, "Want to hold hands?"

"Yeah." Liang Sheng nodded, and reached out to hold her. The weather was hot, and Su Weiwei didn't feel uncomfortable. The two of them held hands all the way to Ji Shizhou's residence.

Liang Sheng was a little nervous. Seeing Su Weiwei's family, he didn't know what to say or what to shout.

I am afraid that if you shout too kindly, others will find him abrupt, and if you shout too unfamiliar, others will think he is impolite.

Su Erwei could see that he was nervous, and shook his hand, "Don't worry, my sister has a very good temper and is easy to get along with. She loves me the most. As for my brother, he loves me too, but his face is smelly." Some people are not unreasonable, you just get used to it."

Liang Sheng met Su Erwei's family, Su Jian and Ji Shizhou, and knew that they were not difficult people to get along with, but he was still very nervous.

When they arrived at the big iron gate, Su Weiwei rang the bell, but there was no response after pressing it for a long time. She originally planned to give them a shock, but who ever thought that there might be no one at home.

Su Erwei took out her mobile phone and called Su Jian, but no one answered the phone. She resolutely called Ji Shizhou again, but no one answered.

Su Weiwei said to Liang Sheng: "Probably went out, let's wait, they should be back soon."

"it is good."

Liang Sheng waited with her, Su Weiwei sat on the suitcase, and Liang Sheng supported the suitcase.

(End of this chapter)

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