The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 907 Building a car behind closed doors

Chapter 907 Working behind closed doors (three-in-one)

Seeing her open the door loudly, Ji Shizhou heaved a sigh of relief, and stood outside the door, "I'm here to watch you."

If he couldn't hear her voice, he would panic.

Su Jian opened the door directly. After getting married, Su Jian was used to running naked, and she felt no pressure in front of the boss.


Ji Shizhou called her.

"En." Su Jian replied.

Ji Shizhou would call Su Jian again every few seconds, and Ji Shizhou would call her again every few seconds. Su Jian sometimes didn't bother to answer him, but he would keep calling, Su Jian knew, he Panic.

After rushing out of the shower, Su Jian put on her clothes, "Go in and take a shower."

Ji Shizhou nodded, "Jian Jian, remember to talk to me, I will panic if I don't hear your voice."

"Okay, I will talk to you and let you hear my voice." Su Jian gave him his clothes from the closet, and pushed him into the bathroom.

When taking a bath, there was the sound of water inside, and he couldn't hear Su Jian talking, so he opened the door every once in a while to see if Su Jian was still waiting for him at the door of the bathroom.

To Ji Shizhou, Su Jian had a rare patience. Every time she saw him coming out in the wet, she nodded at him to reassure him.

Taking a bath for Ji Shizhou was also rough. When he came out of the shower, Su Jian touched his stomach, "Su Huai, I'm hungry."

Ji Shizhou remembered that she hadn't eaten, so he put down the towel that was wiping her hair, "I'll cook, you go out with me, stay with me."

"Okay." Su Jian agreed with a good temper, and went out with him.

When Ji Shizhou entered the kitchen, she lost her mobile phone when Ji Yunshen kidnapped her. She played with the mobile phone that Ji Shizhou had left on the sofa, and found several missed calls on it.

Su Jian shouted to the busy man in the kitchen: "Su Huai, you have a missed call."

Ji Shizhou was cooking in the kitchen, it was a little noisy, he didn't hear what she said clearly, he came out in a hurry when he heard a little trouble, saw her holding his mobile phone, and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong?"

Su Jian took his mobile phone and approached him, "You have a missed call."

Ji Shizhou's serious expression relaxed slightly, "Dial it back for me."

Su Jian opened Ji Shizhou's password lock, entered the page, turned to the missed call, and did not forget to say to Ji Shizhou when calling back: "Su Weiwei's number."

When the call was connected, Ji Shizhou had already entered the kitchen.

As soon as the phone was connected, Su Jian heard Su Weiwei's anxious voice: "Hey, sister, are you okay? Where are you?"

Su Weiwei was so anxious, maybe he heard some rumors about her being kidnapped. In order to reassure her, Su Jian comforted her: "I'm at home, don't think too much about what you hear outside, I'm fine, I just slept for a while Sleep."

Su Weiwei: "..."

Su Jian didn't hear her, and she was afraid that she would be worried, so she specially said: "Your brother-in-law and I are preparing dinner, and he is in the kitchen."

"..." Su Erwei remained silent.

Su Erwei's silence made Su Jian a little worried, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Sister, I want you to help me empty my shopping cart for one year, it's not too much, really." Su Weiwei gritted his teeth.

"Okay, you can copy the link to me, and I'll help you pay later." Su Jian didn't hear any abnormality at all, and the straight daughter's operation has never disappointed.

"Ah!" Su Weiwei called out.

This irritable cry frightened Su Jian, "Weiwei, what happened?"

"Come out, open the curtain, look at the gate, and you will see a big gift."

Su Jian dubiously walked to the window and opened the curtains, then opened the window, she went to the balcony to look at the big iron gate.

A man and a woman stood at the big iron gate, the female voice was sitting on the suitcase, the man was holding the suitcase, the figure of the woman made Su Jian feel very familiar.

Now that the sky had darkened, Su Jian couldn't see very clearly, but she could still distinguish the figures of acquaintances.

Su two-dimensional!
Su Jian ran out wearing slippers, before she had time to change her shoes. When she arrived in the yard, Su Jian ran towards the big iron gate, and saw Su Erwei holding on to the iron gate, with the flesh on his face squeezed out of the frame of the iron gate come out.

When Su Weiwei saw Su Jian, he was not excited at all, but a little depressed, and called out in a particularly mournful voice: "Sister."

Su Jian saw clearly who the boy who came with her was, and opened the iron gate to greet Liang Sheng first, "Hello, come in quickly."

Liang Sheng nodded to her politely, "Hi, excuse me."

After greeting Liang Sheng, Su Jian asked Su Weiwei, "What's the matter with you?"

"What's the matter with me?" Su Weiwei was even more distressed, "Sister, I've been waiting for you here for two hours, and I couldn't answer the phone call or ring the doorbell. I thought you were not at home, but you just told me something. The cruel fact is that you are at home!"

She was at home, and it was indeed her fault that Su Weiwei waited for an hour. Su Jian promised: "Send me what you want to buy, and I will pay for it for you."

"It's not a matter of money or not." Su Erwei swiped open his phone, clicked into the shopping cart, and sent the link to Su Jian, "This is because I've been waiting for you for an hour, but you are at home with your brother-in-law."

Su Jian looked at the link she sent: "..."

She went to help Liang Sheng carry the suitcase, "I'll get it."

Liang Sheng said softly, "It's okay."

It's not used to a boy and a girl coming to a relative's house, so it's better to give him something to do so that he can be more comfortable. Su Jian didn't fight with him for the suitcase, and let him take it if he wanted to.

Su Jian placed the order, Su Erwei was satisfied, and temporarily forgot about waiting for her outside the door for an hour.

Su Weiwei suddenly became cheerful, covered his mouth and smiled, "Sister, you and brother-in-law are not creating people behind closed doors, are you?"

Su Jian: "..." Really.

"I guessed right." Su Weiwei snorted cheerfully, "I'm really a genius who is good at guessing people's hearts."

Su Jian: "You are a genius."

Indirectly admitted the matter of creating people behind closed doors.

"It's not advisable to create a car behind closed doors. It's right to create a man behind closed doors. I support you and your brother-in-law." It's worth it that she really worked hard for an hour and it was worth it.

Su Erwei was talking to Su Jian, and looked back at Liang Sheng from time to time. She saw him nodding at her before continuing to talk to Su Jian.

When they reached the entrance, Su Jian asked them to go in directly, but Su Weiwei and Liang Sheng took the initiative to change their shoes.Although Liang Sheng didn't talk much, he was well-bred and polite. When he entered the room, he handed Su Erwei's suitcase to Su Jian.

"Sit down wherever you want, I'll go to the kitchen and talk to Su Huai."

"It's okay, I won't be polite to you." Although Su Jian and Ji Shizhou are married, they are not married to outsiders. In Su Weiwei's eyes, they will always be a family, and a family will not be polite.

Being too polite, he seemed alienated. Su Weiwei took an orange from the fruit basket and handed it to Liang Sheng, "Just treat it as your own home, you're welcome."

Su Weiwei knew that Liang Sheng liked this. Every time he went to the hospital, Su Weiwei would hand him an orange, and he was very happy every time.

Liang Sheng put the orange back out of politeness, and Su Weiwei took out the orange he put back, peeled it and handed it to him, "Take it and eat."

Liang Sheng took it and broke it into pieces and handed it to her, "Eat it."

Su Jian who walked to the door suddenly turned her head and saw the young couple sitting on the sofa, her aunt smiled.

It's great for young people to fall in love, and the old aunt said that she has regained her youthful feeling.

Ji Shizhou heard someone talking in the living room, and asked, "Jian Jian, who's here?"

"Su Weiwei and her classmate are here." Seeing that he seemed to be in a better mood, Su Jian took the spoon in his hand, "I'm coming, just watch from the sidelines."

He had just bandaged his hands, and if he continued to toss her, he was afraid that something would go wrong. Just now he was in a daze, so she asked him to cook something to divert his attention.

Of course, she was really hungry, she couldn't waste her labor, and it was just right for Ji Shizhou to cook.

"Jian Jian, you accompany her, and I'll do it." Ji Shizhou didn't let her touch the kitchen utensils.

Su Jian pointed to the gauze on his hand, "I just wrapped it up and you toss it again. If your hand bleeds again, I have to bandage it again. It's endless. It's better to take care of your wound and give it to you when you recover." I cook."

Ji Shizhou stepped aside when he heard the words, "Okay."

Su Jian cooks, and Ji Shizhou helps him out from time to time. Su Jian asks him to go out and chat with Su Weiwei, "You can chat with your sister for a while, and her classmates are also here. You are both boys and have common topics."

Su Jian thought of something serious, and said, "I think that kid has a lot of heart for Su Weiwei. As an older brother, you should go check on Su Weiwei and have a good communication with that boy."

Ji Shizhou suddenly hugged her from behind, "Su Jian, ten times."

Su Jian was startled, "What?"

"Since you entered the kitchen, you have said Su Erwei's name ten times." Ji Shizhou rubbed his face against her, his voice muffled, and he was in a bad mood.

"Su Huai, Su Huai..." Su Jian called his name ten times, so that he would not be the same as Su Weiwei. She asked Ji Shizhou, "Is it okay?"

Ji Shizhou was silent, and said seriously: "One more time."

Su Jian may have misremembered, and called out again: "Su Huai."

"Yeah." Ji Shizhou's lips curved into a smile, "One more time than Su Two-Dimensional."

Just because she called his name one more time, he was as happy as a child, too easy to be satisfied.

Ji Shizhou let go of her and went out from the kitchen, the gloom in his heart lightened a little.

Su Jian smiled and shook her head, her eyes were full of doting.

When Ji Shizhou went out from the kitchen, Su Erwei saw the gauze on Ji Shizhou's hand at a glance, and she asked in a daze, "Brother, what's wrong with your hand?"

"It's okay, I was cut by a knife while cooking." Ji Shizhou poured Liang Sheng a glass of water and sat down beside him.

Su Weiwei knew that he had always had this temperament, and he was responsible for everything alone, so she didn't ask any more questions, but she felt like a bright mirror in her heart.

She was going to sit beside Ji Shizhou, but was pushed away by Ji Shizhou, "Go and help Jian Jian."

Su Weiwei: "..."

Su Erwei was sent to help Su Jian, and Ji Shizhou and Liang Sheng were the only ones in the living room.

(End of this chapter)

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