The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 914 Sending Propositions

Chapter 914 Sending Propositions (Second Update)

"The child hasn't been born yet, it won't fall into the water, you're overthinking it." Su Jian felt that this problem didn't exist at all.

Ji Shizhou clung on, "After birth."

Su Jian chose a sensible answer, "I'll teach him how to swim."

Ji Shizhou continued to ask her the question just now: "I fell into the water with him, who do you save first?"

Su Jian knew she couldn't escape, so she thought for a while, "Save you, save you."

Saving the big brother is worth your life, it's better to save the big brother, anyway, after the child learns to swim, at most he can soak in it for a while.

Ji Shizhou's world suddenly cleared up, he stopped, squatted down in the corridor of the hospital and kissed her belly through the clothes, "Then I can barely like you."

He was talking about the child in her womb.

Su Jian smiled, pulled him up from the ground, and said embarrassingly, "Let's go."

The two left from the gynecology department, Ji Yunzhan looked at the backs of the two leaving, and looked at the place where they were just now, which was the direction of the gynecology department.

Ji Yunzhan asked Ah Cheng beside him: "Where is she going and what is she doing?"

"I didn't pay attention, I'll ask now."

Ah Cheng went to investigate, and when he came back, he had a weird expression on his face.

Ji Yunzhan told him to speak up when he had something to say.

"Miss Su is pregnant and just went for a checkup."

"Pregnant?" Ji Yunzhan was stunned for a moment, then smiled, a little inexplicably, "Ah Shi is really a lucky child, not pitiful."

Ah Cheng's reaction to Ji Yunzhan couldn't figure out what was wrong, anyway, he just felt that something was wrong.


Su Jian had only left for a while, and Ji Shizhou picked her up and carried her away. Su Jian was in a good mood today, and Ji Shizhou was in a good mood.

It was that every time she looked at her stomach and laughed, Ji Shizhou would be very upset and stare viciously at the contents of her stomach.

Sometimes I would poke her belly with my hands, but I didn't dare to do it again, but the unwillingness was so funny.

Su Jian suppressed her smile, and when she got home, Ji Shizhou wanted to hug her up, Su Jian pointed to her stomach, "You hug me, it's like hugging your cub, you must love him very much, yes Bar?"

"I just want to hug you." Ji Shizhou carried her into the room, put her on the sofa, and handled the typical fragile objects with care.

He squatted down to take off the high heels on her feet, then got up to put them away, and brought a pair of slippers for her to put on, "Don't wear high heels to work from now on."

"I know, you can't wear high heels when you're pregnant." Su Jian is not without common sense. After pregnancy, high heels and cosmetics all need to be refrigerated and cannot be touched again.

Ji Shizhou paused holding her ankle hand, "You think of everything for him."

"No." Su Jian's scalp was numb, and she hurriedly explained, "I'm thinking about the crystallization of our love."

Ji Shizhou tightened his grip on her ankle, and suddenly raised his head.

There is a sea of ​​stars in his eyes, which is full of light.

Su Jian bent down and lowered her head to kiss his eyes, "That's right, it's the crystallization of love."

"Hmm." Ji Shizhou suddenly smiled, and the smile spread from his eyes to the end of his eyes, and then spread to his face, his smile was like cotton, white and soft.

Su Jian kissed his eyes and left, Ji Shizhou hooked her neck, pointed to his lips, "I want it here too."

Su Jian looked at this evildoer and was bewitched, so she complied with his request. After kissing, Su Jian took a deep breath, "Okay."

"I'll cook, and you rest here." Ji Shizhou willingly cooks. She likes spicy food on weekdays, so Ji Shizhou picks out some to prevent her from eating too spicy food.

Su Jian, who likes spicy food, sees some bland dishes and doesn't have a particularly strong appetite. "It doesn't matter if you eat spicy food, as long as it's not too spicy."

"Okay." Ji Shizhou nodded, "I'll do it again."

"Forget it, it's fine not to eat." Su Jian pulled Ji Shizhou back, "Eating too much spicy food is not good for the child's skin. I'm afraid it will leave birthmarks in the future. It's better to avoid it."

For the sake of the child's beauty and health, I can no longer eat spicy barbecue in the future.

"Girls have birthmarks that are troublesome and affect their appearance, and boys are the same." Su Jian fantasized about the child's facial features while eating, "I think a boy must be like you, he must be very beautiful, and the birthmark should not affect his appearance. "

"Su Jian." Ji Shizhou looked at her, "You have mentioned him several times."

"All right, all right, I won't mention it, that's fine."

"Su Jian, I'm jealous." Ji Shizhou lowered his head without looking at her, and told her clearly that he was jealous and angry.

Su Jian: "..."

"Coax me." Ji Shizhou asked her.

"How to coax?" Usually when Ji Shizhou asked her to coax, he already had a plan, and Su Jian just had to follow his plan.

"Call Su Huai ten times." The childish Ji Shizhou started again.

This is the ancestor, to be coaxed, pampered, and hurt.

"Su Huai, Su Huai..." Su Huai counted, and called him eleven times, with a gift, "I called you eleven times, and I will give you another gift, are you happy?"

Only then was Ji Shizhou satisfied. Su Jian didn't dare to mention the child anymore when eating, and ate honestly.

"Take care of the company's affairs in the next few days, and return to City C in two days. After the engagement ceremony between Su Weiwei and Liang Sheng is over, we can start preparing for our wedding."

If Su Jian doesn't mention the child, Ji Shizhou will be very happy. He is more happy when he mentions the wedding than the child.

Ji Shizhou thought about it seriously, "Do you prefer Chinese or Western weddings?"

"It's all right." Su Jian didn't pick anything about the wedding, it was just a ceremony anyway.

"Prepare everything." Ji Shizhou carefully discussed with her while picking up some food for her: "A Chinese-style wedding at your house, and a Western-style wedding at my house, is that okay?"

"Will it be too troublesome?" Su Jian was afraid that she would not be able to take it because the preparations would cost money and time.

"I will prepare it, you don't have to worry." Ji Shizhou sandwiched a piece of fat and thin meat for her, "The child will compete with you for food, eat more."

"I don't eat fatty meat." Su Jian looked at the fat meat, which was greasy and disgusting.

Ji Shizhou took the meat back from her bowl and divided it in half. He ate the lean meat for her first.

After seeing her finish eating, he gave her the remaining half piece of fat meat, "The fat meat is for your stomach."

Su Jian: "..."

In order to supplement nutrition, Su Jian endured the fat and swallowed it.

When going to bed at night, Su Jian and Ji Shizhou lay down for a while, but Su Jian couldn't sleep, so she suggested: "Su Huai, you go to sleep next door, I think it's unfair to you."

"It's only fair to me not to leave you alone with him."

With these words, Ji Shizhou continued to sleep in the same room with Su Jian, but he did manage not to touch her.

Ji Shizhou has always slept honestly, lying in one place will not move, but Su Jian is not so honest and moves around.

(End of this chapter)

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