The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 917 There is 1 person willing to indulge you

Chapter 917 There Is Someone Who Would Love You

"Wearing a big swing, it's cute, and it's easy to walk." Liang Sheng had seen her in a mermaid skirt, and it was so beautiful that he couldn't help but take a second look.

There were too many people at the engagement ceremony, and he had selfish motives.

Su Weiwei thought for a while, "I still want to take the sexy route."

"Okay." Liang Sheng smiled and nodded, as long as she likes, anything is fine.

"Forget it, I'll wait for my sister to come back and ask her." Su Weiwei chose to choose, still trusting his sister's eyes.

Liang Sheng also smiled and said yes, "You come out, does Auntie know?"

"She knows, don't worry." Su Weiwei turned his face sideways and pinched his ear, which turned red, "Your ears are very red, are you shy?"

"You made it red." Liang Sheng touched the ear that hurt from her pinching, "I'm not shy."

"Just shy, you're shy." Su Weiwei began to bully him, she suddenly stopped, grabbed his collar and pulled him down a little, "If I kiss you now, will you be more shy?"

Su Erwei smiled mischievously, full of malice.

"Weiwei, don't make trouble." Liang Sheng stepped back and held her hand, "This is the downstairs of your house. If the elders see me, they will think I'm frivolous."

"Okay, I'm teasing you." Su Weiwei let go of him, Liang Sheng was still a traditional boy, he never made any overly intimate behaviors in front of his elders.

Su Weiwei thinks he is traditional, but he is not. Liang Sheng is just afraid of leaving a bad impression on her elders.

Liang Sheng came over on his bicycle and handed her an umbrella, "My mother drove my car away."

Su Weiwei was very happy about the improvement in the relationship between Liang Sheng and his mother, and happy for Liang Sheng.

Liang Sheng's mother also stayed in China because of their engagement. During this time, Liang Sheng and his mother became much closer.

Su Weiwei sat on the back seat and patted him on the shoulder, "I said a few days ago that I wanted to learn how to ride a bicycle. Just in time, after the movie is over, teach me how to ride a bicycle."

"Okay, I'll teach you."

Liang Sheng rode very slowly, Su Erwei urged him: "Put on a bit, it's too slow."

"I'm pedaling." Liang Sheng also just learned to ride a bicycle, and he rode very slowly, because he only heard that Su Weiwei wanted to ride a bicycle back to high school again a few days ago.

The boys and girls on the bicycle can see the exclamation mark of the people next to them. What a beautiful age, young and energetic, it is exactly the scene of their age when they fall in love.

There is no BMW fragrant car, but there is a simple smiling face.

When they arrived at the movie theater, Liang Sheng asked Su Weiwei to sit beside him and wait for him, while he queued up to buy snacks.

Liang Sheng bought popcorn and Coke, went to get movie tickets, and brought Su Weiwei into the arena.

This movie was shown to Su Erwei by her friend Amli, and it is probably about a pure campus youth romance movie.

Su Weiwei doesn't like watching these kinds of movies very much, but his taste has changed after falling in love recently, and he wants to watch some fresh and fresh romance movies.

Su Erwei sat down with Liang Sheng, and Liang Sheng held the Coke and popcorn she had drunk in his hand, and leaned into her ear and whispered: "Drink less Coke."

Su Weiwei took the Coke from his hand, drank only half of it in one gulp, and then smiled at him.

Liang Sheng shook his head helplessly, "After drinking this cup today, I won't be able to drink it again this week."

Su Erwei nodded, "Sure."

Su Erwei distracted him and drank his own cup. Liang Sheng actually noticed it, but he just pretended not to notice and pampered her.

(End of this chapter)

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