Chapter 920 Her little luck

She looked at his hands, "Hands are made to grow, go on."

Ji Shizhou didn't reach out to take it, but leaned closer to her face, "Help me."

Well, this ancestor started to commit crimes again, Su Jian took a piece of paper and wiped it for him, "It's ok."

Su Weiwei looked in the rearview mirror, this was an unbearable pain in life.

Ji Shizhou took his head away in satisfaction, and a smile gradually emerged.


Su Weiwei knocked on the door, the knock was very loud, and she was as excited as her mood, "Mom, we are back."

Zeng Mengyi opened the door, Su Weiwei squeezed into the room from Zeng Mengyi's side, Zeng Mengyi asked Su Jian: "This child is as excited as taking medicine today, what did you buy for her?"

Su Jian smiled, "I'm going to get engaged to someone I like tomorrow, so it's normal to be excited."

"No." Su Erwei turned his head away, and his eyes fell on Su Jian's abdomen, "Because of the little Beibei."

Zeng Mengyi didn't understand what it meant, so he asked Su Jian: "What did this child say?"

Su Jian was about to tell Zeng Mengyi about her pregnancy, but Su Erwei stepped forward, "My sister has a little nose in her stomach, and I have a nephew."

Zeng Mengyi was stunned for a few seconds, then looked at Su Jian's stomach in disbelief, "Yes?"

Su Jian nodded, calmly, "Yes."

"Really?" Zeng Mengyi was so excited that she couldn't speak. This mood was different from when she knew she was pregnant. There was more gratifying emotion in it.

"Yes." Su Jian nodded, "It's absolutely true."

"Wait a minute, I'll go and talk to Xiaohuai's parents." Zeng Mengyi was cooking, and when he heard the news that Su Jian was pregnant, he didn't cook, and went to the next door wearing an apron.

Su Baichuan and Li Zhener ran over, and Li Zhener took Su Jian's hand and squeezed it excitedly, "Jian Jian, is what your mother said true? Really?"

"Yes." Su Jian nodded, and shook Li Zhen'er's hand back, "If you don't believe me, ask Su Huai."

Li Zhen'er pulled Su Jian to sit down on the sofa, "Great, it just so happens that you and Su Huai are having a wedding on the fifth day of July, double happiness."

Li Zhener's eyes filled with tears, Su Baichuan wiped her tears with his sleeve, "Look at you, how bad it is for children to see."

Li Zhen'er wiped away her tears casually, and hurriedly said to Su Jian: "I'm exaggerating a bit, don't mind."

"No, I'm also happy." Su Jian knew that the child had always been Li Zhener's pain, and she could understand Li Zhener's mood at this moment.

Li Zhener's eyes were red, and she wanted to restrain her emotions. The more she restrained, the more uncomfortable she became. Su Jian couldn't help but gave her a hug.

"Your son's child." Su Jian gently stroked Li Zhen'er's back, "Your grandson will be named after Su Huai in the future."

This Su Feibi Su, this Su is Su Baichuan's Su, the grandson of the Su family.

Li Zhen'er hugged Su Jian's arm tightly in relief, "With you as our family's daughter-in-law, I, Li Zhen'er, don't know how many lifetimes of blessings I have had."

"I've been very lucky to have you guys."

Although Su Jian lost her father, Su Baichuan gave her a lot of love from her father, and Li Zhener also regarded her as her own daughter. Zeng Mengyi has always made her Fuyang, Zeng Mengyi will give her whatever she wants, and give all the tenderness to her. Su Jian and Su Erwei.

Later, she also met Ji Shizhou, married him, had a child, and was simply a winner in life.

After meeting Ji Shizhou, Su Weiwei underwent surgery and became a healthy person. My aunt had a son, and everything was perfect.

Ji Shizhou is her little luck, her life.

(End of this chapter)

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