The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 938 There is one person who is willing to give up everything for him

Chapter 938 There is a person who is willing to give up everything for him (second update)

Ji Shizhou wanted to go for the operation alone, but he also wanted Su Jian to be with her, and he would feel uneasy if he couldn't see her.

"I already have Su Yu, don't want it anymore, okay?" He gently rubbed her temples, feeling sorry for her.

"When the baby is born, you can go again when I am in confinement. There is no rush now." Su Jian paused, and said nicely, "You and I just take care of our health, win-win."

"Yeah." Ji Shizhou nodded. During her confinement period, he would naturally not go elsewhere and wanted to accompany her.

"I'll sleep for a while." Su Jian took his hand away, "You can do whatever you need to do, and don't worry about me."

Ji Shizhou told her to go to sleep. The weather in July was extremely hot, so he would still turn off the air conditioner for fear that she would catch a cold.

"Jian Jian, don't kick the quilt casually, you can't get sick now." Because of pregnancy, you can only fight the fever and cold by yourself, and you can't take medicine.

Su Jian took the words naturally, "Is it okay to get sick normally?"

"No." Ji Shizhou drew the curtains and went out lightly.

Su Jian had a headache that accompanied her all day long, and when she took a nap, she started dreaming again.

Recently, it is very easy to dream, always dreaming about that figure from the back, she can't see who it is.

I don't know if it's because the day is getting closer, so I don't dream of the night of death frequently.

After waking up, she will touch her belly next time to make sure the baby is still there.

When she was pregnant before, she was very happy, and the death was gradually forgotten, and she rarely thought about it, but recently, she thought about it frequently, and she began to panic.

This kid came at a bad time.

But thinking of Su Weiwei's surgery, she thought that there should be some changes in this life, and it should be possible.

Su Jian woke up from the nightmare and went to the bathroom to wash her face. The mobile phone on the cabinet kept vibrating.

Su Jian glanced at the unfamiliar phone number, Su Jian answered the phone, "No house, no insurance, no car, no loan, zero deposit."

She's really grumpy about these scam businesses, especially at this time.

The person on the phone was silent for a moment, then said, "Su Jian."

The voice was familiar, it was not a scam call, Su Jian asked politely: "Hello, who are you?"

"Did you forget that we still have cooperation, and you can't see you in the company, and plan to break the contract openly?" The man on the phone said casually.

It's not a threat, and the tone is very peaceful, but it sounds inexplicably uncomfortable.

But after all, the other party is a partner, and Su Jian's attitude is gentle: "I have already told my team to work overtime to catch up with the production, and the final draft will be sent to me to go through it, so the progress of the script will not be delayed."

"It's clearly stated in the contract that you participated in the whole process of production. Isn't it unreasonable to withdraw from the production now?" Not aggressive, just a kind reminder.

"My question, after the fifth day of July, I will go back and spend double the time on production." Su Jian has been communicating with the team through video recently, and of course the effect is much better than on-site communication.

"You are breaching the contract." Ji Yunzhan said lightly: "You are not a person without the spirit of contract."

Su Jian thought for a moment, "Mr. Ji, if you feel that your work has been delayed and the contract is terminated, I will pay liquidated damages according to the requirements of the contract."

Thinking of the tens of millions of liquidated damages, Su Jian was heartbroken, but she could sacrifice a little for the sake of getting married.

For the boss, pay!

The next step is to find the boss to pay, he is not short of money.

Come to think of it, Su Jian is still short of Cen Xixi, which is also a huge sum of money.


"Su Jian, I want to know what can make you so willing to break the contract."

There was no anger or displeasure in the voice, just a little curiosity about the truth behind her breaking the contract.

"Everyone in the company should know that I get married on the fifth day of July." Su Jian didn't know if Ji Yunzhan knew about her marriage on the fifth day of July, but with his ability, it should be easy to know.

But whether he is interested in knowing is another matter.

"Oh." Ji Yunzhan seemed to really not know, "This is a happy event."

"Yes." Su Jian said seriously, "You can't make money, and you can't do business, but there is only one wedding."

Ji Yunzhan asked: "How can you be sure that there is only one wedding in your life?"

This question was a bit presumptuous, and Su Jian didn't mind, "Of course."

Su Jian paused: "There is always someone who is worth breaking any contract for him. I care more about Su Huai than making money."

For the sake of the boss, let alone breaking the contract once, there is no problem breaking the contract ten times. Of course, the premise is that the boss helps pay the liquidated damages.

"Congratulations." Ji Yunzhan was silent, "However, the Ji family does not approve of your marriage."

"We don't need other people's approval for our marriage. This is a matter of our Su family. His surname used to be Ji, but his surname is Su now. He belongs to my Su Jian and has nothing to do with Ji's family."

Su Jian didn't say these things to him for no reason, this man appeared more and more frequently in her life, Su Jian had a bold guess.

Judging from her experience of watching too many bloody dramas about family grievances and struggles, this man may want to seduce her and break her relationship with Ji Shizhou, so as to hit Ji Shizhou.

Of course, it's purely speculation, there is no real hammer.

"There is no need to pay liquidated damages, and the cooperation will continue." Ji Yunzhan's voice was silent for a moment: "I wonder if there is a chance to have a glass of your wedding wine?"

Su Jian didn't welcome her, but for the sake of meeting them later, she couldn't help saying, "Yes, the fifth day of July, welcome to have a drink."

"I'm waiting for your wedding invitation." Ji Yunzhan said in a gentle voice, "Ah Shi is very lucky."

"I am also very lucky."

Ji Yunzhan didn't call back, he didn't know what he was thinking, and his voice was no longer on the phone.

After a while, Ji Yunzhan on the other end hung up the phone. Su Jian held the phone, wondering what the hell Ji Yunzhan was.

It's no wonder that Ji Shizhou's last life was gloomy, there are too many ghosts in Ji's family, they can't live like normal people.

Even in this life, Ji Shizhou has done a lot of dark things behind his back, Su Jian didn't go into it, she told him to let him keep the bottom line.

The third day of July.

Ji Shizhou took back the photo screen and washed many photos, all of which were wedding photos of the two of them.

He handed the photo to Su Jian, "Jian Jian, this is a wedding photo."

Su Jian flipped through the photos, most of them were snapped by photographers, very natural, like life photos.

Except that the hanging screen is a little more serious.

Ji Shizhou held the hanging screen and asked Su Jian: "Jian Jian, where is it hanging?"

Su Jian: "Wherever you want to hang it, it doesn't matter if you hang it outside the door." Everything is decided by the boss.

Ji Shizhou hung the hanging screen on the head of the bed, and put many display books.

He looked at the wedding photos in the room, and suddenly hugged her from behind, closed his eyes, and gently rubbed her side face.

Su Jian asked: "What's wrong?"

"It's a bit unreal." Ji Shizhou murmured in a low voice, fearing that he would suddenly wake up one day.

(End of this chapter)

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