The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 943 Su Huai, I'll wait for you

Chapter 943 Su Huai, I will wait for you to come back

Su Jian froze for a moment, remembering Li Zhener's expression today, she should have noticed it a long time ago, "When you came in today, right?"

Seeing that Su Jian's expression was calm, Cen Xixi nodded.

Su Jian took off the hair accessories on her head, went to the closet to find her own clothes and changed them on, Cen Xixi knew that Su Jian was always a calm person, even if she put a knife on her neck, Su Jian would not panic .

Su Jian changed her clothes and went out. There were not many people in the courtyard, and they all dispersed. Seeing Su Jian coming out, Fourth Young Master Qin rushed up to meet him, "Don't worry about that big nephew and his wife, Ah Shi is just going out to do some errands." , be back soon."

Cen Xixi clenched his fist and coughed lightly, Qin Si understood, "You know?"

"I just found out." Su Jian got up and was about to go out. Su Baichuan called Su Jian to stop him. Su Jian knew what they were thinking, so she nodded at them to reassure them, "I'll go and see."

The others did not stop, Su Baichuan told Su Jian: "Jian Jian, be careful on the road."

"Okay, I'll pay attention."

Su Jian's expression was the same as usual, there was no difference, Cen Xixi followed, Qin Si saw that Cen Xixi followed and also followed.

Qin Si drove them off. On the way, Qin Si introduced himself: "I am Ah Shi's fourth uncle. You should not be familiar with me, but it doesn't matter. We will be a family in the future. We will find a way for Ah Shi's affairs."

Qin Si knows that Ji Shizhou is not a good person, but with someone who cares, he should not do stupid things.

Su Jian greeted him: "Hello, fourth uncle."

Qin Si nodded repeatedly. As Ji Shizhou's former guardian, Qin Si expressed his satisfaction with Su Jian, calm and polite.

The captain of the police station is Qin Si's friend, and he knew what was going on when he saw Qin Si coming, so he asked Qin Si to wait a little.

The policeman who brought him told: "Half an hour, if you have anything to say, speak as soon as possible."

Hearing the voice, Su Jian looked over with a smile on her face, "Su Huai."

Even in this kind of place, Ji Shizhou's body was still clean and tidy, and he was meticulous. He looked a bit embarrassed, and he was still wearing the He uniform that he wore at the wedding today.

Seeing Su Jian, there were waves in the eyes that were calm like a pool of stagnant water, "Jian Jian, I'm sorry."

There was guilt in his eyes, the wedding was ruined.

The first time he met Su Jian was an apology, not an explanation, not because he admitted what he had done, but because he ruined the wedding.

"No need to apologize, the wedding went smoothly, but the bridal chamber was missing. As a human being, even if you go back, there will be less bridal chamber." Because she had a little nose in her belly.

"What's going on?" Su Jian asked him.

"It's okay, Jin Yan is missing, the police asked me to cooperate with the investigation, Jian Jian, trust me, this matter has nothing to do with me." Ji Shizhou didn't care what other people thought, only whether she believed him or not.

"I believe you, Su Huai, I am waiting for you to come back at home, my family will believe you, and my parents are at home waiting for you to go back." Su Jian walked over and raised her head to kiss the corner of his lips. It was a comforting touch. kiss.

Ji Shizhou felt relieved. Ever since he entered the police station, the corners of the expressionless man's lips had curved, and his eyes felt warm. "This is not a good place. Don't get caught in bad luck. Go back early."

"it is good."

Ji Shizhou watched Su Jian leave, and asked Qin Si and Cen Xixi to send Su Jian back.

Qin Si assured Ji Shizhou that he would send Su Jian back safely.

Ji Shizhou was taken away and entered the interrogation room.

(End of this chapter)

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