Chapter 961 Hypnosis
after an hour--

Ming Yi came out of the bedroom, just in time to see the food on the coffee table.

Ming Yi sat down and took his chopsticks to pick up some vegetables. Ji Yunzhan just came out and his eyes fell on the chopsticks he stretched out.

Ming Yi's extended chopsticks froze and froze in mid-air. After a while, he shyly retracted the chopsticks.

Ji Yunzhan put down the dish and asked him, "Are you ready?"

"Okay." Ming Yi put down his chopsticks and leaned against the sofa, "I still don't know what kind of medicine you sell in your gourd."

"you do not need to know."

Ji Yunzhan turned to go to the bedroom. After he walked in, he sat by the bed and waited for the person on the bed to wake up.

The person lying on the bed was in a deep sleep, with a calm and peaceful face, ignorant of worldly affairs.

He raised his hand, and his fingertips landed on her dull face. This face is always so calm. There are very few times when the mood swings are relatively large, and it is not as bright as a girl. It may not be in line with her age. calm.

Just such a dull face...

The sleeping person frowned, Ji Yunzhan sensed it, and withdrew his hand, waiting for her to wake up.

The person on the bed opened his eyes, and his dark eyes rolled around.

"Wake up." Ji Yunzhan lifted the quilt from her body, "Get up and eat something."

This is not the first time she saw this man, so she was calm when she opened her eyes and saw him.

Her head hurt a little, and there were a lot of messy things in her head. She tried to sort it out, and her head hurt even more.

Ji Yunzhan reached out to help her and took her off the bed, "How is it? What's uncomfortable?"

"My head hurts." Su Jian rubbed her head.

Ji Yunzhan stretched out his hands, put his hands on both sides of her temples, and rubbed her temples skillfully, "Is it better?"

Su Jian: "It's okay." But it's not the same.

Su Jian took his hand away, her body was a little floating when she was walking, and she almost fell to the ground, but the person behind her helped her.

"What's my name?" Su Jian rubbed her temples, "I forgot again."

"Yu Mo'er." Ji Yunzhan supported her body, "I told you yesterday, why did you forget?"

When she woke up yesterday, Ji Yunzhan told her so, her name is Yu Mo'er.

Su Jian nodded, and patted herself on the head, "Oh, I'm getting old, and my memory is not very good." I believe you!

When Su Jian went out with Ji Yunzhan, Ming Yi automatically gave up his seat. There was a bowl of black chicken soup on the coffee table, and he picked it up and handed it to Su Jian, "This is stewed for you."

Su Jian took the black-bone chicken soup, and smelled the smell, her stomach was overwhelmed. She put down the bowl and retched for a while.

Ming Yi was almost thrown up by Su Jian, looking at the meat in the bowl with a pale face, unable to eat any more.

Ji Yunzhan took out a piece of paper and handed it to her to wipe off the dirt from her mouth.

Su Jian apologized: "I'm sorry, I stained your carpet."

"It doesn't matter." Ji Yunzhan called the maid up, "Clean up."

Su Jian smelled it and couldn't eat it.

After the maid cleaned it up and replaced it with a new carpet, Ji Yunzhan scooped up another bowl of soup and handed it to Su Jian, "Eat as much as you want, the child in your belly also needs nutrition."

"Ah?" Su Jian seemed surprised, and subconsciously placed her hand on her abdomen, "Pregnant?"

"Yeah." Ji Yunzhan nodded, "You're pregnant."

"Oh, whose?" Su Jian gently stroked her abdomen.

Ji Yunzhan asked without answering, "What do you think?"

Su Jian raised her hand and pointed at Ji Yunzhan, her eyes flicked over Ji Yunzhan's dull face, she turned her hand in one direction, and pointed at Ming Yi, "His?"

"Cough!" Ming Yi who was drinking soup was choked.

(End of this chapter)

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