Chapter 965
After reading a few pages, he folded the corner of the book, "It's pretty detailed, I'll read more."

Ji Yunzhan took out the Pink Panther and handed it to her, "Toys for children."

Pink Panther, this toy is a show.

Su Jian picked up the Pink Panther and said "thank you".

Ji Yunzhan nodded and asked the maid to cook. After dinner, Su Jian went to bed early.

Ji Yunzhan asked the maid some questions, and then asked the maid to go back. He walked into the room where she was, sat by the bed, and asked in a low voice, "Are you asleep?"

"No." Su Jian opened her eyes and asked him, "What's the matter?"

Ji Yunzhan took out a new mobile phone, "The new mobile phone prepared for you, don't put it on your body on weekdays. The radiation is relatively large, which is not good for children."

Su Jian was a little surprised when she saw the phone, "Give it to me?"

"Well, there is my number and your brother's number in the phone." Ji Yunzhan nodded, and he lifted the quilt that had slipped to her heart, "Go to bed early."

After he finished speaking, he went out. Su Jian fiddled with the mobile phone, clicking here and there, with a faint smile on her lips. After playing for a while, she casually threw the mobile phone on the bedside table.


On the second day, Ji Yunzhan kept his promise and took Su Jian to go shopping.

Su Jian wanted to buy everything she saw, and Ji Yunzhan followed her. When she arrived at the jewelry store, Su Jian fell in love with a necklace. Because the price was extremely expensive, she took a second look.

Seeing that she liked it, Ji Yunzhan asked someone to wrap her up.

Coming out of the jewelry store, she had already gained a lot, Su Jian was not tired at all, and she still wanted to go shopping, Ji Yunzhan held her back, "Even if coming out makes you feel very happy, do so in moderation, don't forget that you are pregnant. "

"Yes." Su Jian seemed to be half a beat late in responding, "I almost forgot about the guy in my stomach."

He was carrying too many things in his hands, and it was inconvenient to hug her. Ji Yunzhan called a car and said, "Let's go back."

Su Jian suddenly said: "I want to eat hot pot."

"You're pregnant, eat less of these kinds of things." Ji Yunzhan thought for a while, "Buy some things and make them yourself, it's safer."

Su Jian nodded, "Alright."

Ji Yunzhan went to buy some ingredients and asked someone to deliver the hot pot base. When he returned, Ji Yunzhan started cooking in an orderly manner.

Ming Yi came over and clicked his tongue when he saw Ji Yunzhan cooking with his sleeves rolled up.

Ming Yi chatted with Su Jian, "Sister, does your head still hurt?"

"It's much better." Su Jian called out "brother" cooperatively, and asked their parents specifically.

Ming Yi said that the parents of the two died young, and he and Su Jian were the only ones at home, pulling her up with shit and pee, Su Jian was very moved.

After finishing the hot pot, Ji Yunzhan asked Su Jian to wash his hands and eat, but Ming Yi refused to leave and had a hot pot meal too.

Ji Yunzhan made hot pot with clear soup, because she couldn't let her eat it too spicy, Ming Yi made it clear that he likes spicy food, and no one paid attention to him.

After eating, Ji Yunzhan sent Ming Yi, his brother-in-law, out.

In the yard, Mingyi got into the car, "Is there anything unusual?"

"There is nothing abnormal for the time being, and she has not called anyone except me." Ji Yunzhan closed the car door casually, palmed the car door, and leaned down, "Come and see her anytime these two days, she really treats you as own brother."

"It's better to be careful." Ming Yi looked towards the direction of the light on the second floor, "I always feel that this woman is too shrewd. But, then again, if you care so much about the child in her belly, it can't be yours, right? "

Ji Yunzhan straightened up, turned and left.

Ming Yi's smile is not a smile, it's interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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