Chapter 967 It's Just Dead (Part [-])
After the two had dinner, Ji Yunzhan and Su Jian went to the hospital to get the test results. The people there said that they would not be able to come out for a while and told them to go get the test results tomorrow.

Su Jian and Ji Yunzhan had no choice but to go back first.

Su Jian's retching hasn't been particularly severe recently, and the period of morning sickness is probably almost over.

Ji Yunzhan was afraid that Su Jian would be bored, so when he went to get the test results, he took her with him.

Ji Yunzhan went in to get the test results, while Su Jian was waiting for him outside, honestly, without any unusual behavior.

After getting the result, Ji Yunzhan gave the test result to Su Jian, "The child is very healthy, come back for a checkup after a while."

Su Jian looked at the text under the photo, but she couldn't understand it either, only Ji Yunzhan said that the child was healthy.

It's good to be healthy, my child.

Her hand fell on her abdomen, caressing her gently, Ji Yunzhan saw her expression, and asked in a low voice, "What do you think?"

"Missing this child." Su Jian had a smile on her lips, "Thank you for this child."

Ji Yunzhan's eyes darkened slightly, "Thank you?"

"I think it's a good time for this child to come. At least I think it's not bad to have a child with you." There was a soft light in Su Jian's eyes, which was the mother's expectation for the imminent arrival of a child.

"Hmm." Ji Yunzhan looked at her abdomen, and put his hand on it, "Can I touch it?"

"En." Su Jian nodded.

Ji Yunzhan put his hand on her abdomen, feeling the little life conceived inside, which is the power of life, "the power of new life."

"Yes." Su Jian nodded emphatically, "It's a new force."

He suddenly squatted down, pressed against her abdomen, closed his eyes, listened to the rhythm of life, and murmured: "It's the proof of being loved."

Su Jian looked down at the man stuck to her abdomen, and was stunned for a moment, "You... like children very much?"

"He is a part of you." Ji Yunzhan whispered: "Naturally I like it."

Su Jian: "..."

Ji Yunzhan got up from the ground, took her by the hand, and led her for a walk. After walking for a while, Ji Yunzhan drove back.


On the other side, Ji Yecheng looked at the document in his hand, "This document is also destroyed, don't let Ah Shi find it, take a few people to country M tomorrow, I really want to meet this person."

"The other party clearly said that they cannot call the police, otherwise Su Jian will die."

"It's just right to die." Ji Yecheng snorted coldly, "So as not to block Ah Shi's way."

"If the young master knows about this, will he..."

"Don't let him know." Ji Yecheng's ambition is to let Ji Shizhou return to the Ji family and inherit the entire Ji family. With the relationship between Ji Shizhou and the Qin family, when the Qin family merges with the Ji family, no one can be The stumbling block of the Ji family.

The subordinate took the mobile phone and called it to Ji Yecheng, "The other party is calling."

Ji Yecheng answered the phone, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who we are." The man over there chuckled, "The important thing is that Su Jian is in our hands now. If we want to see her and bring Ji's core technology to country M, don't call the police, don't Play tricks, otherwise Su Jian will die too. At that time..."

The people over there were hesitant to speak, a casual threat.

"You think I care about her life?" Ji Yecheng is used to ordering others and doesn't like being threatened by others.

"You don't care, your precious grandson does." The person on the phone chuckled, "You kept him outside for ten years and ignored him, just to divert other people's attention. Those people are stupid, but we are not. If we take your grandson's life, I'm afraid your precious grandson will be useless."

Ji Shizhou's life is Su Jian, without his life, he will not have the courage to live.

"I'll send someone over, and you guarantee that woman's life." Ji Yecheng hung up the phone and ordered his subordinates: "Take someone to country M, and it's best to let that woman die in country M."


Ji Yecheng got off the car and entered the house. Zhao Shu'er came out of the kitchen wearing an apron. When she saw Ji Yecheng coming back, she went up to her, "I came back so early today."

"The company has nothing to do and came back." Ji Yecheng asked Zhao Shu'er, "Where is Ah Shi?"

"The police came to summon him, and he followed him, but he hasn't come back yet." Zhao Shu'er was a little worried, "Will Ah Shi get overwhelmed and not come back?"

"Let him go." Ji Yecheng remembered that he hadn't seen Ji Yunzhan for a long time, "Where's Yun Zhan?"

"I haven't contacted you for a long time. I don't know where I went." Zhao Shu'er thought for a while and asked, "Did Yun Zhan do something to upset you again?"

"I didn't do anything to make me unhappy." Ji Yecheng said to Zhao Shu'er: "I have to leave something to him."

Zhao Shu'er nodded quickly, "Okay, I'll contact him right away."

Zhao Shu'er started to contact Ji Yunzhan, and it took a long time to get in touch.

——M Country

"Yun Zhan, your dad is looking for you, you should come back some time, don't make your dad wait too long, lest he get angry."

When Ji Yunzhan received the call, he was silent for a moment, "What's the matter?"

"I don't know either. In short, you should come back early and don't make your dad wait too long. By the way, Ah Shi is being targeted by the police now. I guess your dad wants you to come back and help Ah Shi."

"En." Ji Yunzhan responded lightly: "Is there any more?"

"When you have time to persuade Ah, tell him not to be so awkward. The old man still loves him very much, but he just doesn't say anything."

Ji Yunzhan asked patiently, "Well, is there any more?"

"That's all." The woman hung up the phone.

Ji Yunzhan looked at the call page of the phone, and turned off the phone screen indifferently. He looked at Su Jian, who was studying with today's test results.

She is very happy.

Ji Yunzhan put down his hand, and took the inspection results she watched repeatedly, "I'll take you to a place tomorrow."

Su Jian asked curiously, "Where?"

"You'll know when you go." Ji Yunzhan stroked the back of her head, "Go to bed early today."

Su Jian nodded, "Okay."

She got up to rest, and when she reached the stairs, she turned her head and asked him, "Aren't you going to work? Why are you with me every day?"

"The company has nothing to do recently, just to accompany you." Ji Yunzhan asked her to rest and told her not to play with her mobile phone.

After Su Jian went back, she lay down and fell asleep.

Ji Yunzhan was leaning on the sofa, his eyes were deep, like a pool of water that couldn't see the ground, he couldn't figure it out, he closed his eyes, and suppressed the emotions in his eyes.

Opening his eyes again, the man's eyes were calm and unwavering. He went to open the wine cabinet and took out a bottle of wine.

The red liquid entered his throat, and he tasted it slowly. When the glass bottomed out, he poured another glass.

A bottle of red wine just fell apart.

When he got up, the maid saw him and went to help him up, "Sir, are you okay?"

Ji Yunzhan waved his hand and walked upstairs. When he reached the door of her room, he stayed for a while, opened the door and went in, approaching the person lying on the bed.

The man sat on the edge of the bed and bent down. In the darkness, he asked in a low voice, "Are you awake?"

(End of this chapter)

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