Chapter 970 Survival
After Leng Feibai went out, he found the computer, plugged in the USB flash drive, and watched the video inside.

He saw the people in Jiye City light their lighters and burn everything, including Su Jian.

With the barrels exploding, everything is gone and there is nothing left.

Leng Feibai held his head and fell into pain, Ji Yecheng...

Why ruin the only warmth in Ji Shizhou?Why?
Leng Feibai pulled out the USB flash drive, calmed down, and returned to the hospital to take care of Ji Shizhou.

He woke up many times and was given sedatives many times. Every time he woke up, he committed self-harm. Leng Feibai could only tie him to the bed.

Ji Shizhou was always in agitated mood, Leng Feibai had no choice but to tie him up.

After a long time, Ji Shizhou began to calm down, too calm, as calm as an unconscious puppet.

two months later—

Leng Feibai stopped his food and went in as usual, "Master, I'll ask someone to buy your favorite food on weekdays, eat some."

Ji Shizhou looked out the window with a numb expression, terribly empty.

"Young Master." Leng Fei filled the soup in vain, "Get better soon, then you can avenge Miss Su, and bring the person who killed her to justice."

Ji Shizhou numbly took the cold non-white soup. The soup was very hot, so he drank it straight away.

Leng Feibai was so frightened that he quickly grabbed it and put it away, "It's so hot, aren't you afraid that your mouth will rot?"

Ji Shizhou didn't react at all, just like a robot, he would do whatever he was asked to do without feeling.

Leng Feibai sat down, remained silent for a long time, took out a USB flash drive from his bag, and handed it to Ji Shizhou, "This is the evidence of arson in Ji Ye City, if you have the ability, you can capture Ji Ye City and Su Jian people are sent to prison.”

Leng Feibai paused, and satirized: "If you don't have the ability, let Su Jian die in vain, let your life go in vain, and let those people get away with it."

Ji Shizhou, whose eyes were numb and empty, suddenly lowered his head, biting his gauze-wrapped hand tightly, blood continuously overflowing.

Leng Feibai did not stop him, and continued: "You can let Su Jian die in vain, or you can choose to take revenge."

Ji Shizhou clenched his hand tightly, blood spilled little by little, and that piece of meat was almost bitten off by him.

Jane Jane...

Jane Jane...

His world suddenly became dark, and he couldn't see anything, only dark and damp, and he would be corroded a little bit, and maggots would grow.

"Master, you are the eldest grandson of the Ji family, you shouldn't be so cowardly." Leng Feibai sarcastically said, "Miss Su was killed because you were not strong enough."

"Jane..." Ji Shizhou said two words from between his teeth, his voice hoarse.

Seeing that he finally had a reaction, Leng Feibai breathed a sigh of relief, and gave him the food, "No matter what you want to do, you will only be strong after eating."

Ji Shizhou took the food, stuffed it into his mouth bit by bit, and swallowed it mechanically.

There is a burn on the collarbone and it has not fully recovered, and there are marks left after the operation.

After eating, he took the USB flash drive from Leng Feibai's hand, pulled out the infusion needle in his hand, "Go and go through the formalities and leave the hospital."

He got up and changed his hospital gown, and there was a burn on his back.

The burn on his neck had been skin-grafted, but the burn on his back had not been skin-grafted. After healed, deep and shallow scars were left behind, which looked hideous and terrifying.

Leng Feibai clenched the ring and necklace in his trouser pocket, and finally decided to return the ring and necklace to Ji Shizhou, "Master, I found them at the scene."

Ji Shizhou froze when he put on his clothes. The moment he saw the ring and necklace, his expression was crazy. He kissed the bloody ring and necklace, "Jian Jian, don't be afraid, I will come to accompany you soon."

(End of this chapter)

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