The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 972 Do you like him enough to die for him?

Chapter 972 Do you like him enough to die for him?

"What did you say?" Ji Yecheng was trembling with anger when he heard the news, "That bastard is really going to destroy Ji's family!"

"Old man, hurry up and think of a way. Ji Shizhou really wants to destroy Ji's family. He never thought about the slightest possibility of keeping Ji's family alive." The person who came to the stall supervisor was a person who had resigned from the board of directors.

They came to visit the prison one after another, hoping that Ji Yecheng would come forward to solve the current predicament.

Ji Shizhou was indeed crazy. He destroyed the Ji family's foundation and the entire Ji family as quickly as possible.

Ji Yecheng closed his eyes and calmed down, "Let him come to see me!"

"Currently Mr. Ji comes and goes without a trace, we have no way to contact him." The middle-aged man sighed long, "Now I want to see his ambition to fight for power rather than destroy Ji's family." ambition!"

"Go to contact him! You must contact him no matter what, I want to see him!" What Ji Yecheng had been pursuing all his life, he used the shortest time to destroy most of his efforts.

Ten days after contacting Ji Shizhou, he came to the visiting room, looked at Ji Yecheng's decadent face, his expression was numb and empty, "Looking for me?"

"Ashi, what exactly do you want to do? The Ji family is all yours! It's all yours! You are destroying your foundation!" Ji Yecheng was emotional, "Just because of a woman, you want to ruin your whole life Why, why are you so stupid!"

"My whole life has been ruined by you, and I don't mind making it worse." Ji Shizhou's heart had already begun to rot, it was rotten from the inside out, and the blood that flowed out was black.

"Ashi, you should develop the Ji family to be bigger and more terrifying. You should expand your power, and then you will be able to seek revenge from those people, instead of going to self-destruction like you are now!"

"Don't worry about it, no one can survive alone." Ji Shizhou hung up the phone, got up and left.

Ji Yecheng slammed on the soundproof glass desperately, he didn't know what was in his mouth, maybe he was calling him a beast.

Ji Shizhou couldn't hear it, nor did he intend to hear it.

After leaving the police station, a woman was waiting for him at the door. She had been waiting for a long time.

No matter how the outside world is turned upside down, she is still her, still the same as before, but there is a trace of confidence in her eyes that is inevitable.

Jiang Xi walked towards him and said softly, "Ah Shi."

Ji Shizhou didn't want to waste time with irrelevant people, he had to hurry up, and then he could catch up with Jian Jian and walk with her.

"Ah Shi!" Jiang Xi's voice became louder, trying to wake him up: "I've heard about Su Jian, although the outside world doesn't know what happened, but I know very well that she died in that fire Now, she has left you."

Ji Shizhou's footsteps stopped, he looked at Jiang Xi, there was no warmth in his eyes, and he asked, "Like me?"

Jiang Xi froze for a moment, his heart shook. He would never look at her before, let alone ask such a question. She thought he didn't know, but in fact he always knew, but he didn't care.

Now that Su Jian is dead, has this man finally started to notice her?
He asked again: "Like me?"

"Ah Shi, I like you. I have always had you in my heart and never changed. I thought you didn't know." In the end, Jiang Xi's expression was suddenly lonely, and he liked someone silently. He didn't have the courage to say it until today. .

She, Jiang Xi, was born a noble daughter, she was noble in front of others, and equally proud in queens, so she couldn't announce those likes.

Su Jian is dead, she needs to seize this opportunity tightly.

Ji Shizhou asked indifferently: "Can you die for me?"

(End of this chapter)

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