The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 974 One Arrow, Two Eagles

Chapter 974 Killing two birds with one stone (two more)

——Country M.

Ji Yunzhan and Su Jian were trying on wedding dresses in a bridal shop. Because the child grew up, her belly began to show, and the wedding dresses she tried on before could not be worn again.

He stood behind Yu Mo'er, looking at the woman in surprise, "Mo'er, do you like it?"

"It's okay." Su Jian nodded, "You choose it, just like it."

"If you don't like it, let's change to another one." Ji Yunzhan's expression was indifferent, "There is always a wedding dress that you like."

"It doesn't matter to me." Su Jian shrugged nonchalantly, "As long as you like it, I trust your vision."

After picking and choosing, Ji Yunzhan finally chose a slightly looser wedding dress, which could barely cover her pregnant belly.

"No matter what you wear, you must be the most beautiful bride." Ji Yunzhan squatted down, looked at her swollen belly, and said softly: "I seem to hear a child kicking you."

"Maybe you got it wrong." Su Jian smiled, "Let's go."

"it is good."

Accompanied by Ji Yunzhan, Su Jian bought the wedding dress. Seeing her growing belly, she felt more at ease.

Ji Yunzhan helped Su Jian into the car, and he seemed to have brought himself deeply into the role of being the father of the child in Su Jian's womb.

After Su Jian and Ji Yunzhan got into the car, a woman in a black trench coat and a black hat came out.

After Su Jian and Ji Yunzhan got into the car, she pulled back her hat, and a gloomy light flashed across her eyes.

The woman hooked her lips, with a cold smile hanging on the corner of her lips.

"Who is that?" A man came out and hugged a woman in a black windbreaker into his arms. "You came back to see him?"

"I don't see you, how do I know that he also has such affectionate moments." The woman sneered, "It's still to that woman."

She hated the woman to the bottom of her heart, every moment she wished to cut her into pieces and send her to the Palace of Hell to report.

"See, should you give up?" There was a scar on the man's face, which looked a bit hideous, but the man's face was very resolute.

"Give up?" The woman sneered, the smile on her lips disappeared, "I only want his heart."

"It's okay, I'll get you whatever you want." The man squeezed her jaw and kissed her hard, "Now, forget about him, I don't want you to still think about him when I kiss you .”

The woman kissed the man together, but her eyes were fixed on the leaving vehicle, her eyes were stained with insidiousness, as long as the poison in her eyes was slightly touched, there would be no bones left.


Ji Yunzhan looked at the rearview mirror, which reflected two people kissing together, and he lowered the window indifferently.

"Mo'er, I didn't invite a few people to the wedding the day after tomorrow. I don't have any family members. Do you mind?" Ji Yunzhan looked sideways at Su Jian.

"I don't mind, I don't care." Su Jian paused: "I don't have any family either, we will all be the same."

The weather is fine today, the sun shines in from the outside, falling on Su Jian's face, a bit dazzling, she closed her eyes.

"Just don't mind." Ji Yunzhan was afraid that the sun would hit her, so he reached out and pulled down the visor to block the sun that hit her face directly.

Back home, Su Jian ate something, then lay down on the sofa to rest, watching Ji Yunzhan get up to pack the tableware with a dazed expression.

When Ji Yunzhan came back to pack up, seeing that Su Jian was bored, he thought about it and tuned a financial program.

"Since Ji Shizhou took office, the Ji family is disintegrating at an alarming rate. Is there a problem with his ability, or is there already a huge problem in the company? May I ask Dr. Liu, what do you think of the Ji family after Ji Shizhou took office?" What about the decline?"

"After Ji Shizhou took office, the Ji family declined rapidly. This is something no one expected, but his previous group has developed very well. I have reason to doubt whether he has transferred the power of the Ji family to his own hands. Make Ji's an empty shell."

"Okay, let's continue..."

In the financial program, the host kept postponing the reasons for Ji's decline.

Ji Yunzhan put down the remote control and looked at it lightly.

Su Jian raised her hand to cover her mouth and yawned, "It's so boring."

Ji Yunzhan turned his head and saw that Su Jian was leaning on the sofa with a relaxed expression on his face. He looked away and picked up the remote control, "What do you want to see?"

Su Jian asked him: "There was a movie called "My Roommate and Me Sleeping on the Upper Bunk" which was very good. I haven't finished it yet, so you can transfer this one for me."

Ji Yunzhan turned on the TV, started searching, and found the movie she was talking about. The cover was beautiful, and the two leading actors were also very handsome.

It should be about socialist brotherhood.

Ji Yunzhan opened it and watched it with her.

It looked normal at first, but the more you look at the back, the more something is wrong, and the style of painting is getting more and more biased.

Su Jian watched with gusto. Ji Yunzhan wanted to change the movie, but she refused, "Let me watch the finale."

"You will learn to be bad." Ji Yunzhan looked at her, "You'd better not learn."

"Isn't that about two men? How can I learn?" Su Jian grabbed an apple on the coffee table and took a bite, "I don't even know whether I should substitute for the first man or the second man."

"I was thinking too much." Ji Yunzhan smiled and let her go. He took a bite out of the apple that Su Jian took a bite out of and peeled it with a fruit knife. "It's not hygienic if you don't peel it."

Seeing that the apple was taken by him, Su Jian took another unpeeled apple to chew, and Ji Yunzhan put it back again.

Ji Yunzhan handed the peeled fruit to Su Jian, "Here."

"Thank you." Su Jian nodded to him.

By the time the movie ended, Su Jian had already fallen asleep on the sofa.

Ji Yunzhan turned off the TV, picked up Su Jian who was lying on the sofa, and carried him towards the bedroom.

He put Su Jian on the bed, covered her with the quilt, gently tucked the corners of the quilt, and brushed aside the broken hair stuck to her face.

He leaned over, and within a centimeter, he stopped, stopped for a few seconds and then straightened up without touching her.

Ji Yunzhan closed the door and went out. The phone in his trouser pocket vibrated. He glanced in the direction of the bedroom and went to his bedroom to answer the phone.

He deliberately lowered his voice: "how is it?"

"Ji Shizhou and Ji Ye City have completely turned against each other. Ji Ye City is currently in the police station and there is no way to come out. The Ji family is almost destroyed in Ji Shizhou's hands. Even if Ji Ye City has a chance to come out, the Ji family will have no way The possibility of a comeback.”

Ming Yi thought for a while, "Where's my sister? How's the situation?"

"The situation is very stable." When she heard the news about Ji Shizhou, she didn't seem to have heard it at all, and she didn't feel familiar with Ji Shizhou.

Probably Ji Shizhou was erased from her heart forever.

"That's good, by the way, do you really want to marry her?" Ming Yi explained: "I don't mean to look down on her, I like her quite a bit, just because I think it's not good all the time, her I have the seeds of Ji Shizhou in my belly."

(End of this chapter)

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