The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 981 It's Good to Live

Chapter 981 It's Good to Live (Three Changes in One)

Su Jian changed the subject, "But, isn't it good for us to live?"

Isn't it good to be alive?Is there no motivation to live?The boss thinks about dying all day long, it's not shameful at all.

"Okay, alive." Ji Shizhou hugged her and refused to let go. The two hugged her in the same position for an unknown how long, and Ji Shizhou finally let go of her.

"Jian Jian, I'm sorry, I didn't protect you well, and I won't put you in any danger from now on." Ji Shizhou fell into self-condemnation every time he mentioned these things.

"I can protect myself." Su Jian paused, "Let's go back to China first, there is one thing I need to tell you."

"Okay." It's true that you can't stay here for long, this is Ji Yunzhan's territory, and here, Ji Shizhou is at a disadvantage after all.

Being able to find Su Jian so smoothly is thanks to Jin Yan for disrupting the situation.

"You rest in the hotel for a while, our plane will be here soon." Ji Shizhou took the phone to answer the phone, he didn't want Su Jian to hear something bad, so he went to the bathroom on purpose, his voice was very low .

When Ji Shizhou came out after answering the phone, Ji Shizhou pulled Su Jian up, "Jian Jian, let's go."

Su Jian and Ji Shizhou left the hotel, someone came to pick them up, and when they arrived at the airport, they took a connecting flight and left.

As the plane gradually moved away from the ground, Su Jian's hanging heart finally fell, "Su Huai, Jin Yan is not dead."

"I already know." Ji Shizhou just knew that Jin Yan was not dead, so he allowed Jin Yan to return to country M and caused Ji Yunzhan some trouble, so that Ji Shizhou had a chance to pick up Su Jian safe and sound.

Even if Ji Yunzhan's people don't show up, Ji Shizhou's people will show up, and Su Jian won't be in any danger.

When Ji Shizhou saw that Su Jian would not calm down, he couldn't wait for a moment, and would definitely take her away.

So the person who went to pick up Su Jian was Leng Feibai, he was very calm all the time.

"I suspect that Jin Yan's disappearance has nothing to do with Jin Yan." Su Jian told Ji Shizhou the number of ways she found, "Ji Yunzhan took Jin Yan away because she took a fancy to her heart. I know you and I are looking for it. When something happens to Jin Yan , the first person the police thought of was you. He appeared again and took me away, and created an explosion. He wanted you to kill each other with Ji Yecheng, destroy Ji's family, and then let you go to destruction, so, Don't be impulsive, lest you fall into Ji Yunzhan's hands."

Su Jian has been by Ji Yunzhan's side for so long, and he more or less knows the purpose of what Ji Yunzhan has done these years. He wants to destroy Ji's family, even if he doesn't know the reason, but Su Jian can be sure.

She thinks that there is no logical problem in her thinking.

"I know all about it." Ji Shizhou had already thought clearly during this period of time. What Ji Yunzhan did was to use his hands to destroy Ji's family, attack Jiye City, and then wait for him to go to destruction.

At that time, he didn't care, it was better to be destroyed, or to die badly, he didn't care about anything, he just wanted to bring these people to be buried with her.

"I don't care about anything, I just want you to be safe." On the plane, Ji Shizhou held her hand tightly.

He was afraid and didn't dare to let go of her hand again.

Su Jian knew that he was afraid and indulged his clinginess. Ji Shizhou's clinginess was not ordinary clinginess. He would follow her when she went to the bathroom. She didn't call Ji Shizhou who was standing outside the bathroom for a few seconds. Just panic.

He is like a frightened bird, he will fidget with fear whenever there is any movement.

Su Jian could understand him, she could only try to put his mind at ease, reassure him, and give him a sense of security.

In the bathroom, Su Jianhu confessed to him, saying that he likes him, that he loves him.

Ji Shizhou felt at ease even after listening to Su Jian's words.

Leng Feibai looked at the couple, and was glad that Su Jian was not dead and Ji Shizhou was safe, otherwise he really didn't know whether Ji Shizhou would perish after taking revenge.

When the plane landed, Su Jian's heart also fell to the ground.

Standing on the homeland, the air has become different, even the noisy human voice is a kind feeling.

It's a long-lost feeling.

Ji Shizhou took Su Jian into the car, "Mom and Dad don't know you're back, so let's go see them first."

Speaking of her parents, Su Jian's heart twitched. She didn't know how her family was doing during her disappearance.

"Do they know about my disappearance?" she asked.

"They only know that you are missing, and they are all looking for you." Ji Shizhou asked people to withdraw all the reports on the bombing case, just to prevent the people of the Su family from knowing the news of Su Jian's accident.

Fortunately, hers came back intact.

It's all worth it, well worth it.

Su Jian was also afraid that her family members would be too worried, and she felt very anxious when she returned home.

Su Jian first updated a message in Moments: Go home, don't read.

Soon, her circle of friends exploded, and they were all asking her what happened recently, she had disappeared for so long.

Soon, Su Jian's phone was ringing off the hook. Su Jian didn't answer, so she called Zeng Mengyi first.

Su Jian changed her account, she was afraid that Zeng Mengyi would not recognize her, so she opened her mouth first: "Mom, I'm back."

She tried to keep her voice calm.

Zeng Mengyi was stunned when he received the call, his voice trembling uncontrollably: "Jian Jian? Jian Jian?"

"Mom, it's me, don't worry, I'm back." Su Jian forwarded the video on WeChat, facing her own face, "I'm doing well, and I haven't suffered any grievances."

"I'll be right back." Zeng Mengyi hung up the phone.

Su Jian returned the calls to those who called her one by one.

When Su Jian returned home, Zeng Mengyi was the first to rush back. The moment she saw Su Jian, her legs went limp.

"Jane Jane!" Zeng Mengyi's eyes were red and swollen, his face was haggard, and he looked older than ten years.

"Mom, what's the matter with you? Are you feeling unwell?" Su Jian looked at Zeng Mengyi's pale face, and looked at her worriedly, "Why is your face so bad?"

"I'm fine, and I don't have any problems with my body." Zeng Mengyi looked at Su Jian carefully, checked and touched her hair from her hair to her feet, "What about you? Where did you hurt? Where did you touch? "

"I'm fine, I'm fine, look at my face, is it fat?" Su Jian grabbed Zeng Mengyi's hand and put it on her face, "Touch it if you don't believe me."

Zeng Mengyi did feel that Su Jian's face became rounder and more complex, and it was not as miserable as they imagined.

Ji Yunzhan was so polite to Su Jian. Although there was a conspiracy, it was true that he had never wronged her.

"Jian Jian, let mom give you a hug, okay?" Zeng Mengyi asked cautiously.

"Okay." Su Jian opened her arms to embrace Zeng Mengyi.

The two mother and daughter hugged each other for a while, the door was pushed open from the outside, and Su Baichuan and Li Zhen'er hurried over, their expressions anxious.

Seeing Su Jian, both of them were stunned, not knowing what to do.

Su Jian turned around, "Mom and Dad, I'm back intact, I'm sorry for worrying you."

"We are sorry for you, we did not protect you well, I am sorry, Jane, for making you wronged."

Li Zhen'er was more emotional. She hugged Su Jian, tears kept falling from her eyes, "I'm sorry, we are incompetent, we couldn't find you, and you were wronged. It's our fault. My mother-in-law is not competent at all."

"Mom and Dad, you are very good. You are the best parents-in-law, the best aunt and uncle I have ever seen." Su Jian gently patted Li Zhen'er's back to comfort her.

Su Jian knew that Li Zhen'er's body was delicate, and she didn't want to make her too emotional, "Mom, don't be like this, I want to cry, emotional excitement during pregnant women is not good for children."

The tears in Li Zhen'er's eyes stopped abruptly, and she looked down at her abdomen, shocked, "The child is still there."

They imagined countless situations, as long as Su Jian was well, everything would be fine, but they never thought that the child in Su Jian's belly was still there.

Li Zhen'er gently stroked her swollen abdomen, and cried again, "Su Yu is still here, this child must have a good life in the future, and if he survives a catastrophe, there will be future blessings."

"It's bad luck to say whether you're going to die or not." Su Baichuan hugged Li Zhen'er to comfort his wife's emotions, while asking about Su Jian's situation.

Everyone is excited for Su Jian to come back.

"Jianjian, give Weiwei a call. She will be very happy to know that you are back." Zeng Mengyi thought for a while, and confessed to Su Jian: "Weiwei didn't know about your disappearance. We concealed your news. You Don't tell her the truth."

Zeng Mengyi's words gave Su Jian a blow, and seeing Zeng Mengyi's pale face, he had a bad guess, "Weiwei is in the hospital?"

"Nothing, Liang Sheng was afraid that she would break down when she found out about you. He recently took Weiwei abroad and blocked your news from Weiwei. Now that you are back, call her to make her feel at ease .”

In order to protect Su Erwei, Liang Sheng told countless lies, most afraid that she would get worse when she knew about Su Jian.

"Okay. Su Jian called.

"Hello." The person who answered the phone was a little weak.

Su Jian's heart twitched, "It's me, are you feeling unwell?"

"Sister!" Su Weiwei was shocked, "Sister, is it really you?"

"It's me, I'm going home." Su Jian heard that something was wrong with Su Erwei, "Are you in the hospital?"

"No, sister, Liang Sheng and I are playing abroad." Su Weiwei suddenly regained his energy, but his voice still trembled uncontrollably: "Sister, I have had a lot of nightmares recently, I dreamed that you were beaten Dead, I dreamed that you were bleeding a lot, I was so scared."

"What are you afraid of? I'm lucky and fateful, and nothing will happen." Su Jian was worried about Su Erwei, "It's you, go home early, I'll clear your shopping cart when you come back."

"I'm ready." Su Weiwei laughed suddenly: "Sister, let me give you the account password."

Soon Su Weiwei sent the account password to Su Jian with a smiling face.

Su Jian looked at the message on the phone, dumbfounded, but also very relieved, it was good to be carefree like this.

A trace of worry flashed in Zeng Mengyi's eyes, "What does Weiwei say?"

"She asked me to clear her shopping cart." But Su Jian always felt that Su Er was full of her.

"This child." Zeng Mengyi smiled, "When will I grow up?"

"Su Weiwei is fine as he is now." Don't think about anything, live simply.

(End of this chapter)

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