The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 984 Just Remember Him

Chapter 984 Just Remember Him (Part [-])

After Su Jian met with Ji Shizhou's family, Ji Shizhou knew that the Su family missed Su Jian very much. He restrained his emotions and waited for Su Jian to follow them.

When the people of the Su family saw Su Jian coming back, they felt that there was no need to have future blessings if they survived the catastrophe, so they made a table full of fish and meat.

Su Jian ate a little too much. Since she stopped having morning sickness, Su Jian's appetite became better and better, and her pregnant belly became bigger and bigger.

After eating enough, Su Jian lay on the sofa and watched TV. She was actually a little tired, but when she saw her family, tears welled up in her eyes. She endured the exhaustion and watched TV with her family.

Seeing that Su Jian was very tired, Zeng Mengyi asked Ji Shizhou to take Su Jian to rest.

When we got to the room, Ji Shizhou changed the door.

He suddenly grabbed Su Jian's hand and asked, "Jian Jian, give me a hug."

"Okay." Su Jian went to hug him, wrapping her arms around his waist. She raised her head, saw the scar at the beginning of his collarbone, and put her hand on it, "What's going on here?"

Ji Shizhou's body was slightly stiff, "It's okay, I was scratched by something and left a scar."

Ji Shizhou hugged her tightly, and after a while, his face touched hers, "Jian Jian, kiss me."

"Okay." Su Jian tiptoed to kiss him, very patient, kissing him little by little, very gentle.

The two people's thoughts are in this kiss, which is gentle and lingering.

After kissing for a long time, Su Jian left him, panting.

"Jane Jane." Ji Shizhou suddenly held her hand, "touch me."

"What?" These words were so explosive that a simple person like Su Jian couldn't react immediately. I don't know if she misheard or she was thinking too much.

Ji Shizhou clings to her hand to touch his face, and he rubs against her palm, closing his eyes, obsessed and emotional, and whispers softly: "Jian Jian..."

Is Su Jian someone who can be satisfied just by touching her face?Of course not. Apart from touching his face, she also touched other places, but she couldn't feel it through the clothes.

She touched his abdomen and told Ji Shizhou, "Put up the clothes."

Ji Shizhou suddenly reached out and grabbed her hand, preventing her from touching his abdomen, "Jian Jian, don't touch it."

"Just touch." Su Jian forcibly touched his abdomen, but Ji Shizhou refused to let go.

Su Jian had a serious face, "What's wrong?"

"It doesn't feel very good." Ji Shizhou paused: "I haven't exercised recently."

puff!Su Jian laughed out loud, took his hand away, touched his abdomen, and it lost a lot, not a little.

"Why did you lose weight?" Su Jian looked at his pale face, his sunken eye sockets, the aftereffect of not resting for a long time.

Her hand fell on the eye socket, "The dark circles under the eyes are heavy, and the eyes are swollen. Didn't you sleep well, didn't you eat well?"

"No, I ate and slept well." Ji Shizhou's eye sockets were red and swollen, and suddenly became hot, "I just miss you, so much, I want to die."

Su Jian's eyes were blurred, and she tiptoed to kiss his eyes, "In the future, I will eat well, sleep well, and take care of my body."

"Yeah." Ji Shizhou nodded, and was so excited that she wept again when she kissed his eyes, "Listen to you."

Su Jian felt distressed. She knew that he must not have slept or eaten well. He was such a paranoid and terrible person. Knowing that something happened to her, it was impossible for her to live well.

She couldn't even imagine how he survived this period of time. When she thought of this, her heart ached.

She promised: "Su Huai, I will love you and love you in the future."

"Yeah." Ji Shizhou answered her, "I only want you to hurt and love me."

Su Jian was so distressed that she didn't want to care about anything, she just wanted to pamper him, "Su Huai, let's go to sleep."

It's a colored word.

"Okay, sleep." Ji Shizhou hugged her, put her gently on the bed, took off his shoes and lay beside her.

Just lying there, Su Jian looked at the ceiling.

What she wants is not to cover the quilt and just sleep.

She got a little closer to Ji Shizhou, and touched his face with her hands, "Su Huai, it's more comfortable to take off your clothes and sleep."

Ji Shizhou's face suddenly darkened, he shook his head, "There is Su Yu here, please do not look at evil."

Su Jian: "..." Rejected!Is it because I am getting old, or Su Yu is too strong!
Ji Shizhou held down her hand that was bumping around, and held it tightly, then pressed her hand to his heart, feeling his violent heartbeat.

His other hand landed on her pregnant belly, "I'm sorry for making you suffer a lot."

She was still pregnant with Su Yu, the two of them were very fortunate, but he was not by her side.

"Su Huai, I'm not bitter, not bitter at all. Ji Yunzhan has never done anything excessive to me. He treats me well, probably because he thinks I'm useful, so he waits on me all day long, not at all. Bitterness, Su Huai, don't be sad, and don't feel guilty." Su Jian was telling the truth, and he was the most distressing person.

No matter what Su Jian said, Ji Shizhou still felt that he hadn't protected her well, and felt distressed, guilty, blamed, regretted, hated...

Various emotions were intertwined, overwhelming him bit by bit.

"Su Huai, I don't remember something clearly. I feel like I've forgotten an important memory, but I can't remember it. I don't know what I've forgotten."

Ji Yunzhan asked Mingyi to hypnotize her. When she heard this word, she felt that it was not a good thing. She kept forcing herself to remember, constantly forcing herself to wake up, and pretended that she couldn't remember anything in front of them.

But in fact she remembered, but she did forget something.

Ji Shizhou's face turned pale, "Jian Jian, what did you forget?"

"I remember that I quarreled with you, but I don't know what it was because of the quarrel. I forgot the reason for the quarrel, but I remember that you were very angry that day, so I went to find you, and then something happened."

I remember the time before and after the accident, but I just can't remember why she quarreled with Ji Shizhou.

She paused and asked, "Did I do something that day to make you very angry?"

"Forget..." Ji Shizhou muttered to himself, she forgot those things, did everything change, she can live, but don't die at the age of 26?

"What did I do to make you very angry?" Su Jian has been thinking about this question. When she was at Ji Yunzhan's place, she was thinking that Ji Shizhou was a person who would not be angry with her. If she suddenly became so angry, she must have done it. Something wrong happened to upset him.

It must be her fault that the two of them quarreled, and even if it wasn't her fault, they must admit it.

The boss is right.

She inexplicably felt a little weird, where did the name "big brother" come from?She seemed to have forgotten too, forget it, forget it, it's not important.

Ji Shizhou suddenly hugged her heavily into his arms, "It's not important, you just need to remember me, you just need to remember me, nothing else is important."

Su Jian also thinks that it should be an irrelevant memory, so if you lose it, you will lose it.

"Su Huai." Su Jian paused, "I'm so greedy for your body."

(End of this chapter)

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