The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 986 Jian Jian, Don't Dislike Me

Chapter 986 Jane, don't dislike me (three in one)

"What's going on?" Su Jian's heart trembled, and she touched the uneven burns with her hands, "Why is there such a large scar?"

"Don't touch it, I know it's ugly." Ji Shizhou turned around, took her hand off her back, and held it in his palm, "Jane, it's ugly."

"What's wrong? Why did it become like this?" Su Jian didn't know what happened to him during this period. She was monitored by Ji Yunzhan, and she didn't dare to inquire about Ji Shizhou's affairs at all. Know what happened in Ji Shizhou.

Why is there such a large uneven scar on her body, which is so hideous and terrifying, she felt her heart clenched together when she saw it.

"A little burn, Jian Jian, will you dislike me?" Ji Shizhou was really afraid that Su Jian would dislike him, and the ugly scar on his back.

"Jian Jian, don't dislike me, okay? I will find a way to heal and remove the scars. Don't dislike me just because of this." Ji Shizhou was really afraid, since last night, afraid that she would see that A hideous scar.

Jian Jian is a perfectionist. No matter what she does or how she looks at people, she likes the ultimate perfection. He knew it very early on.

"No, not at all." Su Jian leaned over his body, put her hands on his back, and gently stroked those uneven surfaces.

When she touched him, his body stiffened.

Su Jian could feel his body trembling and frightened.

When Su Jian kissed him, Ji Shizhou was shocked, his expression was in a trance, "Jian"

"Su Huai, you're not ugly, not ugly at all." Su Jian said softly, kissing those scars once, and she hugged his body from behind, "Scars are the symbol of heroes, Su Huai, you are a hero."

"Really?" Ji Shizhou asked unconfidently: "Don't you like everything that is perfect?"

"In my eyes, no matter what you do, you are perfect. Even if you are not perfect, you are still perfect." Su Jian blurted out these words without any thought.

I don't know if it's out of distress or what.

Anyway, that's what she said.

Ji Shizhou was shocked, turned around trembling, picked her up and put her on the sink, "Jian Jian, I love you."

"I love you too." Su Jian paused, "You are my life."

"You are also my fate." Ji Shizhou kissed her very restrainedly, afraid of hurting Su Yu in her stomach.

Su Jian also wanted to bite someone, but seeing those hideous scars on Su Huai's back, her heart was as hot as cotton, and it was so soft that she couldn't bear to bite her, not at all.

"Jane Jane." Ji Shizhou suddenly raised his head, "Follow me to the hospital for an operation, okay?"

Jian Jian asked him to wait for Su Yu to be born, but he couldn't wait. After Su Yu was born, he had to take care of Jian Jian, and he couldn't leave. He had to do the operation before Su Yu was born.

"Okay, as long as you're happy." Su Jian nodded, as long as he was happy, he could have the surgery. Anyway, he was the one who was in charge, so she didn't like it.

"Thank you, Jane." Ji Shizhou couldn't help kissing her again, like a child who got candy, frantically wanting to express his love for the person who gave him candy.

"No thanks, it's your thing that was cut, I don't mind." Su Jian said that she wasn't panicking at all, since she wasn't the one who hurt anyway.

Ji Shizhou: "..."

His ears were a little red, showing his shyness after being molested by Su Jian.

She touched the tattoo on his heart, "Su Huai, don't worry, it won't be affected, I know."

"I asked, no, Jian Jian, don't dislike me." Ji Shizhou's eyes suddenly turned red, and he said with a bit of grievance: "I will work hard."

Seeing his serious appearance, Su Jian couldn't bear to treat him like this. Ji Shizhou loved her so much, and he remembered every word and word she said deeply in his heart.

"Come on, boy, you are the best." Su Jian patted him on the shoulder, "Put on your clothes."

"Yeah." Ji Shizhou went to get dressed, he didn't dare to put on his clothes in front of her, and he didn't dare to take off his clothes in front of her, because he didn't dare to let her see those horrible burns.

Now, it doesn't matter anymore. If Jian Jian doesn't care, he won't care either.

All he cared about was Su Jian, and he confessed every day: "Jian Jian, I love you, I love you so much, Jian Jian, when you don't love me anymore, don't tell me, I will be sad."

"What silly things, don't think so much, I will always love you."

She was about to take the opportunity to confess her love, when the phone vibrated suddenly, she picked up the phone, it was a strange call, she answered, "Hello, who are you?"

"Su Jian, have you forgotten me so quickly?" The man said with a faint smile, "We also have a marriage certificate and have hosted banquets."

Hearing the voice, Su Jian knew who it was. Su Jian's expression was cold, "I think Mr. Ji may have forgotten something. The person who held the banquet with you is Yu Mo'er, Yu Mingyi's sister, and has nothing to do with me."

"You have nothing to do with you." The man on the phone paused: "Is the child okay?"

"Very good. It's better now to meet my own father." Su Jian paused, "At the beginning you were the one who caught Jin Yan and lured Ji Shizhou to kill people for his heart. Later, when Ji Shizhou stopped midway, you used your plan to make Jin Yan disappear. , created the illusion of Jin Yan's death to catch Ji Shizhou, right?"

"No." Ji Yunzhan categorically denied it, with a light tone, "Even if it is, I won't admit it."

It really is a cunning fox.

"Ji Yunzhan, I know what you want to do."

"Then tell me, what do I want to do?" Ji Yunzhan suddenly became interested.

"You want to destroy Ji Ye City, the entire Ji family, and Ji Shizhou at the same time." Ji Yunzhan has been planning this double-edged plan for a long time.

"No." Ji Yunzhan also denied, "Even if it is, I won't admit it."

"Whether you admit it or not has nothing to do with me. I just ask casually to develop my reasoning ability and broaden my thinking."

Su Jian said casually: "Su Huai is out, I won't talk to you anymore, he will probably be angry."

Ji Yunzhan just smiled inexplicably, "Take care of your body, I hope that when we meet in two days, you will still be the same as before, don't lose weight."

"Of course, the food at home is delicious." Su Jian hung up the phone. Ji Shizhou had been listening to the call for a long time, and Su Jian did not avoid her.

"Ji Yunzhan's phone call, this person doesn't know what he's thinking." Su Jian confessed to Ji Shizhou that there was no secret between them.

"I know, you don't have to worry about these things, I will take care of them." Ji Shizhou took the tie for her, "Jian Jian, help me tie my tie."

This little ancestor, Su Jian really owes her.

She doesn't have the ability to distance at all, her bones are too soft.

Su Jian helped Ji Shizhou tie his tie, and after fastening the tie, Ji Shizhou sent Su Jian back to City B.

She had been away for so long, and he had organized her company in an orderly manner. In the cooperation with Yun Zhan, Ji Shizhou used his relationship and terminated the contract with Ji Yunzhan.

Su Jian returned to the company, and the people in the company saw Su Jian again, tears filled their eyes.

A woman rushed up suddenly and hugged Su Jian, "Idol, I finally saw you, luckily I didn't give up."

Su Jian saw clearly the person who rushed up to hug her, "Aren't you at the front desk in Ji Shizhou?"

"I changed jobs." The counter lady wiped her nose. "The boss didn't want to keep me, so I came here. Anyway, you are also a family. However, since I came here, you have never appeared in the company. It's a pity."

"It's a pity, meeting is fate." Su Jian asked her name: "What's your name?"

"Fang Ya'an." Fang Ya'an wanted to feel the idol's body temperature again, but when he saw Ji Shizhou's ice sculpture, he stepped back a little, "I'm your fan."

"Want to sign?" Su Jian asked.

"Yes!" Fang Ya'an nodded excitedly, "sign on my clothes."

Somebody handed Su Jian a pen, so she came along and signed her name on Fang Ya'an's clothes.

Fang Ya'an was moved to tears, the power of an idol is powerful.

When Xu Mo saw Su Jian came back, the first thing he paid attention to was Su Jian's belly, "The baby has grown up."


"After giving birth, I will be the child's godfather." If I can't be my own father, I will be a godfather. I am still a father, Xu Mo intends to curve himself into being a father.

"Okay, you will be the child's godfather." Su Jian indulged.

"Then I'll be the child's godmother!" Someone rushed up and offered to recommend himself.

"Okay, whatever." Su Jian indulged them.

After greeting the people in the company, Ji Shizhou and Su Jian left the company. Ji Shizhou planned to go directly to the hospital. Su Jian thought for a while, "Su Huai, go back to City C first, about the case of Jin Yan's murder."

"Jian Jian, I will take care of these things, don't worry about it." Ji Shizhou didn't want her to go to those unlucky places.

"I know what happened, it's more convenient for me to go." Su Jian paused, "Su Huai, if you want to protect me, I want to protect you too."

She did protect him, and from the age of 12, she began to protect him, pulled him out of hell, and constantly protected him.

Now, she still wants to protect him, he likes to be protected by her.

Ji Shizhou was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Okay."


Su Jian and Ji Shizhou returned to City C again. They didn't go home and went directly to the police station.

Su Jian told the police all about what happened this month, and told the police, "Jin Yan is not dead, the body you found is not Jin Yan, she is still alive, in country M, I think Ji Yunzhan should know what's going on, If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask Ji Yunzhan."

The policemen looked at each other, and the policeman who took the record nodded, "We know."

Ji Shizhou gave a USB flash drive to the police, "It contains Jin Yan's activity track."

The policeman took the flash drive, and said for a moment, "Mr. Ji, I'm sorry, I have disturbed you so much during this time, I hope you don't take it to heart."

Ji Shizhou nodded indifferently.

"Since Miss Su is fine, should Ji Yecheng be released?" the squadron leader asked tentatively.

"Intentional killing is not innocent."

After Ji Shizhou finished speaking, he took Su Jian and left.

(End of this chapter)

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