Chapter 988 Revenge
"Ji Yunzhan! Why did you do this!" Ji Yecheng was stabbed to the point of pain, furious.

If he can't come out, he will definitely crush Ji Yunzhan to death.

"Why?" Ji Yunzhan fell into deep thought, as if thinking about why he did this.

Because he hated Ji Yecheng's superior appearance so much, everyone was a dog raised by him.

Whoever Ji Yecheng asked them to bite, they had to bite, whoever Ji Yecheng asked them to lick, they had to lick.

In order to gain the joy of Ji Ye City, Zhao Shu'er sent her child who was less than ten years old to the place where hungry wolves lived, and competed with those desperadoes for food.

Seeing him covered in blood and coming back in a state of embarrassment, the woman would only say, "I didn't disappoint your father, it's good."

At the age of 15, the woman sent him to a place where mercenaries were trained for training. After a one-month survival in the wild, he fell into a cave and disappeared for a whole month. The woman never found him.

There is a position on his body, Zhao Shu'er can see his every move, but she never thinks of looking for him.

He devoured the beasts in the cave all day long, rats, snakes, everything that could be eaten, and everything that could not be eaten, he ate it once.

Seeing him coming back covered in blood, the woman didn't give him a second look, she just focused on making dinner for Ji Yecheng who was about to come back from get off work.

Seeing him in a mess, Ji Yecheng could only say: "Nothing."

He was already 15 years old, and Ji Yecheng asked him to lift up his clothes and beat him on the back with a thorn, making everyone laugh at him.

If Ji Yunzhan's mission is completed well, Ji Yecheng will give him women, and there are all kinds of women.

Among those women, Ji Yecheng used them and didn't want them.

He just wanted to tell Ji Yunzhan in this way that Ji Yecheng would always be his old man, and he could only live in his shadow for the rest of his life, and he could never do anything for him.

Whenever he fails to meet Ji Yecheng's requirements, Ji Yecheng will throw him into a group of men.

Those people are trapped in one place, and the newcomers are torn apart, or devoured.

Only by killing people can he crawl out of the nest of those beasts.

Ji Yecheng cultivated him, but suppressed him all the time.

Zhao Shu'er completely ignored these, her son was just a tool to please men.

When Ji Yunzhan did a good job, Zhao Shuer was happy, because Ji Yecheng would drag her to bed like a dog, and let this woman serve Ji Yecheng without dignity.

If Ji Yunzhan didn't do well and came back from the brink of death, Zhao Shu'er would still beat him, scold him, and return all the pain that Ji Yecheng inflicted on her to Ji Yunzhan.

Ji Yunzhan has always thought that this is how Ji's children are treated like dogs.

Until he saw Ji Shizhou, it turned out that not everyone in the Ji family was like him.

Ji Shizhou is different, it is a wolf kept outside by Ji Yecheng. One day, Ji Yecheng will hand over everything in the Ji family to Ji Shizhou.

The only blood that Ji Yecheng cares about is Ji Shizhou, the eldest grandson of the Ji family.

Ji Yecheng cared so much about everything about the Ji family, Ji Yunzhan wanted to destroy everything he cared about and leave him with nothing.

Ji Yecheng cared about power and Ji Shizhou, so he destroyed both.Ji Yunzhan just wanted to see what would happen to Ji Ye City.

Drive mad or become a prisoner, this is his will to live.

The members of Ji's family are all beasts without humanity, but Ji Shizhou is different, he has humanity in him.

(End of this chapter)

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