The big guy next door is handsome and soo

Chapter 990 Don't Let Anyone Touch Her

Chapter 990 Don't Let Anyone Touch Her

There was no hot water in the ward, Su Jian wanted to fetch hot water, but Ji Shizhou refused to let her go, "Jian Jian, don't move around."

"I haven't moved around. It's been more than four months now, and it's very stable." Su Jian reassured him, and got up to fetch hot water to wipe Ji Shizhou's body.

No one in the family knew about Ji Shizhou's operation, and Su Jian didn't intend to tell them. It wouldn't be too late to tell the family when Ji Shizhou was willing to talk about it.

When going to fetch hot water, Su Jian met a woman.

The woman's face was pale, seeing Su Jian running over desperately, holding Su Jian's hand tightly.

Su Jian looked coldly at the woman rushing over, "What do you want?"

The woman spoke anxiously, "Su Jian, I know your name is Su Jian."

"I also know that my name is Su Jian. What do you want?" Su Jian asked patiently.

"I want to see Ah Shi, Su Jian, I beg you to let me see him! I can only come and beg you!" Zhao Shu'er was about to kneel down, but was held back by Su Jian.

Su Jian got her up, "If you have anything to say, I will tell you. As for whether Su Yu would like to see you, I can't promise."

"Ask Ah Shi to help his grandfather. That's his own grandfather. Now that the Ji family has lost, the Ji family cannot live without the old man. He is the entire hope of the Ji family!"

Zhao Shu'er begged bitterly, but Su Jian understood clearly that she wanted to see Ji Shizhou, and wanted Ji Shizhou to find a way to get Ji Yecheng out.

In principle, Su Jian didn't like Ji Yecheng. He saved a lot of things by being inside, but when he came out, he would always create trouble for her and Su Jian, which was really annoying.

Moreover, Leng Feibai also told Su Jian how Ji Shizhou got the burns, and she was so distressed that she wanted to get a scar like his.

When she thought of the uneven scar on Ji Shizhou's back, she felt very distressed.

It's all caused by that bad old guy in Ji Ye City, and it's not worthy of sympathy.

"Okay, I'll go in and talk to Su Huai." Su Jian paused, "Let's say it first, don't rush in. If you disturb Su Huai's rest, I will get angry."

Zhao Shu'er nodded hurriedly, "Okay, I won't go in! Sorry to trouble you."

Su Jian fetched hot water and went back. When she saw Ji Shizhou, she hesitated, "Someone wants to see you, so that you can save Ji Ye City."

"I won't save you." Ji Shizhou refused without a wave, "I don't want anyone to stand between me and you."

Damn Ji Yecheng, he has the intention to kill, and if he has the intention to kill, he will definitely find a way to complete it.

Ji Shizhou won't let him out, and won't let Ji Yecheng meet Su Jian again.

"Okay, then don't save it." Su Jian put down the hot water and walked out.

Before she could speak, Zhao Shu'er had already grabbed Su Jian's hand excitedly, "What did he say?"

"Let go of me first." Su Jian moved away from the hand that was tightly holding her wrist, stepped back a little, kept a distance, and said, "No help."

Hearing the word "do not save", Zhao Shu'er suddenly rushed towards Su Jian like crazy, Su Jian avoided, Zhao Shu'er rushed forward again, "The old man has something to do, no one can live!"

Someone ran up and tore away Zhao Shu'er who was pounced on Su Jian again.

The man squeezed Zhao Shu'er's hand, nodded to Su Jian, apologetic, "I'm sorry, she's a little emotional."

When we met again, Ji Yunzhan was still indifferent, with no waves in his eyes, as if nothing had happened between the two of them.

Seeing Ji Yunzhan, Su Jian nodded calmly, "Take care of her, I can't guarantee that I won't do anything next time."

(End of this chapter)

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